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Posts posted by Cheesey69

  1. 1 hour ago, FreedomBoatingHols said:

    It's an incredibly expensive thing to do. Battery power is the future, but the costs are HUUUGE! The batteries themselves can set you back the cost of a new engine and that's without putting in an engine to generate charge. 

    One of my cruisers has GEL batteries and quite a sophisticated charge management system but the costs of the equipment far outweigh the relative benefits at this time and would not sustain an electric galley, for example. 

    Your not wrong but if I can use the engine only for moving the thing and live a normal life when moored regarding power used then I’m there. 
    I need a separate battery bank for the fridge, heating and inverter but the cost is high but I won’t need to run that bloody engine. 


    5 hours ago, Paul said:

    and the fact that it has a gas cooker and hob. Certain boatyards need to take notice and realise that modern BSS regs don't preclude gas onboard and that boats don't need to be all electric and have engines running to make a brew at 06:30.

    They do. 
    The hirers don’t. 
    Leave aside the obvious safety angle modern batteries, intelligent alternator control and efficient inverters mean you don’t have to run that engine as much as you think. 
    But a lack of gauge telling you this is on the boatyards. 
    I plan to make my craft as energy efficient as I can and I hope to loose the gas in favour of electric. 
    Not knocking anyone but when is the last time our batteries and charging system was revamped? making them more efficient. 

  3. Hi,

    Can I point out (and I believe certain points of law) that my company believe that any posting, closed group, direct messaging even email is non controlled and public even if intended as private. 
    As explained to me “You might as well paint it on the side of a bus”

    We are warned that any posting cannot be assumed to be confidential and can be openly examined 

    My take is that as soon as you post anything, anywhere you have published it to everyone 

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  4. Yup, loads of moorings absolutely no where. 
    Back when I first hired I believed the ads that showed people and pubs

    Bit of a shock to find out that most are in the middle of no where and that handy shops was in places you had to arrive well early 

  5. So basically then we are not allowed to bring any views, conversations, gossip, inside knowledge, feelings and general moaning unless first aired here and with the consent of all parties involved?

    well that’s China booked for this year then. 

    • Like 3
  6. In this day and age, I can’t see it working. 
    Even when I used to hire twice a year we never had more than a couple of meals out due to lack of mooring and shear cost. 
    Same goes for drinking. Way cheaper to buy in and get a takeaway. 
    Craft now have excellent galleys and fridges that stay cold. Eating in saves many pounds. 
    I think it would still be trading if it was viable. 
    As was said, if you look at the bridge inn, car park packed

  7. On a sailer we use sail trim to balance this out on a cruiser the force is always pushing from behind that coupled with wind and tide it’s a bit like pushing rope. 
    Not to forget that the steering is from behind so the front lags then you get that familiar snake effect😄

    yup. I’ve jumped ashore on a wild mooring straight into a hollow vee disguised as solid ground. Never again

    Worth remembering that water is always trying to kill you no matter where it is

    • Like 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, Jbx5 said:

    I have no doubt things will quieten down but at the moment the holiday hotspots around the UK are booming, people are spending money. I was talking to a guy NYA yesterday about a possible boat change and he said  they have only 40 or so boats left in stock compared with normally over 100 boats. I have lived through many recessions and this is unlike the beginning of any other I have witnessed. The housing market is booming as is most of the building trade. The car market is doing well I have recently changed my car and the second hand prices have gone up instead of down due to low stock. Regarding the Boatyard’s I think the season will extend well past October this year to hopefully offset a little the missing 3 months. So I’m afraid some can paint a black picture if it suits but I’m not. 





    I can tell you road freight traffic down And so is normal traffic 

    Fuel tankers traffic much lighter. 
    I personally use these as a barometer on how well well are doing 


  9. As said before, and it’s going to be a problem, if your under 50, have no other conditions then your unlikely to die.

    The closer you get to year zero your not going to suffer at all

    The government must really start a campaign on all platforms explaining exceptions, getting the message out because on other forums it’s being pointed out there was no spike after the beaches, the demonstrations or illegal raves. 
    I have apprentices asking “why? And can’t we keep the high risk people under total lock down?”

    Believe me people will obey until they see reason not to. 
    I don’t see these people as being selfish because they are very unlikely to have a problem, I see a government not really going all in on a solution 

  10. Interesting to see if it’s going to be enforced and who by. 
    I don’t expect any shop worker to enforce it as it’s not their job. 
    As one who is some kind of key worker, issued with government travel papers who works with the police I can tell you that throughout the dark days they was in no position to enforce the lockdown to any great extent. 
    Not once as I travelled across nearly empty motorways was I stopped. 
    The police numbers are so low now that the government are basically appealing for everyone to obey. 
    If they don’t what are we going to do about it?

    seems to me that Boris has moved the goal posts just when it becomes obvious that no one will comply and cotton on to the fact that mainly these rules and guidelines are unenforceable 

  11. Keep on top of the hull scratches, cos your going to get loads from accidents and the sheer amount of mooring we do especially if your up north. Rust forms under the coating out of sight. 
    isolate the hull in marinas with galvanic isolators because your basically a floating battery as I found out to my cost. It’s not you but others have stray currents. 
    I also found out that condensation was a problem so I epoxied the inner hull. 

    • Like 1
  12. 41 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    Regretfully many of the Navigation Bylaws were drafted without much, if any thought to legal definition. For example, is it possible to define and quantify what is reasonable in regard to something as transient as exhaust fumes or noise? There is nothing in the regulation that states for example, as to what decibel level an exhaust become an unreasonable nuisance?  It wouldn't take a particularly sharp lawyer to successfully defend a wayward client on that one and I suspect that the BA knows it.  At what point does it become reasonable to be annoyed? My point was that if a lorry or car can have its exhaust emissions measured, and be penalised if they exceeded a defined level,  then so it could and should it be the case for a boat. Indeed, perhaps it should be a requirement of the Boat Safety Scheme. 

    There be dragons down that path. 
    sometimes the engine power don’t suit river work, your example the vessel was never made for slow running. 
    kills the engines. 

  13. Sometimes I think it’s the lack of information on the capacity of the boats battery bank. 
    when I was sailing, I had an instrument that told me state of charge, how many hours left in the bank as well as current draw and how long to recharge. 
    Batteries last a lot longer than most think and a good run to next mooring sorts that out. 
    same with hot water, just go easy and you shouldn’t run out


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