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Posts posted by KaptinKev

  1. 28 minutes ago, grendel said:

    this evening the fitting of the prop shaft support started, I didnt want to fix it solidly into the skeg end, as I wanted to be able to remove this, so I devised a method that would allow the bracket to sit in a slot in the skeg, the solid lump will be soldered into the skeg.







    I really do like to see a craftsman at work. 

    • Like 2
  2. It makes me wonder than in years to come on the Broads, the bar will be your local Tesco/Asda and the sit down and enjoy your drink will be your boat. For me visiting a broads pub for a good ale and meal makes up a good percentage of my holiday and adds to the enjoyment of my vacation. Too many pubs are closing due to financial issues and people on the Broads are scrambling for moorings on the ones that manage to keep business.

    • Like 2
  3. 18 hours ago, Timbo said:

    Please, Steve, carry on. Are you standing for the prime minister I hope? You've got my vote anyway!:default_biggrin:

    I think with the EU Brexit looming and a female PM standing between us and a divorce bill, we should do quite well.:6_smile:

    Sorry Steve, but you don't have my vote.:default_biggrin:

  4. And one more thing when it comes to driving on the roads, cyclists clad in spandex wearing dark sunglasses when it is a dull and cloudy day and think they are on the Tour De France. It becomes apparent when in this mode that the red traffic light is the same as green, and if they pull out of a junction without looking, they will cause more damage to my van than I will do to them.

    I have had the unfortunate experience of said cyclists and the words that came out of my mouth can not be repeated on these forums, as his thoughts were that it was my fault.  Though said cyclist soon cycled off as if he had fallen off his bike and was back on the Tour De France.

    I feel better now, thanks.  

    • Like 3
  5. Unless your boat has cellotex and double glazing like Alan Herd fitted out on his narrow boat Dover, boating in winter can't be very enjoyable. Like Robin said in one of his Christmas video's, "it's bloody cold". He didn't sound like he would want to repeat the experience.

  6. 5 hours ago, Poppy said:

    Get over it - It's not going to happen !

    I know it's not going to happen, even if I get reborn again 3 more times and I get to live to a hundred. But by then, model boat enthusiasts will be safe in the knowledge that they have an air draft of 500mm to get under the bridge. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. 20 hours ago, KingfishersTime said:

    Aaarh the solitude, the peacefulness, the remoteness. I had another boating thirst this week! This year I have moored at North Cove and done the walk to The Swan at Barnby and also again North Cove and the walk to The Three Horseshoes North Cove, but this week just gone I have done The Dutch Tea Gardens to The Wherry Oulton Broad which is a good walk, but going back to the boat and finding you are still the only boat on the mooring is just magical. Moved on the next day to The Locks Geldeston to again be the only boat for the night. Mid October, Indian Summer and two nights a mooring to myself. Look what they missed.



    With photos like this, it just shows what a wonderful place the Norfolk Broads are. Even in the night time the sounds of nature and the lapping of the water on the boat make this a great place to be 24/7. But for one week only as the longer you are away, the heart grows fonder.

    • Like 1
  8. Do the photos have to be from 2017? As I'm sure somewhere I might have a photo from some years ago where I was fortunate enough to be travelling back to my hire boat yard across Breydon water in the in the evening, I was the only one on these waters and it was like being on a mill pond which I believe is a rare thing on this stretch. 

  9. 3 hours ago, grendel said:

    rust cleaned off and all items protected with some car wax polish. I have cut down my old galvanised steel bench top, and fitted it to part of my work bench, I now have a decent top to do  really messy jobs on. next I really have to crack on with model #2.


    I really do like your drill holsters.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Personally I would like to see the Potter bridge removed and something installed to allow a bigger air draft, or even a way around the bridge would be good. Also even allow something for pedestrians wouldn't go amiss either, because at the moment it can be a bit scary crossing the bridge when you have small children. I don't know too much about the bridge but I'm sure it has historical value, but we have to move with the times as it would be good to come out of Herbies and make a left and not always right. Making more of the broads available to boaters must be a good thing surely?

  11. 1 hour ago, Londonlad1985 said:

    I've never noticed this sign on Horning Green either having never been with a dog before. I assume it's not enforced as I don't think I've ever not seen someone with a dog on the green! 


    I wish people would take their litter home, too many times you see people drop their trash as if it's someone else's responsibility.

    • Like 1
  12. I know these drones can be used for fun and interest, but it's likely that some users can be up to no good. A couple of months ago when I was sitting in my lounge I heard this buzzing noise and went into my garden to see what it was. One of these things was flying around, stopping now and again and it made me wonder if they were viewing peoples back gardens to get up to no good.

    • Like 1
  13. Concerning feed back to boat yards, we got a form to fill in from Herbies last year, and because of the gift bag, free pen and a Led torch(which might be an idea for NBN merchandise) I would make the effort to fill it in and not use it for a table mat. Basically the niggles I made was the curtain was too short for the retainer of the rear window which was slanted and over hanged the bed. The socket didn't work for the microwave, one of the bedrooms lights didn't work and the tv was only watchable in their basin.

    I didn't want to call an engineer out for things that didn't cause us too much hassle, but when I mentioned them in my feed back form, I didn't even get a reply. I think you can appreciate that when you are hiring Regal light in peak period, common courtesy would inspire me to come back again. Unfortunately I do wonder if some hire yards are only looking for the good feedback to post on their website.

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