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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I dream of getting to the same level of dryness! I don't think I can call mine "leaks"; the water just gushes in! I have the memory of the day I got caught without the cover over the Denham Owl during a summer downpour - watching a small river cascade down the wall to the top of the mains consumer unit where it divded to either side before carrying on down the wall and into the bilge. I've done some work since then though, and I may have reduced it to a "leak".
  2. While it's easy to aim at the business owner, this notice was clearly the result of provocation by the actions of at least one awkward customer. Customers can be the Devil's children. It wouldn't be beyond belief for someone to decide they need/want extra bedding then complain to have extra brought out to them. I would check absolutely everything before setting off. Arriving at a hired caravan we were gasping for a cup of tea. As my wife reached for the teapot at the back of a cupboard it disintegrated, a large jagged piece just missing her foot as it took a chuck out of the floor covering. Previous occupants had clearly broken it and rather than confess, just placed it carefully at the back of the cupboard. We've had similar with broken beds too.
  3. In the real world there's nothing you can really do without video evidence. The people on the two boats would rally round their person and it would be one person's word against several. They will probably be relating their story of how X jumped from one boat to the other while holding Y, for years. If Y ever gets married the incident may even be mentioned in the speech. Like someone I know who constantly repeats the story of how they allowed their 13 year old son to get drunk, simply because everyone around is too polite to say what should be said. That's life I'm afraid.
  4. Blimey, this sounds like a good time to look at composting bogs!
  5. This thread would make a great advert for the Broads!
  6. I wish they would split the highlights show into two, the build up and the race. The build up never adds much to what we saw in the qualifying shows.
  7. One of the best races in F1 for years.
  8. Ok, I'll admit it: SUP's do have a use - wearing out Grandchildren. I'd better order 7 then. Must seem quiet now.
  9. Nice bit of kit! Browning was my choice too. Adjustable must be a good investment too; it'll not depreciate much at all I wouldn't think. Changing eye dominance finished my shooting, it became an expensive way of pouring lead up a field!
  10. In that case I would have done exactly as you did, whether or not space was available elsewhere. At my age I would gladly use anything that helps getting on and off the boat safely.
  11. Are last minute discounts a thing anymore? If someone managed to get a good discount you can bet they would be straight onto social media to shout about it which would in turn, wind up those who had just paid full price. Bad publicity. There was something like it a few years ago with cruises, where well off people who had paid a fortune found themselves mixing with the not so well off who had managed to bag a bargain.
  12. I caught a bit of the fencing the other night, wow how that sport has developed. It used to flow a bit more back in the day. Now it seems to be two seconds of action interspersed by a period of removing face gaurds, fist pumps and shouting at the coaches. And by both players, whoever won the point!
  13. That's interesting, I wouldn't have known that. Are they clearly marked from the river side?
  14. How long before paddleboarding is an olympic sport?
  15. I like to see balanced views of things like climate change where most of us haven't a clue about the science of it, only personal opinions and wishful thinking. I just hope that political correctness doesn't stifle intelligent, open debate, as it often does.
  16. I've seen one of these in Brundall Gardens showroom: https://e-surfer.com/en/category/electric-sup/ As if the paddleboard wasn't a waste of time already!
  17. Kate First mistake. Elsewhere it says there are about 3,000 members of this forum, how many can you get on board because most of us will be making our way to Richo's yard asap! I'm really impressed you're a solo helm on a 35 footer and I'd love to know how you get on so I can develop my own confidence to get out there solo. Not sure I could manage an i-phone though.
  18. They are not compelled to report it. There is nothing positive to gain by reporting it. I do sometimes think there is another agenda.
  19. Having worked for a supermarket I can tell you that there is no such thing as a weekend. There's 24 hours in a day and sometimes it's dark, that's how your time works. I did get to the high status of having a regular start time 12.30pm and every other weekend off, but the other days off varied week to week on a rota. I was told that if I didn't take voluntary redundancy my start time would be moved by 12 hours to 12.30am. So there's no respect within the company either. I was lucky to get out when I did and I don't care if I never see the inside of another lorry for the rest of my days. Money used to be good if you stayed healthy but enhanced payments for overtime and Bank Holidays is slowly being eroded away.
  20. Earlier this week someone on the BBC news said there may be food shortages. Tuesday lunchtime news someone said supermarkets may struggle with staff isolating. Niether of those seemd to work so on the radio news at 11 the headline contained someone saying there well may be am lack of food on the shelves soon. Give them their due, they are giving it a damn good go. Bog rolls and beans anybody?
  21. Having checked up I can report that the TV producer was also an actor but not so well known: Dennis Vance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Vance The obvious question for some would be, "Is he related to DJ Tommy Vance?" Especially as we thought Diddy David Hamilton was in the mix somewhere. No. Tommy Vance's real name was (take a breath) Richard Anthony Crispian Francis Prew Hope-Weston. Imagine the jingle for the Friday Night Rock Show! Edit: forgot to say, I have sent copies of the documents relating to the first owner to his son.
  22. And another thing I've been reminded of by Vaughan's post. 1973 ish I was too young to drive but I did serve petrol part time. It was rationed for a time and there was a nationwide speed limit to cut down consumption of fuel. There wasn't going to be any more petrol. Doom and gloom. My house was built in 1972, low ceilings and parking for one micro car is all you got. I have no idea how it affected the Broads but I imagine evrything may have stopped for a while?
  23. Yup, we binned the doors and fitted net curtains.
  24. That's what I thought but the same could be said for any piece of furniture. We have a small bedroom and still manage to get round without tripping over the bed. I think it may be a marketing thing also; they look nice and trendy in the brochures. I've heard people who use them, curse them, especially tall folk. That said, in my boat it would be really useful. When I first got it the wardrobe doors wouldn't open fully because they hit the bed!
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