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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Again? Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  2. Congratulations! Hope you have good weather for your Broads honeymoon. Helen
  3. I do agree with Vaughan’s points about the risks involved with paddle boarding, but several of them apply to other craft as well. After all, you can capsize and catch wiell’s disease when canoeing. There was some impressive windsurfing going on when we were at Oulton Broad almost a fortnight ago. The newer style windsurfing kit that has a plane underneath the board doesn’t half shift in a good breeze. Quite a few people falling off too, inevitably. I would have thought they as much at risk of colliding with other craft as paddle boarders, but wouldn’t dream of suggesting they shouldn’t be on the Broad. I agree with Peter’s observation that we need to be careful about suggesting that other types of ‘craft’ be restricted.
  4. Also, there are quite a few spots to wild moor between St Benet’s and the mouth of the Thurne, so don’t panic if all the formal moorings are taken.
  5. We have mudweighted in the past and have a dog, but only mudweighted on trips where we had hired a dinghy.
  6. We’ve also hired from NBD a couple of times and found the boats (hired the same type of boat twice) very comfortable and the staff very helpful.
  7. It’s the dry oil product.
  8. I don’t think it smells girly, despite the label. I’ve read somewhere that the active ingredient is citronella. I came across it when we were planning a trip to Scotland and I googled midge repellent. In my experience it also works against the horseflies and other pesky creatures that plague Meadow Dyke. On a complete tangent, now that I’ve typed ‘pesky’...do others recall ‘the pesky mod’? I still miss his posts. (For newbies, the Broadscot Lounge’ is named in memory of him).
  9. Just get yourself some Avon Skin So Soft. I know it sounds weird, but it works!
  10. Thanks for posting about your trip and I’m glad you had a good time. Looks the the birthdays were a success. Must try out The Wine Vaults ourselves soon! Helen
  11. Brilliant. Loved how you ignored the ‘speed limit’ and chugged along at 3mph. Also, double appreciation of the Wroxham Bridge pilot. I bet they get a lot of grief from people who don’t appreciate how fickle the water levels can be. Looking forward to your next instalment.
  12. Really enjoying this write up. Glad you got the opportunity to stop at Belaugh. We though it was special when we moored there earlier in July. Helen
  13. Wow, congratulations! Looks like you’ll be blessed weather wise for your honeymoon. Have a great time!
  14. Brilliant. Glad you had a good time.
  15. Beccles town centre is about a 10 minute walk uphill, shorter if you walk quickly. Oak Fired is a shorter walk. Looking at google maps Wheatacre looks undo-able unless by taxi.
  16. Have you tried The Wine Vaults or Graze at The White Horse? Failing that, there are very good reviews for the authentic pizzas at ‘Oak Fired at the Royal Oak’. That’s one of the closest places to the Yacht Station.
  17. Oh heck! I assumed you realised the White Lion isn’t in Beccles. Hope it hasn’t spoilt your evening.
  18. I don’t know whether to react with an eek! or an urrgh!
  19. Glad you didn’t find any corpses..either spider or human!
  20. There are also a few free moorings the the Dyke that runs down towards Oulton Broad
  21. The trouble with being becalmed on the Ant is that the end can suddenly pick up and blow you sideways before you’ve had a chance to get any forward motion (and therefore ability to steer). Been and done that...stuck in a tree.
  22. When we used to hire we preferred to store our (foldable) bags and crates on board so that one of us could finish off the packing whilst the other was helming the boat on our way back to the yard the final morning. But then, we don’t go solo like Grendel.
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