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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Thank you Griff and Happy New Year to all of the forum. Should have joined it ages ago!
  2. I seem to remember as a kid in the 70's, 80's being scared of a massive ship we always passed in Yarmouth on the way to Breydon. I think it had Cat in its name. For some reason it really freaked me out lol
  3. Ive just started watching his videos. I'm really enjoying them. Are there any other people who do these that are worth watching other than of course the Captains Blogs which brought me to this forum in the first place
  4. Absolutely, just being on the river takes all the stress away. Not sure if this will be the same when we actually start going out and about lol
  5. We are going to the boat tomorrow morning but have to come back Sunday. Mini mini break!
  6. Seriously though, I hope all is ok. Its been 2 hours since High posted :S
  7. Both the above pictures = perfect size for boats. Think we are just going to have to get brave and take them for a day and see how they cope with stern on boardiing before we progress to side on.
  8. Ill be there. Better go and do some homework .....
  9. Decided to pop up and check the boat today. Drove through some flooding and on arrival the rain was at right angles and very blustery. We had to alter the ropes slightly. Inside, we had couple of small leaks from two of the small windows (on the side the rain was hammering against) so went and got some silicone sealer for a temporary fix. The dehumidifier has been working a treat and once we got the heater on, the whole place was soon warm and toasty. Put the new carbon monoxide detectors up then my son texted to say quite a bit of snow was falling at home so we reluctantly made the decision to come home early. The bow slap was quite spectacular and glad we werent staying the night if the conditions carry on! Roll on spring :)
  10. Too adorable. The more pics the better! Thats a very smart life jacket
  11. Thank you for the link. That could work depending on how it attaches. Our dogs wouldnt fit in the fron seat of our Falcon! Another cute pic :)
  12. I cant lift 37kg of hound love the pic
  13. Thank you for deleting deebee. I pressed submit and got an error message then submitted again and it came up twice! The dogs arent terribly agile. Im trying to find an adjustable ramp or steps to allow for different levels from the bank to the side of the boat
  14. We have two large dogs who havent been onboard yet. Stern on mooring to get them on and off shouldnt be a problem but I am concerned about side on mooring and different heights we will encounter. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can tackle this? Ive been looking at ramps and steps etc. We are gettting them life jackets but i know i wouldnt be able to lift them on and off. (We have a Falcon 27)
  15. My son bought us a fender each! Absolutely perfect present
  16. Thank you for sharing your holiday with us Jay. Its been a delight to watch :)
  17. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. I didnt realise the forum was nearly lost. So glad it wasnt!
  18. Robin, myself and my partner are new boat owners. All I knew about boating was my childhood memories of Broads holidays as a kid. We have lost quite a few people in the last few years and this triggered us to stop saying 'when we retire we are going to buy a boat' This autumn we decided we must stop thinking about the future all the time and live for the day a bit more. All the stresses of everyday life go the minute we get to the marina. We are on a huge learning curve but its the best thing weve done. We always have something to look forward to. Its so fascinating seeng your journey on a much much bigger scale than ours!
  19. Congratulations :) Ive just looked the website. Beautiful boat. Have fun!
  20. Love these updates. I doubt Ill ever get bored of Broads photos
  21. What a fun evening that was. :) Ty Steve for running it. Cant wait for the next one!
  22. I logged into that one fine Arthur
  23. That last photo is particularly stunning of your previous post that is. You posted the next set while i was typing ;)
  24. Hope you get paid well for those Christmas Day and Boxing Day shifts Jay! I finish on Thursday Islander so I need to stop whining lol
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