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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Perhaps they are busy doing something important!
  2. Agreed PW - but it is what it is. The bloke thinks he is smart but not sure he is! Not sure how old he is but he must be knocking on...!
  3. Hi Vaughan - nothing to do with the thread,( whats new? ) only talking about you some 15 mins ago!!!!!
  4. I am saure if you "search" you will find a thread where this has already been discussed at some length???
  5. She has not been sold - it is now back with the BA having been re engined with a smaller, and hopefully more reliable, engine - or so iI believe!
  6. Not sure it has been filled yet - recently they had some Volunteer Rangers posts and they were not prefilled!!! They have, or have had in the past , preference for the retired members of Her Majesty's Constabulary, and you are right, I as a "noisy" type of person, had no place!! In retrospect they may have been absolutely correct methinks and had I "fell" into the job initially I think by now I would have "fallen" out of it!!!!
  7. Just don't assume you would get this!!! Both I, and a number of others on this Forum, have been turned down in the past!!!!!
  8. Its OK - even after looking in the mirror as PW suggested, I shall still be around to provide the necessary balance to threads like this!!!!
  9. So once again we are possibly seeing yet another departure from the Forum as a result of the attitude of a few who have long held prejudices against almost every BA decision - cannot be bothered to see how many have been lost as a result of this campaign in this thread alone as I just cannot be bothered to go back and count, but one thing I am absolutely sure of, is that the Forum is in a worse place as a result! Carry on like this and there will not be anyone to argue with - or to try and impose your view upon!!
  10. Well - lets guess who will be writing??? Anyone else interested enough to.....????
  11. Just thought of another "excuse" to keep this in the public eye? I drive past the signs daily - doesn't spoil my appeal of the area other than the fact that some toerag has damaged them and someone will have to pay for them to be cleaned or replaced!!
  12. There is absolutely no place for condoning what is probably criminal damage. And of course it is pointless - these silly actions do nothing to promote your "cause" especially when nothing has changed legally. You try to make people think that these signs have altered the legal status quo, but you know, as I do, that this is not the case. I agree that I have contributed to this "discussion" but has it achieved anything? I suspect in real terms, not a lot!!
  13. OK lets move on - but that applies to everyone! As someone pointed out, rehashing every negative BA story , and with 2008 material, is hardly an original move! As it said nothing we don't know , it was all a bit pointless then!! ( P.S. Thats the other side of the story, posted to provide balance! )
  14. I have seen it before too - after all it is pretty old so as has been said before ( unsurprisingly since it was 2008! ). Nothing new !!!!
  15. Treadmaster is very different stuff - and pretty expensive. The old Trakmark was very different - much thinner and you could cut it with scissors - still a bit difficult to lay and much less durable than Treadmaster - but that really is very different!!
  16. I am not sure the original Trakmark as the stuff used on boats for several decades was called, is still available. I think it actually may have ceased production years ago. Someone will probably tell you if someone else makes a similar product, but if so , I have not seen it around - although I have not really been looking to be fair!
  17. Thank you Pally for pointing that out - hardly surprising though that I read all of that when it came out originally! BUT all of that cannot be achieved without the help of the dredged material, all of which is obtained, from the marked channels. Surely as Andrea Kelly acknowledges, "improved waterway depths" helps both the boatyard, the Pleasure Boat, and the sailing club and the spoil is then used in the creation of the new reedbeds. The latter I accept is conservation, but surely the dredging of the channel is improving the navigation, so why cannot the Navigation budget be used for this? Hickling is a unique environment but dredging in that area is difficult and you should not just dump a great heap on the marshes as was done last time. Why is it though, I cannot help but feel I am about to be told otherwise and in reality its all conservation driven - to me its a perfect partnership and the guys driving this should be congratulated!!!
  18. And there was me thinking that the dredging of Heigham, and Hickling was carried out in the channels especially when many sailing yachts were running aground and recently to provide better access to the Pleasure Boat and Catfield Dyke! Well to me thats pretty obviously the underlying reason but no doubt someone will be along to point out to me the error of my ways!! Again does it matter who uses the visitor centre in the Forum? However the Forum is indeed one of the main attractions for visitors to Norwich and as it is also one of the most visited public library in the country, some must be boaters- yes indeed I use the Library regularly and also avail myself of the refreshment facilities. So I suspect it may attract one or two other people as well...!
  19. Well, you mostly know my view - this is the result of just a few, dominating most of the topics related to the BA and their determination to take them to take them to task over, what they see as, really important issues!! But as has now materialised this constant ranting over not a lot, has led to a schism that will be hard to heal - I await with interest to see if indeed this will prove to be the beginning of the end of this Forum. Will it go the way of its predecessor? Time will tell but those individuals would do well to remember to learn what is really important and what is not. I am sure even this post will be taken apart and criticised, but how refreshing to see others commenting on the trend that has developed, and now seen to be to the detriment of this Forum.
  20. I hope you are not about to suggest they are flogging a dead horse!! You are likely to find the full weight of at least a dozen people piling down on you now!!
  21. NYA suggest the builders are English Harbour Yachts - although I am not convinced!!!
  22. You might have to continue working on Google - on the page giving details of the area attached to the map, it still refers to the BNP!!! And also JM you know I know the situation - merely that I take a more relaxed view !!
  23. It has finally gone down a bit from the levels of the weekend - but in overall terms it is only marginal! The boat was dripping everywhere - out and in!!!!!
  24. And there is me still navigating the same waters without fear - although to be fair I do wear a lifejacket more often these days!
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