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Everything posted by gancanny

  1. the TESCO supermarket at stalham has done few of the shops any favours. walking up the street there are now quite afew closed. the somerfield store going first closely followed by the co-op, i know these are not riverside but when moored in stalham the street is where people shop. alan
  2. thankyou dajen, i am on the river first week in november and i know there will be plenty anglers about, i will certainly give this method my best shot, one can only try i am at the moment, very much an amateur at this fishing but hope to improve your explanation is very much appreciated alan
  3. yes,things have changed and in my humble opinion improved, but looking around there are lots of blots on the landscape which really disappoint and not all the BA doing, although some of the planning decisions have been horrendous i, like lots of others remember wroxham of a few years ago ; jack powles yard and ernest collins, i don!t know if this is an improvement, and what about the development immediately under the bridge opposite the pub,it stood empty for years,and is still a poor example of improvement into horning and the developement next to norfolk marine alongside the road, when will this be finished and the immediate area tidied up the pub next to the chippie at potter which burned down years ago could also do with a tidy ,no doubt the fault of the landowner and not the BA all in all i think things have improved and i for one are still loving it alan
  4. hi marty this method feeder, is it the same idea as a swim feeder which i sometimes use but loaded with maggots. this type of feeder is not suitable for loading ground bait as it quickly washes out as you have probably guest i am only a new boy at this fishing game but am willing to listen to any tips or advice anyone has to offer alan
  5. friends of ours have their boat moored at acle, it is about 3/4 way up acle dyke. around 4 years ago we went to look at a mooring up this dyke and after asking our friends about the old boat under this tatty tarpaulin we were told it used to belong to george formby so 4 years ago beryl was moored (still afloat) up acle dyke alan
  6. in north east england and i suppose the country in general, we have by-pass work on going on the busier routes. these projects obviously take the bulk of the traffic out of the town or village. this is great for the majority of residents but does not go down too well for those with businesses who probably rely on some passing trade. would this scenario be the same in wroxham, this is a tourist attraction, has it made any difference to places like stalham for example or potter heigham , probably the local members can answer this better alan
  7. gancanny

    Boat Names

    my boat name "GAN CANNY" is geordie slang meaning go steady or go easy a couple of other i think quite good ones are "SIR LOSIS OF THE RIVER and NAUTIGAL i also like BONE IDLE alan
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