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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Well I trawled through the slides but dad couldnt find the old ones just mainly caribbean boats from the 70's. because they were safer when me and my brother were little. I believe he hired some boats from FB Wilds I did find some photos of times I can remember when i was a bit older.
  2. Please post more on this project and pics. I'm certainly not bored!
  3. :P Dad's loaded them all up ready for the projector to view tomorrow. I cant wait. It will bring back all the memories when I was always wanting to go to the 'beach' (salhouse) Im hoping the earlier pics will be when they hired woodies (before I was born)
  4. I'm loving this thread. Im going to see if my parents have got any old photos this weekend, although I think they are all on slides :(
  5. We've had a dehumidifier running constantly since October plus general useage when on the boat most weekends using a couple of heaters, tv etc. Think we are up to about £25 so far but obviously its a considerably smaller boat than Robins!
  6. Sounds and looks like a lovely last trip before your boat is tucked up for the winter :) Roll on next aeason!
  7. We woke up this morning at 8.00am. It was so peaceful. We never usually sleep past 6.00. The boat was cosy and I had my now usual mug of tea and a cinnamon roll. Utter bliss, shame we had to come back :( Roll on next season when we can stay longer!
  8. Something strange is happening being a new boat owner. ..... I never drink tea at home yet absolutely relish a mug of tea first thing when I wake up on the boat. The other thing is, I'm listening to classical music which I dont often do at home. My only explanation is our boat is a sanctuary away from our normal stressful lives so subconsciously we live differently on the water. I'm curious, does anyone else have totally different habits only when boating?
  9. Hi Riverbank. Warm welcome to the forum. I'm new too and they seem a friendly bunch ;)
  10. Im on vodaphone and had loads of signal - 4g on Salhouse. I dont want to put Trev's post as quoted as it will take up too much space but re the condensation, a dehumidifer is the answer. We arrived on Saturday morning in the frost and the cabin was bone dry and reasonably warm. We have it running all the time and the water drains into the sink through the pipe attachment. I believe its a desiccant one. .We have it on low if we stay over night. Im not sure if that's recommended as it will probably make you dehydrated by the morning lol but at least the windows are dry!
  11. I'd come back as my greyhounds. They sleep most of the day upside down on the sofa and each have a slice of hot buttered toast every evening at 8.00pm. Its a very nice life :)
  12. Just came back from Norfolk after a long day cleaning through the boat, draining the water system, putting a heater in the engine bay and cleaning the canopy. We didnt have time last week when we picked the boat up. We did however put the dehumidifier in last week. Worked an absolute treat. Very frosty this morning when we arrived and the was no condensation anywhere and the saloon was lovely and toasty. Best £159 we could have spent.
  13. Fantastic boat Robin. After getting our boat yesterday, we are going through a simliar story but on a considerably smaller scale!
  14. So we picked up our boat yesterday. It was a very long day and utterly exhausted but very very happy. It was in better condition than we remembered and a lot of the things we thought we would need to do, we dont. All the lighting inside is LED, the carpets have come up a treat. Future projects but can wait, are a new canopy and we would like to get the radar arch hinged so we can lower it. Immediate things we need are more fenders and change all the ropes so they are the same colour. There is a random red one holding a fender which is really irritating me! (my OCD kicking in here). We practiced stern mooring (a private boat may have seen us from the distance messing this up a few times lol) . As I stepped off the back of the boat I skidded on the quay heading and crashed to my knees onto the bank (I nearly added myself to the 'what have you dropped in the Broads thread) After getting back to our mooring and putting stuff away, we ran out of light and energy after not eating all day and had to come home. Roll on next weekend as well the clocks changing and the new season!
  15. My brother fell in when he was about 9 in a heavy woollen jumper and wellies. Dad fished him out with the boat hook. We also lost numerous fishing rods through being dragged off from overhanging branches
  16. That is so true! Everything we think we need to do or want to do seems to be going to cost us a grand each time!
  17. Thank you, really appreciate the advice. So basically drain the systems then there is no need to put antifreeze in the drinking/shower water system?
  18. We have a heater to put in the engine bay and a dehumidifier for the saloon but what does everyone do winterising the water systems? We would like to stay on the boat on and off over the winter so Im a bit dubious about antifreeze and what we are supposed to do. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  19. Thank you all for your warm welcomes. The excitement is brewing now. One more sleep to go! (I'm in my late 40's but it seriously feels like Im waiting for Christmas day like when I was a kid)
  20. Thank you David and oops sooooo sorry Griff. I didnt mean to offend anyone! Please accept my apologies everyone! My father hired Caribbean''s (think thats what they were) when us kids were little. The last boats he hired were the Connoisseur's. He's 84 now and is desperate to see our new acquisition. We are buying a Falcon 27. I'll try and post pics after we have taken delivery. Obviously its GRP so I wont mention the T word ;) Broad Ambition is stunning. We will definitely be looking out for her. Hi Daddy Mouse. going from a 20ft to 27ft is enough for us for the meantime ;)
  21. Hi everyone I've found myself here from binge watching the Captain's Blogs trying to absorb as much info as possible and jogging my memory about the Broads. As a child every year my parents would take myself and brother on Broads holidays. Somewhere there's a pic of me at 9 months old sitting in the front of a bathtub. So now, very many years later myself and hubby have decided to start preparing for retitrement by buying a boat. We bought a Viking a few months ago and rapidly realised that although we loved it, it was a bit small so exchanging it for a much older bigger boat on Saturday. We are like kids again and its like Christmas. We cannot wait and this week has dragged! I've read about Rascal's new purchase and completely understand his excitement. We too will have lots to do and upgrade over time. I'm sure I'll be posting for advice. Thank you for letting me join :)
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