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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. 4 minutes ago, Paul said:

    that isn't confirmed in the report, do you know more than is printed, or making an assumption. They could be five people from one household making a non essential journey. 

    They may be fined it’s up to the magistrate to confirm it. 
    appeal it. 
    sure I’ve read somewhere the backlog is growing and I would like to know the success rate is

  2. 1 hour ago, Meantime said:

    If you read deeper into that story five people were fined for being in the same car, therefore breaking the rules on not mixing households indoors or outdoors and rightly so. There is no limit in the Bill on how far you can go, or the mode of transport to take exercise or recreation providing you are meeting all the other rules on mixing of households etc.


    Another example of seeing what you want in a story. 
    Story here of people having a go at a blind person for not social distancing and not waiting their turn in queue because guide dog trained  to take her to the shops entrance. 
    Beware of going too far the other way

  3. 3 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

    . . . . and probably an internal inquiry as too the whistle blower was, someone's career will be hitting the buffers! 

    Withholding 'unhelpful' negative information, coupled with the advantageous presentation of carefully selected, positive information deemed as being helpful to the party line, is a practice that is clearly and regretfully alive and well.  The leading of an agenda by the production and manipulation of Officer Reports is nothing new. Good on Fish Legal for highlighting the problem. 

    Luckily enough we have a whistle blowers law to protect these people hiding secrets.

  4. Good point but you don’t set the agenda.  
    As said by others, it’s your, and wishful thinking, interpretation 

    This was never a full lockdown, even if you want it to be. 
    no one is finding loopholes, these are exemptions for mental health reasons as been said time and time again 

    The mental health of the country is very important and as acknowledged by the government. 
    You can only rule by consensus and I’m afraid, if this was a very strict lockdown, I don’t think many would put up with it. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Ray said:

    On the one hand you say he is a sheep and on the other that he has made an assessment!

    It's 4 weeks for god's sake, suck it up for the common good whether you like it or not!

    No. You stay in if you want, that’s down to you. Your right. 
    Me? I do what my rights tell me I can. 
    And yes, I’m a card carrying key worker who’s been there through out.

    I’ve sucked it up. 
    Have you?

    • Like 2
  6. Hmm. I’d get a plan that comes with unlimited data. 
    That gadget is what is in effect a personal hotspot still uses the same cell signal as your phone 

    I use my phone as a hotspot and everything else connects to it

    or get a pay as you go and load it up with data and hotspot it. 
    look around for unlimited data plans

    and that page looks like an advert not a recommended 

  7. 55 minutes ago, grendel said:

    meanwhile, I spotted this article from the manchester evening news (https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/car-insurance-could-invalid-you-19243516?fbclid=IwAR3JeeNwtBCBtqXBdYYkGRbRrNG1SHu6tZukMVzm-ctC7v60K_RAXD_pTMY) that says your car insurance may be invalid if you are travelling for a non essential purpose and quote

    interestingly no mention is made of 'to exercise' as essential travel.

    so just be aware that insurance companies may use any travel not deemed essential (in their eyes) to avoid paying out should you have an accident.

    I suppose another reason to stay at home and not go anywhere then, and yet another person to explain why your journey was essential to (and we all know how good insurance companies are at wriggling out of paying).

    this would also be a good reason why you might want to go shopping by boat rather than taking the car! provided of course that your boat is ready to hand.

    Of course marine insurance might take a similar stance, so its probably also worth contacting your insurer and checking you are covered if you want to use your boat during lockdown.

    It all boils down to the name “lockdown “ 

    The government and scientists have be trying to steer us away from using the term. 
    it implies this lockdown legislation is the same as the last. 
    It isn’t 

    The PM said it isn’t but we are all guilty hearing what we want to. 
    Even with the legislation posted here people still refuse to see

    that includes government departments and indeed, big business. 
    The definition of essential travel has widened so far as to be virtually unenforceable. See future court cases for any prosecutions

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

    Carpet shops are not allowed to open, no doubt they will be closed tomorrow after a visit from the local council.

    We had a barber in my area was adamant he would stay open, he lasted a day before he was closed by the lical authority and the landlord changed the locks.

    Well not round here. Successfully claimed carpets can be considered DIY which is allowed. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Paladin said:

    The prohibition on travelling to other areas was repealed with the passing of the current regulations. These present regulations contain no restrictions on the distance that may be travelled to fulfil any of the activities allowed under the exemptions. 5 miles or 50 miles, it doesn't matter, providing the purpose of the travel is a permitted one.

    The regulations are very loosely written in many respects. A simple example:

    I live 3 miles from my surgery, from which I collect medication each month (a permitted exception under the regs). I can drive my car there and back, or I could drive a mile to my boat, drive my boat for three hours to Womack Staithe, walk 10 minutes to the surgery, then back to my boat for the drive home.

    I'm not saying that is what I would do, but there is nothing in the regulations to say I can't. And I wouldn't be breaking any social distancing advice, either.

    This point needs to be hammered home. 

    This isn't lockdown 1.

    What you should do or not is irrelevant. I go by the law because this isn't a police state.

    As been said, I really cant think of a more socially distancing activity than being on the broads than in my boat.

    I've never been furloughed, because im classed as a key worker, no ones clapped for me (except when they are stuck in 2 of a motorway), no ones put up rainbows or do i get preferred access at supermarkets.

    Because this is my job. 

    Its what I signed up for unlike, say, supermarket workers.

    But for the love of any God, just let me de- stress  on my boat!

    • Like 2
  10. Just now, psychicsurveyor said:

    The instruction on no unnecessary travel is the flaw in your plan.

    Nope. Getting to your recreation is not counted as unnecessary travel. 

    word of the day is reasonable. 

    Going out for a drive is.  Moving you bike in a car to excise was ok. Moving dog in a car for a walk, fine.

    Our issued instructions (from last time, amended plenty). 

  11. Who said it was going to end in December?

    My police DOT covid pass runs out end of January 

    Official statements littered with, we hope, intended to, could do. 
    The law says it must be re looked at after 4 weeks and can be reinstated again in 4 week sections

    could be a long winter for the boats 

  12. Yes it’s the weed filter. Prepare plenty of mix. Shut off through hull, clean filter, get someone to start engine and keep pouring, it moves fast!

    stop when you see it ejected from exhaust 

    As pointed out to me, the pump only pumps fluid, not air so some let the water level drop until nothing is pumped out of the exhaust. Wrong. This leaves water in the heat exchanger still and the pipe run from pump.

    All going well, when you want to trip out, just open taps, on with lid and start engine 

  13. It’s an argument with many sides. 
    can you afford not to worry ?

    if your young it’s costing you. 
    then I hear us oldies say what about us?

    the the young say we used that argument about the EU and climate change. 

    I leave that there 

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