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Posts posted by KaptinKev

  1. 4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

    The video is on FB NBB group.  The helm is experienced so goodness knows how he got it wrong. 


    Possibly an arrogant 4x4 driver!:default_biggrin:

    • Sad 1
  2. 8 hours ago, chameleon said:

    typical sailie,no sense of direction


    So that's the reason they sail zig zag and bluntly has nothing to due with the wind. You have answered a question us hire diesel stinkers have been asking for years! :default_biggrin:

    • Haha 1
  3. 23 hours ago, grendel said:

    come now we are talking yorkshiremen here, probably swapping bad jokes.

    Well what some people have mentioned on the forums about Griff's jokes, I can assume Ricardo lost the will to live after 5 minutes. I bet though that Ricardo is raising a glass to his adversary with friends and mentioning that he was a boat builder, which I believe not a lot of people on these forums knew that!:default_biggrin:

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 hours ago, grendel said:

    As I  sit here in a glorious Norfolk campsite waiting for my kettle to boil on my woodburning stove, listening to   the dawn chorus and our Chairpersons early morning snores, I can report that its a glorious morning here, the sky is blue, the sun is peeping through the early morning mist, and all is good with the world.

    You do realise Grendel with a post like this, pictures are a must!

    • Haha 1
  5. 21 hours ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    What part of cruising after dark do some people not understand. :default_sad:

    10pm and a hireboat comes past with someone shining a phone light from the front and tries to moor on the private No mooring area,  I directed them to the empty church fen mooring 5 minutes away.  They said they had run  out of daylight, amazing really its not like it gets dark at about the same time every night.

    11pm another one comes past without even a phone light and gets directed to the same mooring.

    Give it another hour and Church fen will be full. :default_pirate:

    It seems basic thinking doesn't become most of us and what to some is normal, it becomes rocket science to others.:default_dunce:

  6. 22 hours ago, Gracie said:

    Well for what it's worth I think we have a good shot at getting to the final

    Well done England and Gareth Southgate :default_trophy:


    Well I have to say that I doubt I ever agree with a female on football side of things, but I think that Gracie has changed from red wine to ale, so she has my vote.

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

    I agree, I know its a difficult one to call but if theres a risk of bad behaviour the only way to protect people from confrontation is to ban fishing from BA moorings completely.  

    Who is going to enforce it?

  8. 19 hours ago, VetChugger said:

    This oh so noble forum spent 30 plus pages saying why this should not happen and would only end in calamaty, alrm, disaster and pestilence!

    Lo and behold, the swim has gone very well with no problem whatsoever and shows promise for future such events. Is this forum spending another 30 plus pages of hot air congratulating the success?? Is it heck, its busy trying to think up more excuses to have a go! The majority seem to be suggesting that it as some sort of fluke that the event went off without a problem.

    Absolutely bloody typical of the holier than though attitude of many on here. Its almost laughable.

    I applaud your post Mr VC, as there does seem to be a few on here with too much time on their hands that want to pick fault with anything that they can moan about from their armchair, but please don't get me started on the few that want to disrupt the NBN!:default_2gunsfiring_v1:  

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, vanessan said:

    The issue of fishing gear spread out at moorings is very common. So often I have seen a boat moored with 2/3 posts left clear at the end of a mooring, specifically so fishing tackle can be spread out. I believe quite a bit of mooring space is lost through such practice and people move on rather than experience the unpleasant confrontation that sometimes ensues. Personally I think it is time the BA stopped bankside fishing at all their 24 hour moorings, at least between 16 March and, say, the end of September - as they do at Bramerton. There are numerous fishing platforms and banks etc available now and anglers (unless they are boaters too) pay nothing towards the upkeep of the moorings. Boaters, hirers or privateers, can still fish from their boats. I am expecting the usual barrage of indignation at making this suggestion, seems to be the norm now so :default_gbxhmm:.


    The Rangers and Police I have seen on the Broads I doubt want any confrontation as they are not built for it, and are there for visual purposes only!

  10. 46 minutes ago, stumpy said:

    I gather from Facebook there are already folk who bring a roll of red and white hazard tape to reserve a mooring they want to return to!

    If this is true, I do hope the rangers or the boys in blue of the broads are on the case of this one. Although on one of my trips of the broads I came across a large man trying to moor one of these boats with a blue light on top and believe me, he didn't seem to know what he was doing.

    I'm sure he was just a one off.:default_dunce:

  11. 1 hour ago, ChrisB said:

    It is ecover, but the grey water that is on direct discharge from showers and washing up from the hundreds even thousands of boats does need addressing. In still waters like Gays the surface of the water after breakfast is washed up, teeth are cleaned and bodies and hair showered to get rid of sun lotion can be quite disgusting, not to mention the hand washing of clothing. A tiny drop, even if it was Fairey Liquid would not make that much difference.

    Personally when I am on the Broads I like to treat it with respect. Unfortunately there are the few who have the attitude that as long as they consider that their holiday has made a contribution, they will treat the broads how they wish!

  12. 8 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    But how come people sail past and don't see it? 

    Just like our Orwell Bridge(car wise) there are camera signs, speed signs and camera's painted in yellow, but we still get idiots who seem oblivious to these simple things and get fined.

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