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Everything posted by gancanny

  1. about 14 years ago i got chatting to an elderly chap during lift-out day at dilham. it turned out he had been a flight engineer on halifax bombers during ww11 after the RAF he joined BOAC which is now british airways and was a member of the first team to be trained up for the jumbo 747, he later went on "loan" down under for QUANTAS training their aircrew, in later years he was again selected to join the team which brought CONCORDE to our skies, he never was a crew member on a commercial flight only on the development, he had a boat on the dilham moorings and lived in salhouse what a fantastic few hours of chat that turned out to be
  2. the last of the peregrine falcons fledged this afternoon around 5.15pm the nest is now empty, 100% success
  3. it is different, there is no doubt of that, i have had half a dozen holidays on the canals and have never been asked to pay a mooring fee, free mooring is available on 90% of the towpaths on the system, i found if you hire a cruiser stern boat you can all sit out, also outside seating in the bow area, the pace is a lot slower and turning needs to be planned,, by turning i mean going about, a 60ft boat does not turn in a 30ft wide canal so planning is essential, i did not find the boats claustrophobic at all, different but enjoyable, give it a go
  4. AC/DC highway to hell
  5. Yeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaa Attached Thumbnails http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/uploads/monthly_12_2013/post-578-0-57481300-1387619366.jpg is that your boat john, just that it looks very tidy and everything in place
  6. " Dont know if this is of any significance but the tide has gone out much further at Cromer." maybe a tsunami, on a more serious note, stay safe everyone
  7. yes muzbaz, it is my pic, and you can use it if you wish alan
  8. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Photograph&photo=x32_22803&BoatId=7706&BoatHistory=22803 one i took in 2010
  9. cant get down often enough thinking about a paint job john, what are you like with a paint brush alan
  10. CITY LINK for me every time, usually booked via "parcel2go"
  11. are you referring to the lovable DC30 they are a very popular boat in the private sector now the hire yards have no use for them i believe richardsons still have one on the fleet, refurbished only 2 or 3 years ago
  12. maybe you have already done it but, i put "plastic header tanks" into ebay search box and came up with a few ideas, give it a try
  13. always thought the easticks 25, similar to the safari, was a strange looking boat it always reminded me of a "pug" breed of dog even on the lowest of tides i do not think it would go under potter bridge
  14. i do look forward to your posts john, they always make me chuckle
  15. what a great blog, and some cracking pics.
  16. sorry dan i should have pointed out they were not broads related still, i think they are quite good pics
  17. http://rense.com/general96/shots.html just want to share some snaps i took while out and about last weekend ( cough LOL )
  18. i am going for the YARE near to beachamp arms, maybe a little upstream
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