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Posts posted by JohnK

  1. The posts have an rcd in them I think. Most boats will also have an rcd and 16A mcb. I would be interested to know if the shed trip/breaker has popped with no boats connected.

    If that’s true it also makes you wonder why they’re tripping in the shed rather than on the boat or in the shed (if they are) doesn’t it?

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  2. Good on you Ricardo for taking the time to talk to the BA and for posting the result here.
    I might not necessarily agree with your conclusions (not that that really matters) but good on you regardless of that!
    I’d like to buy you a pint sometime and argue over whether the BA is good or evil

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  3. There is a lot more to it than that, John! You say 'reasonable' price but do you know that about half your toll is diverted into paying for matters other than navigation? Did you know that there are those within the Authority who would dearly love to be able to prevent you going to where you want just when you want unless your doing so agrees with their 'vision'? 

    I knew some but not all of that but my point is kind of that I don’t care.
    I am over simplifying it but if I’m happy with what I pay and what I get does it matter?

    I kind of take the attitude that if I’m not prepared to get involved I shouldn’t criticise (and I’m genuinely only applying that to myself, not criticising anyone else). However, if I saw something happening I didn’t like then I would get involved, it’s just that right now I’m very happy with the status quo.

    We wakeboard on the Broads and the hoops we had to jump through to do that are pretty intense (much more so than anywhere else we’ve used). But what the hell? We get to wakeboard on the Broads!

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  4. In regard to Authority Yacht Stations but not in regard to Authority moorings in general. I think that we are perhaps being a tad pedantic on this one. In practical terms Reedham is a 52 week a year mooring and in this day and age the electrical installation should reflect that fact. That it can't be relied upon to operate efficiently and safely during an equinoctial tide is pretty damnable!  

    Damn it, I’ll have to concede that one
    I think the mistake BA have made is saying they’ve turned them off because they trip .... in corporate land it would have been said they’d been turned off because safety is their number one priority blah blah blah The tripping would have been a mere coincidence and probably the fault of the boaters insisting the BA cut costs so they thought the boaters wouldn’t want “premium” power outlets.

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  5. I doubt it and your point is well made, to a point. Reedham is not actually closed, just unmanned. Yarmouth still provides mooring facilities but it it is fenced off and the gates are locked. There is no easy answer to the yacht station situation but it is a fact that other power points do remain usable during the winter, Beccles & Oulton Broad for example. Beccles, by the way, does flood but presumably the posts are more suited to resisting ingress by the wet stuff.

    Ah, I see your point. Reedham and GY are different.
    How about Norwich? Does that get locked up?

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  6. Hi John,
    No they are switched off and the yacht stations gates are locked to block public access from the roads and paths.

    They’re being 100% consistent then aren’t they?
    All the stations they say are closed have the power turned off don’t they?
    Whether they should be closed is a different question isn’t it?

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  7. The power  is left on at all other 24 hour moorings,  these are considered to be safe enough.
    What makes the power posts unsafe at Reedham,  poor design and the absence of an attendant,  who shouldn't be needed to reset a trip switch if the original installation was thought out by someone who actually visited the site and understood the problem.

    Are they left on at Norwich and Great Yarmouth?

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  8. If I were the BA in our lovely litigious age I’d be terrified of leaving them turned on.
    Sadly everything seems to move towards **** covering rather than what’s actually best.
    Or maybe I’m just cynical.

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  9. I’m going to Stalham (the village rather than the marina) Saturday.

    If you tell me how to get into the marina and wet shed I’ll check it for you with pleasure.

    Probably easier if someone who already has access does it though I guess?



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  10. I’ve been down to South Wales for the weekend (my daughter was in an ice skating competition in Cardiff).
    Knowing I’d be coming home this afternoon back to near Grantham and the forecast I elected to take the Land Rover.
    I have to say I was very disappointed. Mildly entertaining from Gloucester to Leicester but otherwise a dull tarmac driven journey.

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  11. Another point about navigating after dark is insurance.  As a private owner I did check and as things stood years ago, I was not covered to navigate after dark and also not solo helm.  All covered now but not a bad idea to make that call and check.

    Good call thank you.

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  12. Many of these dogs are not trained to attack, they are often those trained for mine, UXB, hidden explosives detection..

    The majority of the dogs passing through the centre get rehomed.

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  13. Signed.

    It’s an interesting one. We used to live in Melton and that centre does fantastic work looking after forces animals.

    I certainly don’t agree the dogs should be put down but I’m not sure I agree they should go into a domestic situation (even with experienced handlers).
    Some of those animals have been through hell and have pretty severe behavioural problems.

    I’m sure the centre has a very good reason for not wanting to release them. But I’m also sure they could give them a pleasant retirement.

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  14. m BTW, if you want some evening entertainment whilst night navving, cruise slowly through Potter Heigham with your nav lights off :default_norty:   They really should draw their curtains :default_jumelles:

    As we’re about to become Potter Heigham residents (subject to our “marvellous” legal profession doing their jobs) I’ll try and remember that thank you

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