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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Equally sure he is not on Albion - lets hope there is a decent breeze so he can get home on time!! The downside of not having any assistance other them there wooden things that clutter the deck up!!
  2. I doubt it is a trunk road anymore - its the A1242! As to whether its a public staithe or not, is IMHO not very relevant to the navigation - I really don't think that the BA check to see if there is a "legal" staithe or not before deciding whether to dredge or not. I do not profess at all to be a legal expert, but the "legal" status of many staithes is convoluted in the extreme and often lost in the mists of time and no one, least of all the BA, are going to to take action to establish the legality of a "staithe". Many have already been "lost" and indeed are no longer accessible, and others merged into peoples gardens without authority and whilst it is of historical interest, not sure how relevant it is to the navigation issue in a place such as Thorpe. But Vaughan, perhaps you are right that this a real issue, but somehow I doubt it.
  3. I think Vaughan touched on this in another post - the trouble is that it is my understanding, the BA do not have, and never have had, the same powers that exist now in respect of abandoned vehicles. I believe it is just not within their remit - sadly.
  4. Hi Vaughan - noted!! I see no reason why it should not be maintained if it required it - does it need it? That boat does not impede navigation so the view will be, I guess to leave it until it does! Way way back in my mind I seem to recall that councils used to have problems removing old and abandoned cars, and they used to litter our streets - it required a change of legislation to enable them to do it more efficiently as now. I suspect it is all about a question of ownership and who to bill!!
  5. Are you sure that it was a real Ranger you spoke to Pete? I thought they had been told not to fraternise with the natives???
  6. Interesting to see the stern on moorings at the Ferry - that is not permitted!!!!
  7. Paul - Vaughan lived on the boat in his early years ( don't ask me how early!) and ran Hearts cruisers for sometime from that yard. The whole area on Thorpe Island was involved in a difficult planning issue for many years and culminated a few years ago, and it led to a protracted dispute with many people in area taking sides with either the planning authority, the BA, or the landowner and I think it still rankles with some people involved. It was all a bit sad at the time with a huge amount of acrimonious debate with it finally ending in issues through the Courts - it involved a substantial amount of posts here and other Forums and rather than bring it up here, it may be easier to look at through other local sources. With you being local, I am sure there are many involved who will fill you in over a pint, or several! The whole issue went on for years and years and I suspect as a local person, you are well aware of some of them - talk to one of the boatowners for a drink in the Buck - or has that gone now??? None of this actually affects Evening Flight which was moved upstream into the basin many years ago to finally rot away - that type of craft was not built for longevity and few now survive - one similar that does is kept preserved at Lowestoft by a charitable Trust. See here http://mtb102.com/
  8. Ask Vaughan! He knows all about it!! But yes the 2nd photo sadly shows where she ended up!!
  9. For what its worth, I suspect that any hint of a plan to interfere with the structure concerned, would bring substantial opposition from locals and massive objections from the biggest landowners up there - whilst I agree that the problem up towards Somerton is weed, it is cut regularly and it is not inaccessible. Any cutting I would guess have to approved by both Natural England and the EA, as indeed does any cutting on Hickling. There has also been quite a lot of dredging up in the Upper Thurne there over the last few years - to say it needs "drastic dredging" is a little wide of mark. I have sailed it with Swallowtails Womack Classic and one of Hunters Rebels over the last 2/3 years and had only minor issues, mostly again with weed. And I wonder where the money is going to come from? The BA has only a limited budget and has to spread that pretty thinly - anyone got a stab at the cost of raising the bridge even if you could convince everyone it was necessary? Indeed you could put me first in the queue to SAVE that part of the Broads from further commercialisation -- the easiest way to get access for more people, is to convince them to use smaller boats!! Freemans can get through as indeed some larger boats - just convince the punters to use smaller boats ( like MM!! )
  10. Although I know there was talk of a shortage of depth up towards Horsey, I must admit I have never experienced that and as far as I am aware there are still plenty of sailing boats still going up there - Lustre must draw 2'9" and if you do ballast down, I guess about 3" would be the max you could realistically achieve before causing other issues like submerging your exhaust!!
  11. Its a consultation document, or evidence gathering exercise, not an announcement of intent!! By the time they get round to it, I shall be dead, and so will my diesel be - probably!!
  12. I must admit that noone has ever come up and spoken to me and I mudweight there quite a lot - could just be lucky I guess.
  13. Plenty of shade in Fairhaven - lovely place!!!
  14. marshman


    Cannot comply with the "wife" bit though - I can see a distinct problem with that bit!!!!
  15. I suppose that opens a whole new discussion as to why? Or which theory you subscribe to!! Answers on a postcard please to ........!!
  16. marshman


    Some of us can tie a bowline in the dark too, and without muttering a nursery rhyme, or whatever it is!!!
  17. I am a bit suspicious of those figures for the EH - I think its nearer 6'6" and at least an 11'6" beam! Probably!!
  18. Ex Pilot - I realise the banks have not been raised generally above the bridge - but did they raise them below the bridge? Or downstream of where the bungalows start? I was in fact talking about the WHOLE programme throughout Broadland as referred to in the previous post where I believe they have been raised in quite a lot of places - or so I thought? Have they not also been doing bits above the bridge around Hickling or have they just been strengthening the old banks - thinking about it it is probably the latter. They have certainly done that bit recently on Meadow Dyke as you get towards the Mere.
  19. Why should Potter Bridge be sinking??? Is there evidence that it is? Surely if it was, it would have long gone by now? Or is that the water level is rising? If the latter is not rising, then surely it was a bit of a waste raising all the riverbanks or is this all a conspiracy too???
  20. Some of the Sheerlines are down near that but they probably could be discounted because they are probably a bit too high.. Perhaps you may have to compromise.......!!!
  21. The key I am suspect, is not the air draught ,but the width!! Anything out towards the 12' mark will always be more limiting so look for boats with perhaps a 10' beam or less - when you get up to 30' I suspect they are often up to the 12' level. But they will be out there.......! Its just finding one you like!
  22. I would also be mindful of taking an electric outboard with you - don't think having a heavy battery loose on board if you were to inadvertently capsize is ideal!! By all means have one to use at other times, but unless it is well strapped down, its perhaps not appropriate in a sailing dinghy. Not sure how big your dinghy is either but if it is one of those cheaper type electric outboards, ie not a Torqeedo, they can be less than effective at times and you should be aware of the benefits/disadvantages of them. A decent pair of oars is almost as effective and don't run down!!!!
  23. Whilst it would seem a fantastic idea to have people wandering around just chatting to boaters who want to be talked to , my hope is that that does not come out of my contribution to the Nav budget!!! For what its worth, and clearly most don't agree, I would prefer to see them out on the river - and no, they don't need to wave to me, just as I don't feel the need to wave to every other boater that waves to me! I would think it is almost impossible for the Ranger who does Wroxham/Horning to wave at every boat - his arm would fall off!!
  24. So will the navigation budget stretch to full time rangers all the year round? I guess PW is suggesting that either that many are now volunteer Rangers or their contracts are such that they now cover a multitude of things like cutting trees or scrub bashing when not patrolling? But I guess he will let us know...!!
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