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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Its all down to the yards really I guess - building boats slightly narrower would be a good start I suggest!! But WHY though? Surely it is one of its prime attractions is that the area continues to remain like the whole of Broadland was many years ago and reflects a time gone by? Is that not worth preserving? It is still easily accessible if you have the right boat, and you have the mind to? Go on, hire a sailing boat and explore it like others, and indeed I have done many times. Even the most hardened of you must admit that all that is so special would be spoiled by the modern behemoths - those who really care can still access it easily but it does serve a purpose in keeping out those who do not really care and who would probably spoil it - it is a special and fragile environment so why not keep it that way? I and many others, would support that I know!
  2. Ex Pilot - you are probably right about the banks although I did think that they did raise a few further "south" - but I was aware they did not actually lift them around you, although they did I believe, extend them in places where previously there were none? Thats however not really the point I was trying to make - they did spend a lot of money on the defences in Broadland generally, presumably then making them more secure? Presumably that was necessary or surely they would not have spent £20m plus doing it?
  3. If water levels are NOT rising, why did the EA spend all the money raising the flood protection banks here in Broadland and why , when it was built, was the Thames Flood barrier hardly ever used, and yet now, it is frequently closed to prevent upstream flooding? If Ex Pilot has said time and time again, Potter Bridge is NOT sinking, why do the sceptics NOT believe him? The trouble with some of you are a bit like Trump - you continue to be in denial over global warming. Oh yes and NASA has made it all up AND the Earth is flat!!! Stop pretending like him and others that this is all a conspiracy!!!! And I will stand like PW in the wall, to stop you lifting Potter Bridge - think of something else to spend money on!!!!
  4. But you need all that "cr*p" for bankside work whether you like it or not!! Do you even have permission to enter that land seeing as its private, the EA insist you leave 25% of the overhang, left to provide cover for wildlife and if you cut back too far, you actually need Forestry Commission approval! If you are doing it on behalf of someone else, I would suggest you actually need all that so called "cr*p", otherwise as sure as eggs is eggs , you will be caught out!! Oh if life was, in actuality, as easy as some pretend!!
  5. Thats funny as the gauge this morning was showing 5'9"!!!!!!!
  6. Well thats really handy then!!!!!!
  7. I have put this in the general area as I am sure others may have a view, but I just thought I would have my say. I don't often fish these days, primarily because the licence has become a little expensive, relative to the little I do, but I do watch what fishermen do and generally take an interest. We have not even got to the time when people used to be out fishing for pike, yet already we are seeing a proliferation of pike rods and floats - here we are one week into September and already today I counted around 20 rods between Wroxham and the Ferry at Horning - and that will be only the beginning! Yet fishermen tell me, and indeed I read about it on here, that the pike seems to be in overall decline, for a variety of reasons. I suspect they are plenty(?) of jacks around but surely it cannot go on like this before it impacts other areas and associated issues? To me, it would seem to make sense to introduce a moratorium whilst pike restore their levels and thereby allowing the bigger fish to survive until they are older - all seems a bit obvious to an outsider but I guess fishermen generally will certainly not agree with that at all! Do others have a view?? Or will we see the pike virtually fished out??
  8. I use the AA one on my phone but its a bit limiting when trying to plan so I always use the other one everyone uses if I am planning going anywhere. I am not sure , on the Broads either that I trust the 6 hrs flood and ebb times as shown - I prefer to assume for most places, a 5hr flood and a 7 hr ebb but thats just my preference I am not sure of the source of the AA one so on balance would check it with the other source - however always remember tides cannot read tables !!!!!!!
  9. Its an old Elysian I guess but they were quite widespread I think - certainly used to be ( still are? ) some available for hire on the Fens. I holidayed on one years ago but I guess they are probably still around!!!!!
  10. So who pays for the renewal costs for the quay heading when required? Although generally the geese keep it short, I have seen the grass being mown as well. I suppose in all the circumstances you would perhaps prefer it fell into disrepair and overgrown so no one could moor there? Whilst I agree that the geese do make a mess, has anyone any idea how you clean up the mess as suggested? I am no lover the people who own it but do all those of you who do object to paying the fee, really expect it for nothing? It is only ever occupied in the peak months and I doubt there is much, if any profit in it. If I recollect correctly piling is pretty pricey these days - anyone got a recent figure per metre?? And of course you can always mudweight for free!!
  11. I doubt it is as easy to change legislation as CC would suggest otherwise these bodies would do it - there will be differing solutions to every problem, but it will never be "easy" I suspect. Nor cheap nor easy to find the parliamentary time, which I suspect may be necessary, given the current circumstances!
  12. I am so pleased to see this aired here - the sooner this technology is taken out of the zone of "boys toys" then the better. They are not toys and need to be regulated accordingly and carry the appropriate insurance.
  13. Classic example here of technology overtaking existing legislation and people think "they are doing no harm" when in fact there are a host of issues if you sit down for more than a minute, and think about it.! The new legislation due later in the year cannot come in a moment too soon - leave it too long and it will be too late! A classic and growing issue with new technology is motorised scooters - of course you should not be a killjoy but riding them on public roads and pavements should only be allowed if you have compulsory insurance. Cyclists were missed at an early stage and now its all a bit of closing the door after the horse has bolted - if you injure or damage property you should be able to trace the culprit and charge him accordingly.
  14. It is a good App but why on earth would it stop speeding? We are not talking about people a bit over the top but excessively so! What is the good of a speedo, if a) you never look at it, or b) chose to ignore it? If people don't want to take the info in ,they won't!!
  15. Not sure either whether it jams on hot days - if it does can we blame Network Rail??!!
  16. I wasn't jesting! The BA check stuff like that rigorously and was merely hoping that they had been through the hoops!! They expect private individuals to do so so I guess they will have asked the trees owner to have done likewise!!!
  17. I hope they are going to check it for evidence of bats first!!!!!
  18. But it does not say you can use the boats after dark does it? All cars can exceed 70mph but that does not mean you are permitted to do so!!!!
  19. Sutton Bridge closure now postponed and will start on 30th September for those interested
  20. Good job KK, we all have differing tastes then!!!
  21. Do speedos etc in cars stop speeding?? I don't think so....!!!!
  22. The Jenny might have been stuck!!??
  23. A perennial issue - I too was moored on the Bure in that area on Friday. Yes there was speeding by some boats but it was no better, and no worse than previously. There has always been some who speed, for as long as I can remember, and far more who keep, more or less, within limits. On balance I think perhaps its less than many years ago. Lets hope that only some of those notices actually get to court, as the Nav account would be hard pushed to cover the prosecution costs - shame IMHO that Radio Norfolk cannot find a more interesting topic to discuss really!!
  24. Grazing land down that way is very sought after - indeed they still hold auctions for the grazing "for the season". So you could still get an income from it I guess.
  25. Grazing only I guess - forget about the rest as it will have limited land access probably!
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