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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. See Bazza! I told you you'd get more confuzzled the longer this thread went on, I won't laugh honest, because I've been there, sometimes I suffer from information overload,,,, Frank,,,
  2. Jill's post makes sense to me John, I've been using the Red door that's why I had trouble getting in the members section,,,,, John! dissenter is the bit in the middle,,, Ok I'll get my coat,,,,, Frank,,,
  3. Grace! when you get to 50 you get to join the Elite in the members section , basically it just lets full members discuss stuff we don't want to talk about in the open forum, I call it Elite because I'm there the rest of them are just rabble I love the run up to Coltishall but my favourite has always been the River Ant I've done the run from Stalham to Wayford then back up to Ludham a couple of times in the same day and it's different every time, Frank,,,,
  4. Glad to hear both are still going, Mike! is the same lady running the gift shop, she used to sell bits for the NBF forum, and it was NBF that reported her closing,,, Frank,,,,
  5. Steve! I'd love to find the place that makes these Justin Cases I'd make a fortune selling them, like you my Mrs has loads of them, I think she even has a Justin Case just in case she forgets one, I've seen people take less stuff when they move house than Judi takes for a weekend, do you get the bit ten minutes from the boat, did I lock the door, I'm not sure I locked the windows, did I unplug all the plugs??? drives me mad as she does it every time,, Frank,,,,
  6. Not Sure Strow! from the first few post it sounds like they are separate as someone mentioned refreshments and Dave said the gift shop does them! I havn't heard anything about the Angling shop, but it would be nice if they had something there, I hate being negative but I think it may be a struggle to keep a business going there, I've seen quite a few come and go at Womack over the years, it's a bit off track there and totally dependant on seasonal trade, it may help that they intend to do pump outs and stuff, but most of the foot traffic and cars are usually locals, even fishermen normally come through Potter, Ludham and Wroxham, and there are three good Tackle shops there, I wish them all the best and really hope they make a success of it,,, Frank,,,,
  7. Ah Ha! found it on NBF, Richard posted on 2nd December that the gift shop had closed for good, at least I know I'm not going mad now, but I guess that's up for debate,,, Frank,,,
  8. Strowager! that's what made me mention the gift shop, I saw GG's post, but I'm sure since then I read somewhere the gift shop had closed down,,, Frank,,,,
  9. Sidestand! you must has met my Mrs, you said over prepared, if we go to the boat just for a day she takes enough stuff for two weeks out, plus there is always a spare Duvet, two hot water bottles, two heaters, without the Eber heating, various hairy warm boots, and you should see what she takes on a cold day,, Oh I forgot her thermal lined Wellies,,, Frank,,,
  10. Bazza! the longer this post go's on the more your getting confused, but Mbirds plan sounds a good one, still be no good for me thought! my head would be in the cupboard all day, I love LED's and shinny stuff, even my dash instruments lights up, the Mrs reckons I was a Magpie in a previous life,, Frank,,, Although I have no intention of ever fitting one, I love learning about stuff like this just in case,,,,
  11. Good luck with your new venture Dave, Womack is one of my favourite places when I can find a mooring there, I thought I'd heard it mentioned somewhere that the gift shop had closed down so maybe Drinks and snacks could be on your menu,,, Frank,,,,
  12. All of the above! the only downside I can think of is the short daylight hours, and if you have a breakdown it can be harder to find help, so make sure your engines in good order and you have a contact number to get help if you need it, apart from that I'd say give it a try, I also love Springtime and night cruising, I think the Broads are one of the most beautiful places at the start of Spring, trees and flowers starting to bloom, wildlife emerging and still not many boats around, I often night cruise and would say it's one thing everyone should try, the Broads are a completely different place by moonlight, no boats around because they are all tucked up for the night, just pick a place where you want to moor up the next day, have a nice little cruise and head for the broad nearest to it and plop a mudweight for the night, then just head for where you want to moor first thing in the morning just when everyone's leaving, I've often been seen out and about at 3am if I can't sleep, I havn't got nav lights on my latest boat but they will be going on this season,,, Frank,,,,
  13. Bazza! looking at Strows links it looks to me like it's banks of battery's, because I'm good at looking at pictures but not reading stuff, the 3 battery is supplying 1 Starter and 2 banks of battery's, and the 4 battery shows as 1 starter and 3 banks of battery's, if you look at the Sterling link, it shows the 3 battery supplying 1 Starter, 6 main domestic and 3 general battery's, that's a lot of battery's my waterline would drop at least 1ft with that lot, think I'll stick with my 20 mile extension lead, only trouble with that is I have to keep returning to my moorings to top the leccie up,, Frank,,,
  14. Just in case you can't open that as you'll need Adobe reader, here's the start up bit in the manual,, Frank,,,, 4.2 Starting the stove Follow the procedure below to start the stove: 1. Reset the overboil protection if the stove has a back boiler 2. Remove the lid (Old Dutch) or open the door (Old English) 3. Open the tap of the oil tank 4. Set the oil regulator to setting 2 5. Push the lever of the flame protection device down 6. Keep the lever pushed down, until oil flows in the burner pot 7. Release the lever of the flame protection device 8. Pour approximately 20 ml of spirit in the burner pot 9. Light the spirit, using a torch or a match 10. Replace the lid or close the door 11. Wait until the spirit has almost burned off (the flame pattern recedes) 12. Press the lever of the flame protection device 13. Keep the lever pushed down for approximately 1-1,5 minutes until the flame is well established 14. Wait approximately 15 minutes before you set the regulator to a lower or higher setting It is possible that condensation will occur on the back boiler. This condensation will disappear when the water reaches its operating temperature 5 Operation After the stove has been started according to paragraph 4.2, the operation of the stove is very simple. Using the control on the regulator, you can control the oil flow to the burner pot. The minimum flame setting should result in a round blue flame in the pot. This has to be achieved by visual observation. If the flame burns lower, the burner will soot up rapidly and efficiency will be reduced dramatically. The lowest setting of the oil regulator does not necessarily mean the lowest operating setting of the boiler. Due to differences in temperature, composition (thinning agents) and oil quality, there may be differences in oil viscosity (thickness). This may result in the boiler burning differently on the same setting of the oil regulator. By adjusting the control on the regulator you will be able to fine tune the burning characteristics. Attention: Never change the settings of the oil regulator. ( the adjustment screws) The regulator has been set exactly by the manufacturer.
  15. Welcome to the site Lesmals, I came across this it may help you,,, Frank,, http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDgQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elyboatchandlers.com%2Fdownload-document%2Fkabola-old-dutch-fitting&ei=byfZUouRLdSVhQeHxIG4CQ&usg=AFQjCNH24RiMimmAfhuSH2W-GsXL3wHKAA
  16. Jon! I can just see you at events with this boat, with the cry of "oot orf me way" and "get orf me boot" Frank,,,,
  17. Thanks Bazza! I wasn't being negative about them, no pun intended I just couldn't work out why they were needed, when we have good 12v and most of us now have 240v, but as you mention wild mooring it kind of makes sense, we do a lot of wild mooring but I'm not telling the Mrs about inverters, I'll just buy her a beany hat to hide her hair,,,, Frank,,,,
  18. Sorry I can't help on this one at all! but I have a question! I know what inverters do, but why would you need one on a boat, the only reason I can think of is for things like hairdryers and microwaves, seems a lot of trouble to warm your pies up, I have two 110 amp domestic batteries, I run an 65ltr Isotherm fridge, two laptop computers, 12v hairdryer all my lights, charge phones and two tablets, plus the usual water pumps and general boat stuff and never had a flat battery, so I can't work out why anyone would actually need an inverter,, Frank,,,,,
  19. Hi Jon! she's a beautiful looking boat, and I can't wait to see her restored! I remarked to the Mrs about the way she has deteriorated over the last couple of years, the boat that is not the Mrs, I'm not sure if it's the same class but there's a similar looking boat at Barton Turf unless it's the same boat,, not my type of boat far too much work on upkeep for me, but I love seeing all the old classics, Frank,,,,,
  20. Jon! did this boat used to be moored near Hunters yards near Womack? I'm sure I saw this one up for sale there a couple of years ago,,,, Frank,,,,
  21. Thanks for the advice folks! all very helpful,,,, Frank,,,,
  22. Just found this Handy site For Ebers Information,, http://www.letonkinoisvarnish.co.uk/Eberspacher_Intro_1.html
  23. Thanks Roy! I was thinking something like 6mm cable same as my fridge,, I'm a bit confused with the fuel lines though! Craig mentions copper fuel lines and sons boat is run in Copper, the Eber site also says use hard black plastic, any clues, Frank,,,, Never mind just checked the Eber site again and it says in small letters use metal pipes,,
  24. Hi Alan! should have said it's 12v, I know exactly what you mean about lagging the pipes, My Hampton 25 was fitted with a new Eber D4 just before we bought it, it's fitted at the front of the boat in the bow cupboard, there's a main outlet about 3ft from the unit in the main cabin, one in the toilet about 8ft away and one in the back cabin about 12ft away, the main cabin is nice and hot, but the toilet and back cabin are barely warm, I did think lagging them would help but it's such a pain getting to them behind wall and cupboards I can't be bothered, I did think of just lagging the bits I can get to but I'm not sure if it would help,, Regards Frank,,,,
  25. Thanks Craig! it's one of those jobs that look easy but your never sure until you start it and end up in trouble, Frank,,,
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