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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. There could just be an update this afternoon at the Navigation Committee - we can all watch & listen
  2. The figures are in tomorrows Navigation Ctte papers
  3. For those who have not seen it the Papers & Agenda for this weeks navigation Ctte are on line & the link to watch "live" will appear soon. It answers many of the questions being asked including safety & tolls! https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/navigation-committee/navigation-committee-22-october-2020
  4. All same size but an awkward non hose-lock thread compatible size. (No doubt why getting replacement taps seems to take ages)Rangers last day Sun 1st Nov
  5. X1/X11 is an express route with only one stop in Acle a mile or so from river & no safe place to stop anyway
  6. In these days of hospitality industry in trouble and where there are alternative moorings there should be some flexibility by refunds of fee to customers I've never seen a sign "Food only for boats mooring on our own moorings"
  7. Don't consider bus or train from Acle as both are a long way from the river (bus passes Stracey Arms (now a religious centre)but do not stop there - Stokesby would be another option & closer to the road to meet a Taxi (by the pub)
  8. Not wonderful maps but as good as it gets https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/230346/OultonBroad.pdf
  9. To avoid any confusion Oulton Broad is a Conservation Area https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0030/355449/Oulton-Broad-Conservation-Area-appraisal-adopted-July-2015.pdf
  10. Its Oulton Broad to Lowestoft which is a long way ! (Tried it with two 11 year olds and a dog on a hot summer day)!
  11. If TV aerial is manual setting look at which way any nearby houses have theirs pointing (One transmitter covers most of Norfolk) Electric Cards for Broads Authority 24 hour moorings are different to those used in boatyards if you moor up in one of those so check before staff go home!
  12. Each of the 10 English NPs including the Broads (As funding comes from the NP pot) has a different Management Plan - details here.https://www.nationalparksengland.org.uk/national-park-management-plans Between the Landscape Review & Planning for the Future there could be more evening up of how different aspects are dealt with including how they look at detail as close as paint colour which some NPs are keen on but could have evolved from their origional way of looking at things over the past 70 odd years.
  13. The Broads Executive Area was set up like the National Parks under its own Act of Parliament and like the other areas which are all slightly different having been done over many years hence the Glover Review / Landscape Review to bring them under a more standard format with additional principles ie the addition of Navigation to the Sandford principle (Who knows the amount of protection the National Parks & the Broads will be given under the "Planning for the Future" White Paper out for consultation till end of October) ( See last weeks BA Planning Ctte Documents)
  14. The site had a mention at Planning Ctte last Friday re the outstanding enforcement re the Caravans & is due a visit soon Someone commented on the colour but from memory was told it was not an issue as not listed building - worth checking minutes when they come out on 30 October
  15. Here is an update from the Campaign for National Parks (The charity which encompasses all of the English & Welsh National Park Friends Groups) https://www.cnp.org.uk/blog/ensuring-national-parks-benefit-planning-reforms
  16. Bus from Acle village centre is nearer than the Train Station & more frequent & takes you to City Centre
  17. Really depends if they are predictions updated daily or from the long term predictions One I look at to see what is happening out at sea is this one - It shows actual against predicted though of course does not show how much this is going to effect Broads tides as wind can have an effect as well. Whilst the north rivers seem not to be draining out especially in the more inland locations the south is near to normal in rise & fall albeit the highs are quite high. Even last weekend there was almost 1m rise & fall. https://www.ntslf.org/data/realtime?port=Lowestoft
  18. There are - The Environment Agency ones - Problem is they only normally post the readings on a daily basis (7.30 on BST 6.30 on GMT)- twice a day in times of possible flood There is one at Repps for Potter one just 100m from Reedham Swing Bridge, also Beccles Quay some of the others are not too near the bridges with some joined up thinking not beyond the realms of possibility to either have greater access to the info & access to some which are not published. The system is basically almost 20 years old so no doubt due for an upgrade? (It is or certainly did transmits on mobile phone technology) The gauges once you work out the evaluations for a given nearby landmark can certainty give an idea of trends as they cover the past 5 days Eg water overtops the quay at Reedham at 1.6m
  19. I was just about to write that the quality of 2 Stroke oil is key - Sthil is usually at a different dilution to standard 2 stroke oil. When I took over buying oil for strimmer's & chain saws in parks the finance officer at the time questioned why when I started doing the buying I had to have the most expensive oil (They had been simply using SAE30 till then with all the inbuilt maintenance issues that brought. (I won) (Getting the staff to measure precisely the mix was another matter) But the air was certainly cleaner!
  20. Nobody yet has mentioned this which was presented to the BA navigation Ctte on the 3rd Sept 2020 It is self explanatory. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/342087/Hire-boat-code-draft-version.pdf
  21. There will no doubt be a "Live" update here at 10am (or soon after) https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/broads-authority/broads-authority-25-september-2020
  22. For those interested the planning authority is the Broads Authority rather than the District Council & they still provide free advice.
  23. I have been in the vicinity of a Day Boat Hire Yard for several days recently & clip boards & signatures were very much in evidence! I cannot of course vouch for if this is something new, improved or has always happened, but in evidence none the less.
  24. Reedham Quay this morning (on the right side of the river today! Counted 38
  25. Always been puzzled why the A47 Acle New Rd Bridge in Yarmouth was built so low no real need to copy the height of the Metal ex railway bridge which could conceivably be jacked up & new foot approaches built. I doubt there was any public consultation at the time? Wayford looks like a cheap job & missed opportunity Ludham a little constrained by entrances to one side but a few more inches should have been possible Beccles Old another that could gain a few inches by jacking up?.
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