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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. I must admit that I'm worried about not being able to pick up a signal in certain places when we are on the broads next week as my Mum is in hospital and I would want to dash back to Milton Keynes if her condition deteriorates. I'm only considering taking my holiday because she seems to have stabilised in the past fortnight.
  2. until
    Graham and Helen on board with broads novices Chris, Sandra and Barbara, and last but not least our puppy Seren.
  3. Has anyone else come across this website announcing that Radley's Broads Café will be opening in May? http://www.radleys.co/ Seems a bit odd that it wasn't mentioned in this EDP article published just last month about Radley's in Salhouse closing. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/salhouse-cafe-battle-reaches-boiling-point-as-one-owner-announces-business-will-be-closing-1-4917450 Helen
  4. I have an idea that I read somewhere that the planning permission came with a condition that a certain length of free mooring had to be provided. Can't remember where I read it though, so I might be making it up and raising false hopes.
  5. Do you know...I think I could follow this recipe! Sounds delish!
  6. 1976, etched into my mind as the year of the great drought. I sat my O levels that year. Fortunately for me and my sanity the weather wasn't that great until the day after I sat my final exam, then the scorcher set in. Yes! Unfortunately I wasn't able to appreciate a lot of it as after three days of sitting in the sun devouring the books I hadn't been able to read whilst revising I came out in a horrible heat rash. Sigh... I really regret that I didn't discover the Broads until 2015. Obviously the Broads were the place to be in 1976 (and every year since!).
  7. That's really lovely, brought a tear to my eye. Yes, it is all about family isn't it. My 90 year old Mum has been in hospital these last few weeks and I've been doing a lot of reflecting on how blessed I've been growing up surrounded by people who have loved and cherished me. I love the picture of the restored bench. It looks really special, a lovely memorial of Oscar.
  8. What beautiful craftsmanship! Not surprised at the onomatopoeia!
  9. Indeed - fancy being mad enough to buy something you can only see in low light!
  10. Has anyone on the forum been in a Hollister store? I once made the mistake of wandering into our local one in search of Christmas prezzies for my two sons. It was an odd combination of darkness illuminated by the odd spotlight. Having wondered why anyone would buy stuff they couldn't see properly I staggered out again, never to return! Helen
  11. Oops - tried to load a post on the wrong thread! Fortunately I noticed before the editing time expired!
  12. Welcome Meg! I'm getting 'greyer' by the day! Helen
  13. Well I'm ready, let's go! Seren's new DFD (dog flotation device, a fancy name for buoyancy aid) has just arrived. How exciting!
  14. In one of his videos Robin walked from Paddy's Lane moorings at Barton Turf to the White Horse at Neatishead. I can't remember how long the walk took though...at least 20 minutes but might have been more. Helen
  15. When Graham and I met I was in the sixth form and he was in the fifth. I had to 'demean' myself and visit the lower school lunchtimes to see him. That's love! I didn't half feel like a cradle snatcher (there's only six months between our ages). That was 40 years ago. Our relationship also survived going to different Universities. (Now there's a test of commitment!) We got married a week after Graham's graduation.
  16. My wonderful 90 year old Mum is in hospital at the moment, we hope that she will be back home with us if hopefully she gets a little better. She has always been there for me and my family. My father died when I was 8 months old, but thanks to my Mum I grew up loving him, at least his memory. Currently I have to occasionally chide her gently as she keeps saying that she's useless, and I try to remind her how much she has done thoughout her life, not least supporting us and her parents. Despite being a single parent, working full time, my Mum sewed and knitted lots of lovely fashionable outfits for me, excelled at baking, gardening, painting, cake decorating and flower arranging. Despite being quite shy, after her retirement she took on a number of leadership roles in the community. I do love her, and it breaks my heart to see her gradually failing her strength.
  17. I give up. I don't seem to be able to convey what I'm trying to get at. I absolutely agree that terrorists are not like us - but how did they get there? Tragically, we'll never eliminate some forms of violence in our society, but it's seems to me that unless we try to understand why people get radicalised we'll just get more terrorists and more horrible acts that tear victims and their families' lives apart. I just feel that the Brexit/Trump routes are a bit too simplistic, and I have a real fear that they might make things worse for us in the long term. That's all folks...I won't say any more on this topic.
  18. Hi Carole, I didn't mean we should appease terrorists. What I meant was that trends like Brexit and the things that Trump promised, such as building a wall between the US and Mexico, originate in our distrust of others, and seem to amplify that distrust of people who aren't 'like us'. It's like we're saying that we don't want certain people to be our neighbours. That tends to alienate people and make them more inclined to listen to those in their own communities that spout hate. It's all a vicious circle. Helen
  19. I fear that Brexit and Trump will make the situation worse ...the seeds of terrorism are sown by alienating people.
  20. All I can say to that is...eeeuck! And there was me innocently mulling over the idea of attending a meet when I get the chance. You certainly know how to put off a girl!
  21. Definitely no socks. Unlike Timbo's missis I wouldn't be seen out with Graham if he wore socks with his shorts. A sartorial no-no. I'm not normally fashion conscious (those who know me know that I'm the very opposite), but his lovely long legs look a lot nicer without the socks.
  22. Graham would probably be up to the baggy shorts challenge but I find my two sons hardly ever wear shorts...no idea why, it's not like they have knobbly knees or no muscles (I think they've both got rather nice legs, but I guess I'm a bit biased). What is it with today's youngsters? Anyway, today's shorts are pretty baggy compared to the tight shorts that were worn in the '70s and '80s! ...and I used to have a pair of culottes. Must have a look to see if I can find them!
  23. How lovely...thanks for posting this photo of Hunter's Yard's Luna. We've booked her for July this year. They way that this year is flying by that doesn't seem too far off now. We've also got a jaunt on one of Ferry Marina's boats in May to keep us going until then. Helen
  24. Since I've not been 'down sarf' yet and consider myself very much a newbie my list is obviously based on restricted experience. Still I think my favourites list includes one of two moorings not mentioned yet. Unfortunately several depend on getting under 'that bridge'. Here goes: Gaye's staithe A wild mooring on the bend near the entrance to the dyke that leads to Martham Broad (haven't actually moored overnight there yet, but it was so peaceful during a day-time mooring). Deep Go Dyke Fleet Dyke Mud-weighing on Hickling Broad. The downside of this one is having to take the dog ashore in a dinghy for its constitutional which is a bit of a faff but worth it. Helen
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