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Everything posted by petersjoy

  1. EVM was was brilliant, i raved about it, not been available for years, i think the company that did it went bust. think it was called Cormorant trading. wow just found this while typing. http://www.ctlonline.co.uk/
  2. Hi Iain, sorry to hear of your problems too, have been looking out for you this last couple of days while up here on the north end. Just got a good signal here at The Bridge Inn Acle, to read this, off back South in the morning. Good luck for making it next year, hope to see you then. Paul.
  3. Hi Iain, just this got moored up at The Bridge at Acle after a long trip from Beccles, will look out for you later in the week if we know where you are, may be heading to Potter first tomorrow. Paul.
  4. We start our week on the 10th, hoping to head North from Beccles for a few days too, havn't checked the tide tables yet so not sure when we will 'cross over', should see you about. so give us a . The new engine's settled in, and i'm looking forward to it.
  5. Could be interesting, a cruise in company down to London for a meet.
  6. Twyfords in Beccles for a treat, not cheap but their scones with jam and cream are the best, you can even eat the jam container. http://twyfordscafe.co.uk/ Link added.
  7. If you are near Beccles try Stephen Warner at Quayway Boats, 'in the old Aston yard'. I can't recommend him highly enough, and wouldn't have anyone else to work on my boat. (except me of course)
  8. You can buy them from Brian Ward, dont forget the 10% NBN discount.
  9. Plenty of good Black Pudding up here in Yorkshire, Iain, what you doing eating BP. Just had my fill of Haggis and Cheese toasties this week. . Paul.
  10. I've not ordered from them yet, i have just found their web site too. At £10 to £14 cheaper than the engine suppliers prices i will be using them. Paul.
  11. Yes, Had a cruise up to the end of the navigation thursday. A very pleasent hours cruise before leaving Norwich, i would recomend it 'but not in a hire boat' they are not allowed.
  12. Depends what you are interested in, at first glance,a lot for salies, but then closer look, a few new moboat bits too, left mine on the boat (back there on Monday) so cant go too specific, it is a very glossy publication, worth it?thats up to you to decide. Thinking about it 5quids nowt to what i'm looking at spending on the boat shortly.
  13. there is a one off at the moment, 2015 Anglia Afloat. picked a copy up the other day in Morrisons in Beccles. £4.99 Paul.
  14. Hi Bill, 5th might be a bit late, we'll see, should be heading back south by then. called in Peachments yesterday, decided it will be a Nanni this winter, See youi about soon i hope.
  15. John, My heads a shed at the moment looking at engines for replacement, just got back from Crick boat show with more questions than answers. now thinking of calling in at Peachments possibly this friday if your about. going to the boat tomorrow till Sunday with my mum, hope to get up to Brundall for Friday. See you soon............
  16. Just had mine over the Royal Enfield, only the 3rd time this year i've managed it.
  17. Hi John, will have to try and catch up with you.
  18. Hi Neil We will be out that week also, possibly going up north too, our paths may cross at sometime later in the week, Will lookout for you. Paul.
  19. If i get chance this time, it's more of a cleaning and maintenance trip in preparation for our 2weeks from the end of May. Bank hol monday Crick boat show northhants, tuesday home, Wednesday to boat with my mum till Sunday.Home then monday back to boat with bro in law and wives to Sunday. Busy fortnight.
  20. Hi Iain, have a good holiday,we'll be on the boat too from late wednesday to saturday but in Beccles. If you're down that end i'll look out for you.
  21. I couldn't post **** Turpin the other week. See d.i.c.k.
  22. Hi Charlie, nice to se you posting on here again, hope to see you soon, we seem to keep missing each other. another 14 posts and you can join the inner circle
  23. Hi Arthur, not me, i just look on Craigs database. Blame Charlie for me been another Aston anorak.
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