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Posts posted by Malanka

  1. If you're going to drink continental brews then consider Leffe or Hoegarden or any of the Ales from the monks in Belgium or Germany.


    Brugge Tripple is a one I have provided for Griff on occasion. Nearly 9% and lethal, dark brew not sweet at all like teenage largers..LOL. Stella indeed. Hmmppphhh 


    The kings arms in Ludham has at least one Leffe or used to.


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  2. Nobody from "Cheshire" is from ooop nooorf. Cheshire is posher than posh, apart of course from port sunlight .

    Mill towns did it, not posh landowners in Cheshire lol . 


    When we lived in Germany  we had the same type of system and Belgium too. Amazingly holidays in CH are also Canton based too. Just U.K. Being odd man out. Federal systems do work quite well. 


    Freedom for Lancashire.:default_drinks:

  3. Anyone from the North would have to say ya boo sucks to the southerners as ooop North especially in Lancashire and Yorkshire Mill towns we had so called wakes weeks (fortnight in june or july) a full month before the official school holidays start in August.

    As a child I NEVER had a holiday in August it was always the last week in June first week in July. This was arranged so that not every mill was idle at the same time the periods were stagered and everyone could get to Cleethorpes or the fylde coast (Blackpool or Fleetwood) for their holidays. Whole streets would disappear at the same time.

    It did shorten the summer break in August to 4 weeks ending in September though

    This was still happening in the 80s when alas I became an adult.



  4. I remember spending hours classifying and assessing things in our lab when i was a technician when these COSHH rules came in. Tipex was on the list, ink and lots of other inoquous stuff and so was every reagent we had in the place (hundreds of them).


    Pales into insignificance compared to a compatriot in the chem lab who had  pieces of radio-active glass pipette stuck in her elbow. Bits of it kept coming out at various times...Those were the days, youngsters today ... ha .

  5. Beware there are speedos in this video.


    Many thanks Robin 1991 had me and Fiona on the water on Silver Jubillee for her first Broads experience third week in July and it was a scorcher of a holiday too. We never looked back after our first holiday together so thank you for reminding me.



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  6. I agree with Marshman

    The thing to remember is that water is an incompressible liquid, which means that it can't be compressed in any way, all it can do is get thinner (shallow) and thicker (deeper) when in a channel, air pressure over the top resists this increase and helps the  decrease in depth and therefore the ends move futher away as pressure in the middle can't compress it (decrease volume) so it gets longer effectively (think of a hydraulic mechanism like the canal lifts).


    There is also the phenomenon of river running out and tide coming in at the same time so the water is flowng down river but at GY for instance the bridge heights get lower at the same time. A greek chappy worked all this out in a eureka moment thousands of years ago, I still struggle with it. My answer is to use my mark 1 eyeball and take into consideration what the tables tell me, but upstream rainfall, changes in land use (crops vs no crops) and air pressure potentially  make huge differences to water levels on the Broads. We see these differences as "Oh that's not what the table says...."


    As in all things from official bodies its bucket of salt and engage common sense time.



  7. The clue is in the name:

    Hard surface Biocide. That means it is designed to Kill living things. BIO (living) and CIDE (kill)

    It has ethoxylated alcohols with from 9 to 11 carbon molecules in them. These are  toxic in use (to humans) as well as the Benzalkonium Chloride (a cationic surfactant /quaternary ammonium compound) which has been used in low concentrations in Clean room wipes (used by operators) for decades. 

    In higher concentrations such as patio cleaners they are both extremely toxic causing burns and other irrritations and DO NOT GET IT IN THE EYES. The good part for patios is that they are surface active agents that adsorb to the surfaces and will remain behind for a while preventing re growth of the green goopy stuff. Not something I would wish to drop into a river not at these concentrations.


    Try caravan and boat wash , its completely biodegradeable non toxic and is a very effective cleaner. If you get rid of the green goop rather than try and kill it that's the best way forward. Power wash then clean. Using a Biocide to prevent green goop on boats is best kept to specialist chemicals under the water line. IMO of course.



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  8. You've always been patient Tim, an Archeologist without patience is as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Wooden boat owning whether one has deep pockets or acquired skills is, or rather, becomes an obsession. Just this next thing , then just this one more thing, then what is the next thing?   


    RT will be magnificent and both Fiona and I can't wait to cruise with you and your better half, hopefully RT will have lost her bash / idiot / oxygen thief magnet status by then too.


    • Like 3
  9. Low wash hull , simples. Wood, wood or er wood. 


    The Silver Jubilees and the rest of the Martham fleet all have the same thing that we do, a water line Chine which really reduces the disturbance of the displaced water. We have a roiling wash from the prop but it's flat not rooster tailed (raised) at all as all that takes place quite far under the boat and it comes out flat with very little noise too.


    When crossing Breydon at 10 mph we certainly demonstrate a huge wash and massive disturbances in the force (ooops ) water we can...


    The Martham designs are IMO the lowest wash boats on the system. Look good and sound great too.



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  10. Natural England:

    We're the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England, helping to protect England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide.

    Natural England is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.


    i.e. A quango. These are the numpties who desire and are on record as recommending that the sea defenses protecting the Broads and most of the Norfolk coast not be upgraded / repaired or otherwise improved. Nowhere in Britain is there any land that is not managed to some degree or other. How their position on an SSI nominated area are reconciled with their long term plan of allowing periodic complete inundation by the sea defeats me. Maybe left hand right hand or even oooh which agenda are we following today comrades? The one that benefits our local area or the one the commission instructed us is the way to go? I have zero time for them, an accountable DEFRA department post Brexit would be an ideal replacement. 


    South Downs, Sommerset Levels anyone??

    We don't have to make stuff up their incompetence shines through for all to see.


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  11. If anyone wants an Orphan blue fender we have one. Just ask when you see us as it's clogging up the front locker, no idea how it got there. Must have been Charlie Dolphin wot did it, I blame her.


    Can't wait for our new fendage either no need to lift them getting BA in and out anymore. Will leave us with quite a few of the old ones to help protect us (and BA if you want some) from shed bashes, which we seem to acrue at a steady rate these days.

  12. Griff mate I'm sure you mean precise to 0.1 mph as indeed is our Etrex. (recommended by your good self) Accurate to same naaa mate no can do.

    We have the same issue when towing Mini too, without, we are flat as the proverbial up to any applicable speed limit in almost any area you like. As you have helmed the mighty old lady you know what I mean. Any Ranger volunteer or otherwise should have known better than to wave you down for 0.2 over any limit. One shouldn't mock the afflicted of course but that particular oxygen thief with that attitude and zero common sense should never have been accepted into the team in the first place. IMO of course. 

    Whatever our speed and we don't always use the Etrex, our general response from the lovely group of Rangers is normally a cheery wave and a bit of banter. The latest Banter concerns the newly modernised ranger station on the Ant Just after Irstead and the ice house. When passing said station with no less than 4 of the little darlings clustered about their new decking I enquired as to where on the newly acquired level plot were the sun loungers, the Jacuzzi and Chiminea going to be installled. It's such a nice spot I may volunteer to man the speed gun myself and while away a few hours. Feet in Jacuzzi, tasty sausages on the Chiminea, tasty fermented grape based fruity beverage in hand of course.

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  13. Tim (the Nun)

    I think you almost hit the nail completely in but not quite far enough. Many conservation bodies these days and some charities (RSPCA to name one) have been shifted in their stance by the influx of people who not only don't have a clue about preservation or conservation or natural autogenic sucession (to get technical) but a clue about anything technical or scientific to any degree at all. Far too many degrees in Victorian American Literature for women (PhD) Ex leader of the Greens (nature loving ? )    

    They profess to love something they haven't a clue about, or the understanding necessary to make meaningful decisions and policy.


    The sort of person who puts humane mouse traps down not realising they may potentially decimate the shrew population which is already very small.


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  14. Hi Robin,

    Thank you for the compliment I really appreciate it. In my job I get to sit and read, then read some more , read again, then every now and again make a decision, do some planning, adjust a budget or two, then go back to the reading. So my days consist of constant learning and reading about many things (I can't just read medical papers all day I would expire from boredom). The figures I gave for India and China are actually very conservative and in fact both countries have populations larger than the one in the EU that earns above average EU wages. The numbers come from my ex-company (so are out of date now by a big margin but are the only ones I knew of) and of course are for market penetration and sales purposes.


    I was also very lucky to spend 6 years at Uni (almost as much time as Timbo the nun) so I have a diverse range of interests which my work allows me to indulge to some degree. I still lecture on the european circuit in a field I am no longer active in, mainly because with some colleagues we published best practice papers for the industry to follow. Vienna in 6 weeks is the next venue so I must crack on and write the presentation...OOOps.   After Vienna is floating time again...

  15. Hi Folks


    Malanka is fixed. The drive plate was the issue and it has been replaced. The heat exchanger filler was loose too and has been re-sealed and fixed also. River trials today (just an excuse to cruise up and down I think).


    Invoice hopefully raised Friday paid Friday via IBAN then she will stay there until we can arrange transport back to Stalham were some lovely brand new non-ball fenders await to be fitted, so she will look very dapper in her new livery and fendage. 


    A volunteer has been found and the plan is Next Friday trip back to Stalham. I'm sure if someone wanted to go for a nice trip on the river and wanted to accompany said volunteer I'm sure that could be arranged.   PM me...

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  16. Hi Robin


    That's a very good idea and actually very close to my own motivation too. One of the issues is precisely as you describe it. China India, Indonesia, Brasil,  all building coal stations (in the case of China commissioning one per week) and going hell for leather for industrialisation and expecting the developed world to help pay for it. I thought that's what the sale of goods and services did, it paid for our industrialisation, now we are expected to pay twice. Doesn't add up to me.

    I was also pointing out that someone's idea of green is another persons, thousands of miles away and hidden, nighmare of exploitation if they (the manipulators) can get away with it. OK hundreds of years ago the manipulators were us (uk and Europe) but now we are just to sit back and let it happen again? We have two hybrid cars and finding out where some of the materials came from made me feel very sick. Windfarms use the same materials also by the way.

    We only have to look at our beautiful Broads to see what reducing pollution can achieve. Cormorants and Heron used to be a very rare thing in the seventies, now they are tuppence a bucket as my Dad would have said. That's also a lesson in things can change too. My son has been in India for the past two months and I can't wait to hear of his work adventures (he was working there). I have been myself but quite a few years ago now (2005), even then it was going ballistic with development all over the place and now boasts the most expensive house (Mumbai) in the world and a population of over 50-75 million that earn above the EU average. The number in China with the same is over 100 million.  


    Things can change and the curve for life expectancy shows just how far some have come in a tenth of the time it took us to achieve the same things. Mainly because we invented a lot of stuff they now use routinely but the points the same. I can't wait for that more equal world and I hope I live long enough to experience it.

    With regards to Poker I am more of a bridge man myself, and yes I possess slippers too. No pipe though..


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  17. Sorry for the extra R. 


    Sorry rascal I don't accept your inevitable conclusion. Many people underestimate the ingenuity of the human species. I am not one of them.  Supply demand and the human spirit have taken us from tallow lamps to tesla vehicles in not very long.

    Catastrophy predicting models don't frighten me they give me opportunities. I'm sorry you don't feel the same.  

    When you give up hope you have already admitted  defeat. Remind me to play poker with you sometime.

    you and I don't share the same view of the world but then I grew up under the shadow of nuclear annihilation and believe me if fealt real. If you chose to investigate go read a book entitled beneath the city streets. 

    My locale was scheduled for 80% casualties and my uncle had a nuclear ticker in his home so it was very real. 

    I have three fully empowered children gifted enough to make a real difference in the world. Our society as you describe us is not over by a long way and nothing is inevitable , I really don't know how anyone thinks like that  I really don't.



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  18. On ‎25‎.‎08‎.‎2017 at 11:35, LondonRascal said:

    To be honest, it does annoy me when with this ongoing view that electric cars are somehow no better off overall to run for the environment than traditionally powered cars be them fueled by petrol, diesel or even bio-fuels.

    Some will tell you that electric cars have higher emissions when they are built than a ‘normal car’ production line. Then they will say that electric cars also use electricity that has its own carbon footprint and pollution and when you put these two together these factors are somehow something of a hidden secret that people like Tesla would rather hush because if it was really known it would negate any climate benefit of electric cars.


    One of the most irritating things when discussing electric car emissions is the way it’s always very black and white.  In one corner you have the ‘zero emissions’ brigade and in the other the ‘worse than combustion engine’ people. But real life comes in shades of grey. Yes making an electric car has a bigger footprint so far as emissions go it is all about the fuel mix of the power you use.

    Using coal powered electricity electric cars do nothing to cut emissions, using natural gas electricity they’re like a top hybrid and using low carbon power they result in less than half the total emissions of the best combustion car - manufacturing included.

    You can find a wealth of details online about how manufacturing in different countries use different amounts of power – India and China are awful places to have stuff made because the power that runs their factories is coal based.  This means building an electric car there has a bigger impact than one built in the likes of France who has a big nuclear powered grid.

    Now from where  I am in London and being told how bad the air pollution is on a local level borough by borough worries me and is very much on my doorstep. Yet out in sunny Hertfordshire they have things better so increasingly it is not just about what emissions are made on a countrywide scale but on a local scale and that is where zero emission cars (and even now single and double decker buses in London) make a big difference to the locality even if their 'juice' was generate by burning coal which on a larger countrywide scale added more emissions to the atmosphere.

    Electric cars are relatively new at a commercial scale at least, and are dealing with issues of cost, range and charging speed. Despite this they offer real hope for reducing carbon emissions and improving local air quality and limiting noise too. Electric cars are far from perfect (and I don’t just mean in terms of range - having sat in a Tesla Model S, their build quality is not quite up with a large car company) and I agree  there are plenty of valid ways to have a dig at electric cars generally.  But let’s not pretend that a petrol or diesel car can compete with an electric car in terms of emissions.  It’s just not a contest.

    Give an electric car the right sort of power generated in the right sort of way and it crushes combustion engines completely. This sort of thing is happening, over and over with farmers now turning not to harvesting Wheat but power with acres of solar panels.  We have more wind farms than ever and so slowly but surely we are moving towards a more sustainable way to generate power.

    Talking of which this cleaver website shows the status in real time of the UK National Grid and how much and where the power is coming from: http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/

    Hi Rascal, you are almost fully correct. Electirc cars (the model studied was a tesla) will save carbon dioxide, many studies have been done to illustrate the point. They are all scientifically based with the correct null hypothesis and results statistically valid at a reasonable 95 % confidence interval.

    The issue particularly in the US where the governments, both state (particularly CA) and federal, subsidises the manufacture / sale of every vehicle so in effect this subsidy is equivalent to the cost of the carbon being saved. The study was done in the US where the cost of electricity is many pounds per KwH lower than ours (yours, we have tons of hydro here) and generated with less Carbon dioxide emmissions too.

    In the US the agreement is to subsidise the manufacture of the first  80,000 electic cars from every manufacturer. Tesla now has sold over 70,000 vehicles so they in deep doo doo quite soon. California has said they will pick up the subsidy when the fed withdraws theirs, I'm not sure my tax paying colleagues in Sorrento Valley will like that idea.

    Bjorn Lomborg a well known guy in the field calculated the tons of carbon saved vs a gas (not diesel) powered SUV of the type so prevalent in the US car sales figures. This is all good and very nice, the issue is that the current price of a ton of carbon is less than 50 dollars US, an offset for which you can trade internationally. The current subsidy to the company via the user from the Gov is around 10,000 dollars US per car. So the carbon saved effectively costs 10,000 dollars. The real kicker is over the lifecycle of the vehicle, including the scrappage and disposal costs the total ammount of carbon saved is a very modest 1.0 ton.

    If this was every car in the world that's a huge and quite effective reduction. However 50 dollars vs 10,000 dollars. It works, yes very true but it's a damn expensive way to make a point about electric cars when alternatives such as Hydrogen fuel cells require less subsidy than that, and have a much bigger carbon lifetime saving than electric ones. From my perspective I want to save but not at any cost when alternatives are clearly available right now. I really don't understand why we don't invest in reseach into hydrogen based fuels rather than carbon based fuels, all the H but none or very little of the C. All I can think of is that as you put it the source of the electricitty is everything which is very true but if we all drive hydrogen powered cars and the generation of the hydrogen is centralised rather than plug in down the road then reliable consistent 24/7 sources of electricity are required. Renewables are great but require backup and reliable currently less so. 

    I spoke about scandals earlier I know with your mind you love to dig and discover, have a look at STORR (Government emergency back up electricity generation plans and sources) and post what you think of what you find. I was appalled. No sense from Government but hey should I have been surprised.

    By the way, the Pay Pal idea guy (Ellon Musk) his companies are currrently into the US taxpayer for subsidies (wait for it) of over 6.0 BILLION  dollars. Never turned a profit in his life from a manufacturing enterprise and won't yet reveal the costs / losses from his Space X adventure. Some private investors are in for a shocking wake up. I'm glad I passed on that one.

    • Thanks 1
  19. Presumably powered by fairy dust fed Unicorn farts too.


    Simply ask the political numpties to do the enegery in energy out equations .... errrmmm wot dat den ???

    Two Scientist / Engineers in the whole of the lower house.


    Graham Stringer being the best of them.

  20. Anyone who wants to believe battery based electric anything is even remotely green has been sniffing way to much of the bar maids apron . Where do the rare earth metals that are essential for the lovely lithium batteries ( not the lithium itself) and electric motors come from. Where does the copper come from, where does the aluminum come from, where does the glass fibre resin come from, where does the glass fibre come from ? With regard to the metals it's actually from a Chinese Brokerage company via the DRC where little boys dig it out of the ground for not much at eight years old. 

    It may at the user end upset the environment less than other forms of locomotion. What goes into getting it there is a fair trade scandal of huge proportions that is only just now being discussed . 

    Put it this way,  Rare Earth Metal mining was banned in the USA as being way too toxic to the environment. Doh! You can't make this stuff up. 

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