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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Happy Birthday Grace. Have a fantastic day!
  2. Warm welcome to the forum. We are a friendly bunch :)
  3. Great write up Robin. BA looks very pretty dressed in her festive lights. Think of all that wind noise on the microphone if you had filmed it lol.
  4. I really enjoyed this. I remember those glass coffee cups. Never seen them anywhere else other than on a boat!
  5. Absolutely Identical to our situation scraggs!
  6. Weve done a 5 year plan spreadsheet. This year will hopefully be the cheapest, as we had it antifouled and major engine overhaul a few weeks ago. Each year will be different by the looks of it. Our main priority is putting money aside for the mooring bill, river licence and breakdown cover. Fuel is a bit of an unknown. We are not planning to do miles and miles this year but this may change as we grow in confidence! we have budgeted for two big one off alterations and we know we are going to need a new canopy but are trying to make do with repairs dor the time being. I diidnt realise how expensive that would be. Being so new to this too, we could be in for unexpected bills but are hoping this wont happen as we did so much research beforehand and have at least the core expenses planned for
  7. Thank you Arthur for hosting the quiz. I was utterly useless but it was great fun!
  8. Thats an amazing age! I miss my cat. She only had three legs but it never stopped her doing anything
  9. Wow! What sort of thickness would the ice have been? Does the broad ever ice over now?
  10. Im determind to remember this time. Last week i remembered an hour too late
  11. Plus mooring fees! Think it was £940 when I first looked. Now its up to £3,100
  12. Welcome Jovril. Im a newbie too. Try not to do what we did in rushing to buy a boat that you want to change a few weeks later! We should have looked at more boats before buying to get a better idea of what we really wanted and needed. Its all worked out well in the end as we got a different boat.
  13. I was trying to cut out chocolate but on day three have resorted to cutting down on chocolate. It doesnt bode well *sigh*
  14. That looks so good as I start my diet lol
  15. Yes, where is this staithe all us newbies will be descending upon?!
  16. Summoning up the courage to go for our dream of buying a boat instead of waiting until we are retired. Bought the first boat early autumn. Realised it was too small and got our new one a few weeks ago. For me, its been the best thing we have done in years. Its totally changed our lives and gives us something to look forward to all the time (we hadnt been on holday for four years). Now we can have regular mini breaks. My stress levels have really come down. If im having a bad day, i think of having a cup of tea watching the world go by on the river. Goals for 2018 : 1. To be amazing at handling the boat and to moor perfectly ....(ive only steered it so far) 2. Not to fall in
  17. Welcome to the forum Jeremy and Happy New Year :)
  18. Hope your mum is on the mend Cabby. We had a nice overnight stay despite the weather. Got a few jobs done on the canopy to try and make it last another year. We love the stability of this boat. Although windy yesterday, we hardly noticed the movement. Cant wait for the better weather and dewinterisiing now!
  19. Happy New Year to you all. I hope to meet some of you along our travels in 2018
  20. I forgot! Id remembered all week until tonight :(
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