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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. No, no no! You might set a precedent for brevity of tales and we can't have that! Pleeese, we like detail, don't we folks.
  2. Thanks Bryan. I wonder if some yards have changed their policies around telling people to check weed filters etc. We were shown how to do the checks in last year's handover at Ferry Marina, but this year when we asked about the engine we were told we didn't need to check anything and that the yard engineers were happy to be called out should we have a problem. Actually we did have a sneaky look at the weed filters as the skippers manual explained how to locate them. Helen
  3. Thanks Robin, I've been tempted over the last few weeks to post a plea for the next instalment, but having an inkling of how much has been going on for you it's great that you got these out so quickly. Have you an update on how Sheila's Dad is doing? We've been praying he's making progress here... Helen
  4. Love the tale. Very amusing how Evening Shadow kept popping up unexpectedly. Glad it wasn't me helming at Yarmouth, I'd probably have panicked and made a mess of things. Sounds like you handled the situation in an exemplary fashion. We'll done!
  5. Ooh..err. As someone considering buying into a syndicate in future I hope all turns out well! Helen
  6. Hmmm...thanks for that info Doug. I'd got the impression from somewhere that Weyford could be a right pain to get to in a Hunter's. Time to reconsider our options! Helen
  7. Thanks for the foodie accounts! Much appreciated! Love the sound of both. The Wayford Bridge Inn and The Greyhound are definitely on my list of places to eat Sometime soon...though the Weyford Bridge will have to wait until we're on something with an engine. There's no way I want to quant that far! Helen
  8. It's lovely to hear that some (very important) things such as water quality have improved. There are a lot of complaints on forums about the EA (as well as the BA), but they must be doing something right to effect such improvements. Since booking with Faircraft Loynes for our September holiday (or NBD) I've noticed that they have a policy of advising hirers to bring environmentally friendly toiletries with them, and it looks like they also provide environmentally friendly washing up liquid and a fat trap. Perhaps it would help if other hire companies followed their lead? Helen
  9. Thanks so much for sharing your memories of this trip Jean. Much appreciated. Lovely video too! Helen
  10. Thanks so much for the write up Vaughan. It has added so much to my experience of having visited the Southern Broads recently, having noticed the Cockatrice house and admired it and having wondered what the wierd structure near Postwick was. It adds so much to the interest in the journey to know something of the history of the features along the rivers. Fascinating!
  11. YnysMon

    Thurne Lion

    One of the things I like about The White Horse is that there's a 'less fancy' standard menu and the more restaurant style monthly menu, so something for everyone hopefully. Sometimes I like to try something I haven't had before, other times I prefer something plainer. If Rick follows the same pattern at The Lion I would have thought that's a good way of pleasing most people.
  12. I'm with Simon on this one. The fact that we've got boats booked for the last week of June and last week of September didn't help that bereft feeling we got at the end of our jaunt early May. On an even more depressed note (sorry everyone), currently for us each trip comes with the added anxiety of whether we'll have to abandon our next set of plans because of my Mum's health. I'm half looking forward to the June trip and half feeling guilty about looking forward to it, and thinking that we probably won't make it anyway as my Mum is getting weaker by the day. At least she is out of hospital now, but acting on the advice of her Dr we asked our vicar to visit today to anoint Mum. It was very moving and it seemed to me that it has given her a sense of peace and strength. Sorry to go off thread a bit...it's a particularly difficult time just now, so forgive me if I'm even more ramblely than usual. Helen
  13. What a beautiful description of dawn on Rockland Broads, sounds idyllic. I too wake early when on the Broads, but I've mostly stayed in my bunk, not wanting to wake the rest of the crew. Perhaps your account will persuade my hubby to get up earlier! No need to consider my son, as it takes such an effort to wake him!
  14. Enjoying reading your account of your week so far. Well done at Neatishead. In a similar situation we completely chickened out! Looking forward to the rest of your tale. Helen
  15. Loved your description of your early start going down the Thurne. Very evocative...makes me even more impatient for our next trip!
  16. Good start to your tale...looking forward to hearing about the rest of your week. Glad to hear that you managed to get through to Coltishall. Helen
  17. Thanks for the recommendation. We've been considering whether to hire Rose Emblem some time. I take it that you marginally preferred Rose Emblem over White Emblem since you've hired it several times...? I agree wholeheartedly about the standard of the boats and service.
  18. To be fair, I don't think it's just about size. I don't think any of us here would make fun of someone being overweight. It's more about the amount of flesh on show...surely he could have found some shorts that weren't quite as low slung!
  19. Perhaps someone needs to come up with an alternative (Broads applicable) term to 'builders bottom'. and
  20. What a shame that you missed out on Gaye's Staithe. One for next time? Although I must admit that Paddy's Lane is on our wish list! Waiting for the next instalment (no pressure!). Helen
  21. p.s. looking forward to the rest of your tale...
  22. Lovely photo Jean, also loved your sense of excitement at spotting the yellow post! I know what you mean, I get all in a do-dah every single time we travel to the Broads and drive over the Postwick Viaduct toward our destination. By the way, travelling under it for the first time a month ago was another first (and quite exciting). I loved the signs saying it had a restricted clearance! Helen
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