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Everything posted by Mowjo

  1. Ok folks I need your input here, anyone know if these are any good, Propex HS2000e Heater Single Outlet, it works off gas or 230v, my son-in-law is looking for some budget heating and the price of everything else on the market is stupid, the propex comes out around £700 for the full kit, He won't need it for a while, because like me he's broke until his work picks up next month, I know you can pick up second hand Ebers and other makes via Flea Bay but looking at the spec of the Propex it seems like a good option,,, Regards Frank,,,
  2. Bill! there is hardly any smell with the Tub glue from B&Q it's water based, and yes the 2.5 ltr tub will more than do that 30sq ft, if your just doing flatish areas you can use virtualy any carpet, if you look on my link below you'll see that on the curved walls in the front cabin and flat ones in the dining area I've used quite deep pile carpet, just make sure it's the felt back type as foam will disintigrate after a while, just put the glue on a bit thicker, if you have areas like Stowager then go for the stuff he says, so far I've done 6 boats and the only problem I had was using foam backed stuff,, Regards Frank,,,
  3. Forgot to mention, I was a Carpet fitter for years, if you want to see an example of my last boat check the photobucket link below, I did all the walls with Carpet and Vinyl,, Regards Frank,,,
  4. Ok! contact glues work very well but as the name says it's contact and instant, so you have to be very carefull because if you get a crease or it's slightly in the wrong place with that cord carpet you may end up throwing a lot away, if your going to use contact, cut the carpet a little oversize, spray or spread the glue on one or both surfaces as directed, beware spray glue can get messy if you miss aim the can, get yourself a little batten or something and hold it between the wall and the carpet to hold the carpet away from the wall, line the carpet up at the top of what you are doing and press the top few inches into place, now slowly move the batten down the wall smoothing the carpet into place as you go, when it's in place go back over it again smoothing it again to make sure there's no Bubbles, then you have the tricky bit of trimming it around the edges and in the corners, unless you are very good or very lucky you will probably end up having to put trim in the corners, all the above applies to fitting Carpet or Vinyl on wall and places where it dosn't normally go,, if thats all a bit instant for you, you can use the tub carpet glue, the only difference is you normally only put it on the wall etc and not both sufaces, you get a lot more play time with it, so if you missplace it you can move it, I always fit the carpet as soon as I've applied the glue so it goes on wet, you just have to then leave it a short while then go back over it a few times making sure you smooth it down,, if you want to use the Tub glue, use the trade one called Styccobond F3 any good Carpet shop should sell it, or one I've used a lot because I needed some quickly to finish a job, Is B&Q's Diall Carpet and Vinyl Adhesive which is around £8 for a 2 ltr Tub, happy carpet fitting fitting, Oh! a little tip for beginers get some of those Vinly gloves cos trust me Spray or Tub glue you will get it in places you don't want it, the Tub glues are a bit better because most are water based so while it's still wet you can clean up with a wet cloth or sponge,,,,, Regards Frank,,,,
  5. Have to say I'm with Senator on this one, for the sake of a Stamp or Phone I personaly wouldn't take the chance, even the best insurance company's will try and find a way of not paying up if the can, so is it worth taking the risk,,,, Mowjo,,,
  6. Now thats not nice is it, I actualy thought the same thing when I saw Clives remark, I've just been waiting for someone else to pick up on it, took longer than I thought but you got there in the end,
  7. Geeze washing up! I just put all mine in the toilet and flush, if you put a bleach block in the cistern they come out all nice and clean,,, Mowjo Tip!,, wait till the wife is in bed before you do it, I don't know why but my wife dosn't seem to like it,,,
  8. Hi Clive! did my usualy, the boat needed nothing doing to it, but I re-carpeted all the floor, changed all the old brass stuff for stainless, put Vinyl flooring on all the walls cos the Mrs said it looked like a hire boat, I did it because of all the screw holes in the walls, and changed the drop through toilet for a pump action one cos the smell from the drop through got a bit much in the warm weather, changed the three battery's for new ones, replaced a lot of badly fitted/rotten trim, repainted anything that was painted, replaced all the fender cleats, fitted new steering wheel, new fenders and ropes, fitted shore power, hopefully just one job left make stain and fit a new pelmet, Oh and replace some louvre vents when I can find the right size stainless ones, so not bad for me and a boat that needed nothing doing, did well with the Seamaster 813 sold it for 5k more than I paid for it, and the re-fit only cost me around 1k plus my time, we've actualy used the Hampton more this year than we have any other boat, Judi loves it cos it's all one level and it's usualy her that says lets go down the boat so a good result there, I still prefer boats that look like boats, because I think Hamptons are ugly, saying that I love the room in them for a 25footer, but the shape and look of them does nothing for me, I love anytime out on the water, the way I look at it I own it and can use it 52 weeks of the year, and the way people are struggling with money I'm pretty lucky to own one at all,, Regards Mowjo,,,
  9. Oh Great! now you lot tell me it's a Washing Machine, I wondered why the picture was rubbish on mine and I couldn't find where the aerial pluged in,
  10. Ooooh Dear! no-one told me we have a boating season, does that mean I'll get a slap for using mine all year round???? Actualy I'm one of the lucky ones, the rest of you eat your heart out, Moored at Stalham live in Lowestoft, we wake up if the sun is out or we feel like it we jump in the car and 30 mins later were on the boat, might even be out more this year since the latest boat has heating, just a shame the days are so short now, but hey can't have everything,,
  11. Just logged in and found this, a sad post indeed, I can't say anything about Ken that hasn't already been said, I've known Ken a few years, though I don't think he ever remembered my name, he was always glad to see me, it was a standing joke between the wife and me, I'd say I'm just poping in to see Ken for 5 minutes, and she's say see you in a couple of hours, Ken did like a good chat, my thoughts go out to his Family at this sad time,,, Mowjo,,,
  12. Looks like when it finally dies I'll have to bite the bullet and spend a lot of money on a new 12v fridge, I'll have a read back I'm sure I've seen post on fridges and the power consumpton and the best ones, I need a bigger fridge because 2 pints of milk and 1/2 doz eggs and my little electrolux is full, Regards Mowjo,,, Antares, I'm PMing you I have a question that I think your the man to answer,,,,
  13. Hi Folks! I need some advice here! I'm thinking about changing my old Electrolux Gas fridge as it's on it's last legs, I got talking to a guy at our Marina and he reckons I can use a normal 240v domestic fridge just off an invertor all I need to do is check hoe many Watts it is and use an invertor a little higher, I have shore power but I just can't see how an invertor could run a domestic fridge without killing the battery in a very short time, if it was that easy everyone would be running domestic fridges on their boats, Ideal for me as a 1k Invertor is around £100 and the same for an A+ rated fridge and thats around £300 cheaper than the boat fridges I've seen, so any advice on this please,,, Regards Mowjo,,,
  14. Rod! sorry if I gave the wrong impression in my reply, as we all know most everything works in theory or on paper but real life gives different results, I just couldn't get my head around the size differences etc, lets face it most of the boats on the Broads are smaller than the tenders on the stuff you pilot, I wasn't questioning you for one minute,,, Regards Mowjo,,,
  15. I'm lost!!! all I know is when the pilot took my Seamaster under about three feet from the bridge he throttled back and the bow visibly dropped below it's normal height, once the bow was about through he gave it full thottle and the stern dropped, I watched him take my brothers boat under that was the sister ship to mine and it actualy looked like the pilot curved the boat under the bridge, The Pilot called it digging a hole, I can't dispute what you say Rod, but wouldn't the length and weight of the boat make a difference, Surely the effect would be different when your talking hundreds of tonnes against a few tonne and hundreds of feet against 25/40ft plus I would think that 8 knotts on a 25/40 footer would and does handle completely different to one of your big boys, it's an interesting subject, next time I'm at Potter or Wroxham I'll have a chat with the pilots and see what their theory is, be interesting to find out,,,, Regards Frank,,,,
  16. I believe it was Bolero Clive! looked rather nasty,,,, Regards Frank,,,
  17. Bill! the Pilot at Potter taught me to the exactly that back in 1985/6 with my Seamaster 25, when the screen was folded down onto the roof the roofline was as wide as the Hull, I took one look and chickened out from even trying it, I got talking to the Pilot and he said i'll go under easily I'll show you how to do it, the old Seamaster was a bit over propped as it came off the Thames so when he opened it up the Pullpit was 2ft higher than the arch of the bridge, The wife hid in the Cabin I prayed and was glad I had brown trousers on, but he did it exactly the way you descibe but I swear there was only an inch clearance when we went under, once we got to the other side he turned the boat around and said your go now once you do it the first time you'll be fine and made me take it back under, it was actually easier than I though but without his help and guidence it's something I would never have attempted alone, we spent many happy times the other side of Potter, but when I got rid of the boat around 1990/1 and bought a smaller Freeman23, I lost my nerve and to this day I've never taken one of my boats under Potter bridge,, Regards Frank,,
  18. I'm saying nothing Clive but I did see a big stack of old wooden pallets in your yard,,,, Talking of Bumps Clive! one of your boats passed us at Ludham Tuesday afternoon and it had a rather large hole and big dent in the bow, the guy saw me looking and shouted something like he had hit a concrete post at Norwich, at least thats what it sounded like, what happened????? Regards Frank,,,,,
  19. Tuesday at Ludham we got hit three time in less than an hour, not one said sorry and the worse part was the Mrs was cooking at the time, the wind was blowing boats into us and it didn't help that all three seemed as if they had forgotten that on forward steering boats the stern has a mind of it's own unless you watch it, but because I've been hit before I always have my cheapo trusty digital camera handy and the first thing I do is take a piccie of the offending boat, making sure I get the reg and I make sure I set it so the time and date show, then I take a piccie of the damage, that way whether private or hire I have a record of the boat and damage both showing the time and date, that way anyone would have a hard time saying it wasn't me or I wasn't in the area, luckily the ones that hit us at Ludham only scraped alongside us and did no damage, some may see me always having my camera ready as a bit over the top, my view is why claim off my insurance and have to pay an excess when it was someone elses fault, after all everyone must now have at least third party insurance so if they damage my boat they pay, if I hit them I pay,, Regards Frank,,,,
  20. Great to hear! it was a lovely Dog and I'm sure very much missed by it's owners, Regards Frank,,,
  21. Your Right there!! I own a Springer and she's mental, while on the boat I used to have to keep her on a chain or she'd be over the side, we were at Horning opposite the Pub one day and I took my eyes off her for a minute, when I looked around she had gone down the slipway and was halfway across the river, I was panicking because she's 13 years old is half blind, half deaf and has dodgy legs, basically a knackered Dog but boy can she swim, took me ages to get her back her look was like I'll text you when I'm ready to come back,,, Regards Frank,,,,
  22. Hi Folks! around 3PM today while passing Irstead shoals we spotted a young Springer Spaniel sitting on the bank opposite the moorings looking a bit lost and like it had fallen off a boat, so we turned around moored up and watched the Dog for half hour, no-one turned up so Wifey went knocking doors to see if she could find anything out, meanwhile the chap that owns the house to the right of the moorings with the Orange Pedalo outside turned up and asked if it was my dog, seems he had been watching it as well, he got his rowing boat out and went over to pick the dog up, and it gladly jumped in after being offered a sausage, the dog was really hungry so could have been missing a few days, on leaving the chap at the house said he was contacting the RSPCA, so if this is your Dog or you know anything about it, either contact the chap at the house or the local RSPCA which I believe may be in Yarmouth,, Regards Frank,,,,
  23. Your lucky Baz! Jude just bought a New Kettle because she dosn't like the colour of the other one, it has to be Blue to go with the boat, we should be at the Marina all day and poss overnight, got a few little jobs in need to do, and photo's of the aerial to take or i'll forget them, then we'll be heading out until we feel like coming back, and they way Jude is with this boat it could be weeks,, Regards Frank,,,,
  24. Will do John! i'm off to the boat tomorrow and not sure when we will get home again, it all depends on the weather, but as soon as I get back i'll post some pics, it was a bit fiddly, you need to cut two arms off and drill a couple of holes to rivet the bracket back on but the whole thing took me less than half hour, I did a check with a borrowed signal meter before and after the mod and there is no difference in signal strength, it's nicely balanced now and dosn't seem to be affected by the wind now, Regards Frank,,,
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