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Everything posted by Londonlad1985

  1. The amount of bog roll they give you on hire boat i wouldn't be surprised!
  2. Don't suck it up. We live in a country that regulates energy and trade. And Robin knows his stuff. Don't let people walk over you so easily.... question everything check every fact and figure. There is always someone willing to take your money. Don't let them do it without a fight.
  3. Blimey! That's a whack. Do you get a price per unit? As the marina are charging for electricity are they governed by ofgem? can you challenge their rate?
  4. Blimey! Surely that's official confirmation then! Bradley Walsh only deals in facts!
  5. When i withdrew some cash to pay for some building works I'd had done, the cashier asked what i wanted it for?! I asked why she wanted to know she said it was for anti money laundering rules. She said she had to put something in the box on her screen. I toyed with the idea of telling her is was for a surface to air missile system for the roof but thought better if it. I must admit I wouldn't know how to launder money anyway I've never got the hang of the washing machine but i wonder if anyone planning on laundering money would tell the bank cashier! (Sorry slightly off topic but I've typed it now) Keep up the good work Robin!
  6. Fantastic! The grammatical errors is great! You somehow associate slipping grammatical standards with the internet age of talentless celebrity....Just goes to show! ;)
  7. Welcome! Sounds great! Can't wait to hear about your adventures!
  8. If you look at any city that has mass cycling you get a messy mass of bikes at key destinations. I hope British local councils and the public accept this if they want mass cycling! (I think mass cycling is a good thing)
  9. Amsterdam's hire bikes are relatively unsuccessful due to high private bike ownership. They have many hire shops that hire bikes for tourists. I think it's great that you get piles of un locked private bikes at station during the day and come evening they they are all gone and the systems mostly just works. It's similar in Copenhagen.
  10. I think the same could be said of many holiday destinations to be fair. Which i suppose is why many people choose to visit a few weeks a year rather than live there. I must admit the thought of a winter break afloat is appealing though!
  11. Thanks Andrew. It was my pleasure.
  12. I know Joe the UK boss and as this is a disruptive technology i think they are quite nervous about early government intervention as there is little legislation for these types of schemes at the moment. There will be no outer limit on where the bikes can be taken. However app users are disincentivised by a points system. The green boundary (attached) is the outer limit for the points system.
  13. Looks like the latest disruptive technology is coming to Norwich! Having just worked on a similar scheme with a firm called Urbo in Walthamstow I hope OfO make a success of it. You can never have enough sustainable transport options. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/ofo-to-launch-in-norwich-1-5256356
  14. Haha broads addiction! I've been suffering too! Freedom Boats hire over Christmas i think. But they don't let you go north.
  15. Sounding great so far! Love the jeopardy build up with the hitherto unkown auxiliary drive belt damage!
  16. I hope they keep it going in some capacity! It's a fav of mine when I'm stuck in the office on a sunny day!
  17. Excellent!! I had Soprano1 for a week this September. A very comfortable boat for the money. A point to note the fly deck steering seemed more responsive than that in the saloon/ wheelhouse.
  18. Welcome! Any exciting holidays plans?
  19. I've never noticed this sign on Horning Green either having never been with a dog before. I assume it's not enforced as I don't think I've ever not seen someone with a dog on the green!
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