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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. Should not be a problem next week as no trains https://www.greateranglia.co.uk/about-us/news-desk/news-articles/buses-replace-trains-while-wherry-line-track-renewal-work-takes
  2. Sunday trains in both directions are due at Somerleyton at 8.37 then every two hours till 16.37 HOWEVER there are no trains on Sunday 16th due to engineering work at Brundall https://www.greateranglia.co.uk/travel-information/service-alterations/norwich-great-yarmouth-and-lowestoft-62 Unless there engineering trains from the work on that part of the line on Saturday it is likely the bridge will be open all day (The signal box there can even be left un-staffed as there is foot access to the station unlike Reedham) Reedham remained operational all day today (Sun 9th) as temperature a little lower
  3. The EU were clearly concerned about old GRP craft a decade ago there are a couple of papers from around 2011 but I don't they really had an answer. I think a proper disposal route needs to be set up possibly using an approved Energy from Waste Plant & a chain from the effected areas with approved (and maybe subsidised) breakers with sufficient advertising to ensure a constant supply. There are also numerous abandoned caravans around that may even have sufficient value in recyclable material to part cover the cost of breaking.
  4. Bit more difficult with an electric mudweight?
  5. Hopefully the network Rail Survey team will study closure log when they do their work in August.
  6. I hadn't even got as far thinking about the good old Food Hygiene Regulations.
  7. Those who have seen the lengthy discussion in EDP, many concerned at the reasons (correct & assumed) for the refusal of the licence may be interested to hear the example of a incident at Reedham yesterday right next to the Quay Rangers Hut (who was on duty) in broad daylight on a sunny Sunday afternoon (I saw the Ambulance arrive) According to a report elsewhere this was followed by the Coastguard and two Lifeboat Crews to assist in getting one patient off of a craft moored to the quay (where the tide range is a couple of feet). (I do realise the person could have equally fallen ill moored at Berney but sort of puts the pitfalls into context) Just imagine getting that lot plus two fire trucks and three police cars over two un-staffed level crossings off off the Acle Straight !
  8. I too was involved for many years with discussions between all the parties involved in putting on minor & major outdoor events (at the time when technology was getting better by the year). Including incidentally the preparations for the starting venue for the infamous Trafalgar Square Poll Tax Demonstration (riot) including a gathering or 150 + at Scotland Yard the day before. Whether small or large its all about sitting around a table or even meeting on site to look at the options. It was interesting to note that reference was made to what is now known as the Purple Guide which started as the Purple Book- the bible for outdoor events which was written with a lot of input from the authority I worked for .Many Local Authorities now publish their own slimmed down versions.The new version is constantly updated and available on-line.
  9. Thinking about (in the light of the increase in Broads Holidays) the owner/tenant could have found a modest income source by charging for mooring (at worst it would look good in a business plan) Was it there or somewhere else that someone was trying to charge boats on a BA mooring
  10. Plus apparently (from the hearing) Hire Craft were not going to be encouraged?
  11. Another scam popped up on Friday - A firm claiming to know the guarantee on my washing machine had run out & offering a 3 year deal at £75 per year with all the usual conditions including replacement machine if beyond repair. When the confirmation email arrived shortly after the Direct Debit was for £75 per month! Digging deeper on their website there is no mention of an insurance type service only spot repairs. The website also quoted a registered business address which they had informed Companies House had moved in August 2019. Luckily first DD not due till 8th Aug & scheme has normal 14 day cooling off period. Duly cancelled & Bank informed. The penny should have dropped when they didn't know the make of machine or the fact it is a washer drier rather than plain washer.
  12. Survey work due soon. With the huge investment in signalling new level crossings and even lighting at stations they cannot neglect the bridges. BA report progress at their meetings on a regular basis now https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/anglia/swing-bridge-renewals/#:~:text=We're renewing some of,safe state after each opening.
  13. Whilst not strictly on theme I suspect that some of the less well kept craft have been acquired cheaply by their residents from someone wishing to dispose of an old almost worthless boat. Old Glass Fibre craft have seemingly been a Europe wide problem for well over a decade as there are EU reports on the matter going back some time. In order to prevent those not prepared to be considerate to others and indeed the Broads it needs to be easier to arrange the collection & legal disposal of unwanted boats with a yard which does such work making themselves know to everyone (there have been a number of craft from those who have passed away or become too infirm to still use them being virtually abandoned.with other members of a family being left to sort the problem) A modest scrapage scheme may help & I am sure some funding could be found somewhere within the governments current "green agenda" Could this help the situation long term? (There are also scores of abandoned caravans in gardens & on plots of land - yet another blot on the Broads)!
  14. The Ferry Inn at Reedham is re-opening today (Sat 11th) Booking only The Ship is doing Basket & Kids Meals Info from their FB pages The Lord Nelson has been opening 3pm till 9pm ish No food so far.
  15. Whilst the bus service from Acle is getting back to its pre virus frequency (First X1/X11) it is quite a hike from Acle Bridge, there is only one bus stop in the village centre (It is an express route from Norwich to Yarmouth via Acle) There is a footpath (unlit) parallel with the road. There is a bus stop by the bridge but suspect its very infrequent & I cant find a timetable
  16. Be sure the water temperature is above 45 degrees C or the running off is ineffective.
  17. Time fly's ! There are some useful items which could be used within the Local Plan for the Broads including the statements within section SSPUBS on page 210 https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/259596/Local-Plan-for-the-Broads.pdf The Licencing applications are not published on-line (probably unless the application goes to Broadland DC Licencing Committee).
  18. An elderly friend now deceased I found to have 4 companies covering her items over & over. One I rang & they demanded £100 to cancel as per contract & kept ringing her with threats of prosecution Following other problems the Fraud team at her bank became involved & they could find no legitimate details of the company! We stopped all of the Direct Debits & the only one to make contact was the legitimate one who simply thanked her for using them & hoped she would use them again should the need arise. A TV repair contractor made one visit then abandoned her with a broken set which she had to replace but carried on charging her.
  19. Bytheriver

    River Yare

    In Reedham there is a play area near the Village Hall but a quiet route is now signposted - quite a walk but not as far as Pettits & free. If at Oulton Broad there is Nicholas Everette Park next to the Yacht Station
  20. The owner has a Licencing application with Broadland DC for one of the outbuildings at the Berney Arms - outcome as yet unknown
  21. For those who don't know the wooden superstructure was removed from Vagabond at Deal Ground Trowse but got caught by a combination of bridge closures at Reedham & Great Yarmouth There is a picture of it passing through Bramerton in the July Harnser Magazine
  22. Network Rail are to conduct major survey of the 3 swing bridges soon Having spent £m's on the rest of the infrastructure & Greater Anglia leasing all new trains they can hardly do less https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-routes/anglia/swing-bridge-renewals/
  23. Also useful for events when toilet cisterns do not have time to fully re-fill between uses
  24. The EU did a lot of research on end of life inland craft some 10-12 years ago so clearly a Europe & Worldwide problem - maybe the answer is a Scrappage Scheme with an appointed breaker maybe small subsidy & publicity to ensure boats "on the edge" are dealt with before they are abandoned.
  25. Wonder if the Berney Arms will have their shiny new Premises Licence by then from Broadland District Council
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