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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. We've been using them for quite a while now. Wendy and Carl are brilliant. Nothing too much trouble and very reliable Just might be a bit of a trek for them to Brundall, but well worth giving them a bell. Highly recommended.
  2. There could be a cue there EP.......... I bet it would be a great read!
  3. When we hired from Swancraft we used a firm from Blofield - I think it's called Blofield cars or similar. Sorry it's been a while and I can't find their card. They were good and reasonable. Google may find them.
  4. I've seen the beer lists in previous years and they always seem to pick top notch beers. I'm sure they will do the same this year. As always I just wish I lived closer!
  5. The last time we managed to get through Potter Heigham Bridge in a hire boat was in June 2013. It was Swan Royale which from memory needed 6' 10" I don't suppose you see clearance like that much these days!
  6. This is quite interesting - it's Network Rail's take on the hot rails situation. As mentioned earlier slowing trains seems part of the solution. East Anglia gets a specific mention. https://www.networkrail.co.uk/why-rails-buckle-in-britain/
  7. I have an idea that it's around 8 feet at high tide. We've never had a problem even in winter. I guess the hire boats that could potentially have problems could be some of the very tall Faircraft Loynes types. I'm sure we've typically had 9 or 10 feet. St Olaves would be similar I would imagine, possibly even less.
  8. Anyone heard anything about this I wonder?
  9. Ouch, condolences again!! Hope you are feeling better soon
  10. True indeed Alan. Most micro pubs are keg free and The Kings Head in Norwich But I fear the vast majority will be affected. Mind you it might wean a few onto the real stuff (wish we had a tongue in cheek smiley)
  11. I never realised until I did a bit of Google-ing - carbon dioxide is a by product of ammonia production. Apparently many plants have shut down for maintenance, hence the shortage. Whilst I'm no fan of Stella and John Smiths, this could affect pubs quite badly which I certainly wouldn't like to see. Hope its resolved soon.
  12. Bit in the EDP about the Haven Bridge problems, affecting Goodchilds as well http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/broken-bridge-blocking-ts-lord-nelson-and-costing-goodchild-marine-1-5578782
  13. Ditto, loving the piccies and holiday tale please keep them coming Woods fit both smoke and CO2 alarms, the smoke one is very sensitive in the confines of a boat so could be that. The water pump may kick in occasionally but that would be more of a humming/ buzzing Lovely weather!!!
  14. Another pic, nicked from Twitter this time, Strumpshaw apparently
  15. Quite agree JF Forgot, another option in busy periods is to moor in boatyards. The likes of Herbert Woods and Faircraft Loynes are very handy and most of their own boats will be out.
  16. Oooo, er, need to find a pub without a TV!
  17. I suspect main problem is honeypot moorings, Horning, Ranworth etc Dinghy? Try arriving between 9.30 and 11.30? The great British public are very set in their ways. 8.00 get up. Run engine so all crew can shower. 9.30 - 10 set off. 12 start looking for a mooring near a pub. 2 - 2.30 set off again 5 look for another mooring near a pub. Run engine again. Or as JM says go South. As
  18. Agree with Simon and Griff sadly chances are probably similar to England winning the Word Cup It is magic through the Bridge though, dayboat worth thinking about? We've done that last few years, well worthwhile
  19. Not while there's dogs on the street
  20. Ah, seems a bit odd, wonder it's been blown and they've not bothered to replace it?? Could ring Woods and ask. Have a great time anyway, if the weather keeps like this you will be laughing
  21. According to Craig's site Forth Bridge 1 dates from 1989 (ex Harvey Eastwood) and 2 is from 1991 (ex Greenway and Anchorcraft) maybe slight build/fitout variations?
  22. Indeed there is. I'm sure that Carol would be interested too http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/index.html
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