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Posts posted by JohnK

  1. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder, or something like that! :default_coat:

    My old dad used to say “a blind man would be pleased to see it” about anything that was less than lovely.

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  2. Very true he hasn't , that said he's not been out for a while now than goodness, problem is BA can't take the boat but t the courts can , its not live aboard so not a home its classed as an asset and a bailiff can cease it if required to do so .

    If he’s annoying everyone as much as it sounds like wouldn’t we expect someone to take the law into their own hands at some point?
    Not that I’m condoning that.

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  3. I like some of the ideas for new names.
    But it still ain’t happening .... can’t change the name of a boat
    I do realise how ridiculous that is!!!

    How about options for what SUNEBERIE could stand for?

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  4. I doubt we'll see that after some of the comments here, Charlie...............

    That would be a shame but I doubt there’s any social media out there where all feedback will be positive about any company.
    If I were Brooms I’d treat the whole thing as very valuable marketing information. They’d pay thousands if they went to a market research company to get public opinion on their adverts. Plus the overall feedback on Brooms as a whole has been very positive in my opinion.

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  5. Interesting to note that ones of those nabbed was on Breydon where there is no speed-limit. 

    I was told very clearly by a Ranger that if not towing a wake boarder on Breydon speeding past other boats was definitely not ok.
    To be clear, I have no problem with that and the Rangers have been nothing but helpful with me.

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  6. there are waters better suited to skiing than the Broads, Breydon being an example. If I still had a speedboat then that's where I would go.

    We mainly use Breydon because of the times you can use it. It would be a scary place for a novice though with the big tides and huge wooden posts and the possibility of drifting onto the mud.

    I think it’s just a matter of tolerance. Lots of cruisers crossing Breydon together and tacking sailing boats and people who don’t know which way to turn are inconvenient to me but I’d never object to them or suggest they shouldn’t use the water too.

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  7. Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.

    Don’t you start on us too
    Do you really think that’s a possibility?
    I assumed hirers don’t want to deal with the big tides and prefer the scenery in the north.

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  8. Just a thought, John, maybe Broom is alienating itself?

    That’s a fair point.
    I’m not sure I know enough to have an opinion. I’ve seen a few comments about the new owners and the way the company is being taken but I think Ricardo’s point is well made about their contribution to the area. I think right now I can see both sides.
    Most of us agree they should be able to test there don’t we?
    But how much support do they lose when they do pre sales runs?
    And how much more when they make adverts with champagne?

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  9. I have been on that stretch of river in our boat.....flat out over 20 knots, and turned each end on full power, this was when we were on trial run before purchase ,from nya, NYA have trade plates to do this.
    It,s a long way to Braydon just for a sales run, and that strech of river looks really well, dispite it?

    The ski zones have been carefully chosen to be less impacted by wash haven’t they?

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  10. I really like that right now there are companies like Broom, hire boat companies, fishermen, sailers, cruisers, house-boaters, cottage owners, bird watchers, ramblers, water skiers etc etc all sharing the Broads (in relative harmony).
    In my view if we start trying to alienate groups it’s not going end well. That also applies to nature, without the above users I don’t think we’d have an ecosystem that supports the current inhabitants.
    I could argue my ski boat causes less damage than your diesel or your two-stroke or your shower gel but in my opinion that’s missing the point.

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  11. Sorry John.. but rivers are certainly not the place to be waterskiing...
    This is not about them and us, rivers are natural and surrounded by wildlife. I think the BA's speed limits do a good job at limiting the effects of the right to navigate and limit the damage to wildlife. 
    I travel to norfolk to get my boating kick, if your hobby requires an area where the speed and wash produced has less impact on the environment such as an estuary then I'm sorry to say but I feel you should travel to such place. 
    I'm sorry if my views are seen as selfish or inconsiderate of all river users but I think it's easy to overlook that the rivers are not anyone's they are natural and need preserving for future generations.

    Perhaps everyone should have a sailing boat then.
    Or just close the Broads to the public.

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  12. As I mentioned above, I strongly disagree with doing planning speeds on a river, certainly on the broads, no matter who owns the boat etc.

    I have to disagree with that.
    Those of us who enjoy water skiing and wake boarding have very limited areas we can use.
    The times are very limited.
    Our boats have to go through much more stringent safety tests than other boats.
    We try our upmost to ensure we don’t adversely impact other peoples use of the rivers.
    We pay more than other river users.
    We don’t object to any of that.
    Can’t we all enjoy the rivers? Or are they just for some people?

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  13. Like it or not they are allowed to go over the speed limit as too are water ski boats.

    To be able to speed as a ski boat you need to meet a lot of criteria and be towing or recovering a skier.
    The times and areas are quite restrictive on the rivers too (less so on Breydon).
    I’ve no idea what the rules are for anyone else though.

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  14. Hi folks,


    Can anyone recommend a product for GRP patching?

    It’s only for our runaround dinghy where the gel coat is damaged in a few places so I’m not too concerned what it looks like.

    It’s more than cracks, the gel coat is missing in a few places. The biggest is maybe two square inches.



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  15. I’ve just done a bit of googling (so now I’m an expert )
    I can’t find anything about toll exemption for boats on sale on the BA website. But on another forum the person who appeared to be the most informed says that if the for sale boat is under the control of the broker no toll is required. But if the boat is still under the control of the owner even though it’s for sale a toll is still required.
    I have no idea if that’s true but it sounds believable to me.

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