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Everything posted by PaulN

  1. Thank you Brundall Navy. Wroxham Pilots told me that they weren't insured for private boats and so I assumed this applied to Potter Heigham as well. So that is really good to hear and when the water level looks a little lower in the summer, I may well give them a ring
  2. Thank you for your reply, but is it my imagination or are water levels higher than a few decades ago and if so what has caused this. As you can probably see from the small inset photo of our boat, on my NBN profile, our roof does slope away at 45 degrees either side (it's an Alphacraft 36 with fore and aft access). However at the heights I am seeing, I just wouldn't feel confident. I would happily pay the pilot to take the boat through, but I don't believe they can do that for private boats, although I stand to be corrected.
  3. Is the water level now permanently higher on the Broads and the River Thurne in particular. I remember back in the 60's when I was on hire boats with my parents, we didn't seem to have a problem getting up to Hickling. Now I feel that beyond the bridge is out of bounds and our air draft is only 6'2" I have no doubt that some of the knowledgeable members of NBN will be able to advise.
  4. I shall certainly be using our boat and staying on board from the 12th April if the government road-map do not change. I shall fully comply with the government road-map for easing the lockdown and will have copies onboard should anyone wish to challenge me https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-sets-out-roadmap-to-cautiously-ease-lockdown-restrictions Looking forward to getting back to the broads so very much.
  5. High AndyG I presume you walk down the access road at the back of the cockle sheds like me, on your way to the Crooked Billet, The Peterboat, The Boathouse or The Smack (we're spoiled for pubs in that 200 yards). The photo is taken from the road, so next time you will no doubt recognise that gate post as you go past.
  6. I certainly wouldn't want to take a broads craft with a single engine all the way up to Lowestoft from Leigh-On-Sea and I have a few thousand sea miles under my belt. However we are an Island Race and I would defend anyone's right to put to sea in any craft if they seem competent and accept the risks. No doubt the skipper of Hideaway is such a person. What would worry me most is the bottom of the fuel tank being agitated in a seaway. Attached is a photo of Leigh foreshore in a bit of a breeze. Good to know that Hideaway is back where she belongs.
  7. I took this picture in 2016 at Leigh Marina, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex which is on the Thames Estuary. I would not have thought this was a suitable boat for the location.
  8. Well, providing the government instructions don't change, my wife and I plan to have a few days cruising on the boat from 12th April. Yippee! I shall of course restrict myself to minimal travel by planning the shortest route to the boat, which is 112 miles. Can't see any problem, we fill the car with fuel near home (pay at pump) and we take all our food and drink with us, so won't be in contact with anyone else. Look forward to giving everyone else a wave on the river.
  9. Hi stonkn While some others like to use the derogatory term 'bathtub' to describe the type of boat I have, let me assure you that fending off with boat hooks does not apply to private owners, as we would never do such a thing and no doubt you wouldn't either. I have never hit another boat, nor had to fend off due to my own manoeuvres. Stern on or sideways mooring is no problem. Visibility on my type of boat is great for all on board. These craft also have fully usable enclosed accommodation from bow to stern and carry their full beam for the length of the boat and therefore tend to be much better appointed, as they have more space. The final testimony is that to find such a craft to purchase, that is modern, with original gel coat, sliding roof and never hired, is very difficult, as in the brokers adverts they are as rare as rocking horse manure, and brokers often have a waiting list for them. Well that should stir it up a bit
  10. Inboard diesel definitely This might be of interest, I doubt if it will be available for long https://www.norfolkboatsales.co.uk/inventory/?post=8813
  11. Totally agree Paul. Our 2 favorites are The Ferry House at Surlingham and the Bridge Inn at Acle. We have always found service and food quality excellent. We were also regulars at The New Inn Horning, but not at all impressed with what we received under the new management last year, although will give it another try when the Covid issue is over. But of course 'The Gus Factor' isn't their, which is such a shame. We also use to enjoy the Maltsters at Ranworth, but the jury is out their since the landlord left at the end of 2019. Will give it another try though.
  12. I'm very confused about the death figures that are published each day. In the first wave, the deaths published for Covid, were those that occurred in hospitals, this was obviously wrong initially, as it didn't include care homes or people who died at home. Now the figures we are told each day, are for people who died withing 28 days of testing positive for covid. Does this mean that if someone with no symptoms tests positive and within 28 days they die of say a heart attack or car crash, they are calculated into the covid statistics when their death certificate goes to the central registry?
  13. Andrew C Yes, they plan to have more rangers and safety education and proposed increasing our Tolls by 7% to pay for it. Following and central government grant this has been decreased to 4%, still way ahead of Consumer Price Index 0.6% and Retail Price Index 0.8%. I doubt this will stop any excessive drinking and larking about that causes most of the serious problems. Best solution is to get the planes flying and ship them out to Magaluf, leaving the broads for the nice boaters and holiday makers.
  14. Can't wait to get back on the broads and will do so, as soon as we are allowed. We love going for a meal in a pub but being on the boat is the most important thing and at least the bar onboard will be open. My wife has just received another government letter advising her to continue shielding until the end of March, which of course means me as well, otherwise it's pointless. So we will take enough food and drink to be self sufficient and just enjoy the freedom.
  15. I bought my boat in November 2018 in Brundall and needed to get her back to the permanent mooring in Horning. However time slots to cross Breydon Water, arriving at slack water Yarmouth plus allowing at least an hour and a half the other side to moor somewhere, all in daylight, leaves few available dates at that time of year. Not having been to the south broads for many years, our plan was to take the tide downstream from Brundall and moor at the Berney Arms overnight and get a good meal and a couple of beers there, ready to leave at first light (about 8:00am) the next morning. After mooring up, we walked over to the pub but there seemed no sign of life, but to double check, tried the front door on the river side, which was open. Looking inside there was no sign of life but all looked tidy and serviceable except the bar shelves were empty. I called out to see if anyone was there, then called up the stairs but no reply. Very strange. Plan B. We phoned the Firshermans Inn at Burgh Castle to see if they were open and they advised they had just reopened after refurbishment, so motored over there. We moored right outside, had a great evening, with log fire, good food and beer plus a warm welcome. Set off a first light the next day and didn't see another boat until we got to Yarmouth. Very strange why the Berney Arms was unlocked with no one there!
  16. Hopefully, come the spring, the government will see they can save money by stopping free vitamin D tablets and letting us get back on our boats to absorb vitamin D from the fresh air and sunshine. Seriously though, not long now, stay safe.
  17. floydraser. Yes, you are "reading me wrong". What I said is that school children seem to be talking centimetres, which is not what the UK adopted as a system. Industry uses metres and millimetres, as you say.
  18. My wife applied for the free vitamin D tablets and they arrived in the post today. We tried to book home grocery deliveries when this all started last March but supermarkets were fully booked and not taking on new online customers. A short time later, the government letter arrived telling her to self isolate as she was extremely vulnerable and when she registered the letter on the gov website, minutes later a number of supermarkets emailed to say she was a priority customer and we have had online food deliveries ever since. Works really well.
  19. I do think in metres and millimetres and not feet and inches, having been all my working life in the construction industry from 1969 which was the year the industry went metric. It does annoy me though that schools seem to teach in metres and centimetres. The UK adopted a system of metres and millimetres when we went metric. No one in construction or engineering industries talks about centimetres.
  20. Good point TQ, although when it comes to ocean going superyachts, they seem to quote metres. May be thats to sell to Rich Brits. I'm always amazed when I've been on holiday in the Med and looked around the Super Yacht Marinas and seen the number of Red Ensigns flying.
  21. It has always baffled me why the Continent always measure their boats in feet. E.g. my previous boat was a French Beneteau 42, but all the manufacturers there are the same Germany Bavaria 38, Hanse 45; Italy Riva 88 etc
  22. AndyG So I'm not the only one who lives down here. I live on Canvey Island and I took the option to go to 'Cliffs' as appointments were available the next morning after my letter arrived. Also a good excuse to go out and drive a few miles and take a route along our great Sea Front
  23. My late farther worked for Pirelli for much of his life until he reired, but I never understood why his industry went half metric and has never changed. If you buy a set of 185 x 16 tyres. That's 185mm tread width to fit a 16 inch wheel ???
  24. My wife and I had the Oxford vaccination last Friday (albeit under 70 at 68 and 69), no side effects at all. Organisation was superb and efficient at the centre we went to, Cliffs Pavilion, Southend on Sea, which is a large modern theatre and function centre. Hope everyone gets jabbed sooner than forecast and back on their boats
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