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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Hope you get paid well for those Christmas Day and Boxing Day shifts Jay! I finish on Thursday Islander so I need to stop whining lol
  2. So that massive wooden box that was being driven through Norfolk the other week was Robins after all!
  3. Im not jealous or anything sat behind my desk at work :P
  4. Lulu

    Lady Linda

    I just love this forum. What a fab community. Its all very reassuring for a newbie like me!
  5. What a beautiful boat and against that blue sky too :)
  6. Welcoming to the forum. Im a very new boat owner too. My partner and I are on a massive learning curve and changed boats within weeks. There was absolutley nothing wrong with the first one mechanically etc, it just wasnt the right one for us. We should have looked at more before we bought anything. Our new one, we think is perfect for us right now. There are some expensive things we need to do but we knew that before we bought it. Goodluck with your boat search :)
  7. I cant get in. Says invalid user name and mine cant be simpler! Scratch that, I can login now. I hadnt seen you dont need a password
  8. The water is so still. Its calming just looking at the photos. Im really wanting to spend New Year on our boat. These photos make it even more tempting
  9. My dad has just rung me to say he loved this film and said it brought back so many memories further back, in particular a boat called Talisman. I can only assume it was this one. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=10506&BoatHistory=16884
  10. What a delightful film. I will be sending the link to my 84 year old father who will love this. Its woodie heaven :) The feather lady bit was curious. I now have a vision of many bald swans on the Broads in 1961
  11. We didnt leave the mooring Jay. We were checking that the heater in the engine compartment has been working and the dehumidifier had been running. We are a bit twitchy being first time boat owners and ice and stuff! Im sure we will be old hands at this by next winter and less paranoid!
  12. Beautiful photos. We were on our boat this morning and the blue sky was particularly stunning
  13. Are you spending Christmas on your boat?
  14. What is the maximum capacity for the number of boats signing up?
  15. Grebe looks wonderful. You have rescued her. Please continue to post updates
  16. Thank you for the latest update. Its looking very cosy and homely. Cant get over the vast quantities of glasses but at least you can enjoy washing them over and over! I like the silver horses but you can keep the gulls . Get a ships cat!
  17. But then its off topic and i just want to read the story :( *sulk*
  18. I cant waffle for the sake of waffling lol
  19. Oooerrrrr , I'd better behave then! Guess this means if im useless in thw Christmas quiz, ill be booted lol
  20. Id like to have a go but if its techy stuff about boats, im clueless!
  21. Looks like I cant access this as im not a full member as ive only made 49 posts. Hopefully this one will let me gain access with 50!
  22. Yes, we are all sitting cross legged on the mat in story corner
  23. Is it Robins Amazon order? ;)
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