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Everything posted by PaulN

  1. Hi Sam Only just seen your post, hope that you are enjoying your boat now that we are released from lock down. We bought our boat from Paul at Shadow Boats (Swancraft) and don't regret it, he is honest. knowledgeable and reliable. We only let Paul maintain her, as he built the boat originally and is always there to offer advice. Happy Broads Boating Paul
  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Craig a few months before he sadly passed away. He knocked on my boat to introduce himself, as I had recently submitted some new photos of my craft, which he had added to his website. He told me that he had been taking photos of Broads Boats for over 30 years!! I don't know anything about his family or friends circumstances, but is there no one who has a similar passion to take over as webmaster. It would be a terrible shame if his website representing half a life times work which so many of us recognise and love, was allowed to fall into neglect. Is there no family member or friend that would be able to maintain his website and keep it up to date. I feel sure it would be a wonderful tribute to this man who had such a love for the Broads and it's craft. http://norfolk.broads.org.uk/
  3. PaulN

    Sad News

    How very sad, Craig ran an amazing website. When we wanted to buy our first Broads Boat in 2018, before any viewing we checked the history via Craig's data base. Having bought a boat, we submitted new photos to him, which he added. Last summer, we were moored on Horning Staithe, when he knocked on the boat and introduced himself. What a lovely Guy. I'm sure we will all miss Craig on Suki
  4. Let's hope the New Inn will be open under new management by the start of the season, our favourite pub in Horning. We are moor in the village and so we go there regularly , although the New Inn won't be the same without Gus. Got Gus a beer in TFI Wednesday last week, where he is not currently working, but it sounded hopeful that we will be seeing him somewhere on the water front soon. As you know, Gus keeps his cards close to his chest.
  5. Read your account of your holiday and pleased you had a great time. So pleased we were on our best behaviour on Friday 14th Paul & Sharon 'Bon Bon'
  6. I bought my boat Bon Bon last December and sent Craig a notification with updated photos on boats@broads.org.uk Craig published these details and 2 weeks ago while moored at Horning, there was a knock on the boat and Craig introduced himself to me.
  7. Heading South from Potter Heigham, the first turning to starboard is Womack Water where you might be lucky enough to get a mooring, then it's a short walk to the pub in Ludham Village, if moorings full then back out onto river and go to Thurne Dyke as others have suggested, plenty of moorings there. Paul
  8. Phone reception is bliss on the North Broads.My wife and I are moored at Horning and are on the EE network. Very poor reception, usually nothing at all and similar throughout the region. Ban any more transmitter aerials, we go on board our boat to get away from it all. Don't call us. We'll call you !!! Ha Ha Paul and Sharon 'Bon Bon'
  9. Sorry, but I can't agree that vessel A is the stand on vessel. Vessel A is leaving the River Bure and turning to port into the Thurne. You should never cross the bow of another vessel, when not safe to do so. Neither is B the stand on vessel, as Coll Reg 15 says the vessel that has the other on her Starboard side, shall keep clear. Obviously the best course of action is for A to slow down and let B pass clear ahead. Under no circumstances where collision is possible. should you ever turn to port as one post suggests, this is strictly against the Coll. Regs. and whilst hirers may not know them, insurance companies do. If vessel A did turn to port and the other vessel knew the Regs, and turned to Starboard, a collision would still result. When a collision is possible a vessel or both vessels must turn to starboard as required by the Coll Regs (Red to Red and it's safe ahead), then alter to the desired course once safe to do so. The International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea, apply to Rivers and Harbours as well a the sea, unless altered for local waters by Governments, again as stated in the Coll Regs. Having said all that, if I were vessel A, I would just slow down and let vessel B pass safely head. Happy Boating Paul
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