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Everything posted by marshman

  1. I believe it is the Berney Arms which has the more difficult access - does the Beauchamp Arms not have a public road access??
  2. There used to be a connection between the Berney Arms, the Beauchamp Arms and Surlingham Ferry - does it still exist or has he sold bits on???
  3. He has been trying to "run down" the Beauchamp Arms for years - he tried before to get planning permission and I suspect he will try again. I suppose if you do nothing to the moorings also, he will think that may help his case.
  4. If you could buy up and close a pub, and then board it up just to get planning permission, there would be many Broadland pubs closed. See the answer above.
  5. If that was the sole criteria, I doubt there would be ANY riverside pubs left!! The last one where that happened was, I think, the Wherry at Langley and that caused an almighty furore.
  6. Back on topic - you can get to the staithe by walking from the pub back up the road until you get to the houses. As you go up the rise there is a little close, first on the left, with a couple of houses in it and you should be able to access the staithe down there and down a track.
  7. Don't think there is much danger surrounding the Yare especially as we know its no longer part of the Empire - that's been a BA policy for some time. More concerned about the goings on over the fence - they have to keep a boatyard but doesn't say how big, or whether its just moorings!!
  8. To be honest, not a lot new in those either!!!!
  9. I suspect the hire fleet was all about keeping at least the moulding shop going and a small specialised core of boat builders around - the rundown continues to be measured to maintain some core value and thats what all the hire fleet is probably about. Couldn't have some staff idle as they slowly contracted so they got them to build some hire boats! They now have an asset which they can sell on to another operator without the new people having to add many, if any staff. Clive could add them without batting an eyelid and so could others I suspect - when I have no idea but I suspect they will at some time!
  10. Its not just Sandersons but the land all around that bit - all owned by a well known Broadland personality, who is in it all - for the Yard???
  11. I really am never surprised about any development in the Broom saga - what the new owners have never done is put any real new money into the business and bit by bit they continue to strip value away - after all at the outset they were seen as venture capitalists. What they bought was an established boatbuilder with an outstanding name with all the ancillary equipment manufacturers operating on site, a flourishing marina and sales service backed by a workforce with world renowned, and admired skills. Does that sound like the Brooms of today?? At the time of purchase the plans were to build a new factory up by the roundabout by McDonalds and I believe, they own, or certainly control some land up around that area, which, surprise surprise, has new plans for housing!! The Forums were full of peoples belief was that this whole exercise was probably a "front" to do exactly what they have actually done, or rather continue to do, and I see this episode of the Yare merely further confirmation of the trend. The continued process of downsizing will be maintained as will the absence of further investment other than necessary. This is a sorry tale but its well known along the rumblings on the Rhond - presumably the Co Accounts will show handsome profits but eventually it will be down to development, if they can, of the whole site. After all by that time, they will be able to point out how unsuccessful the yard is and development is the only way to continue the operation - current BA policy is the yard will have to be kept, but only in name only and a shadow of its former self. Well thats my personal theory and has been from day one - I wonder if thats correct? We shall see......!
  12. The trouble is bags are often NOT disposed of considerately - they are hung on branches, bushes and within Forest up north, it was the grit bin that was full of bags. The Forests just do not have enough staff to look after the trees these days, let alone go dog poo picking! A number of companies are now using cornstarch degradable posting bags - these seem to have less issues as they are made from vegetables rather than oil.
  13. AND, more importantly, not to run your engines on moorings before 8 a.m.
  14. My guess is that that refers to the real staithe and not the one at the Ferry Inn??
  15. Just a couple of things. The Forestry Commission encourage stick it and flick it - its better than having the woods littered with plastic bags. And there is no way dog poo is comparable to goose poo - geese are generally herbivores and that is certainly less noxious than that produced by dogs!
  16. The new owners currently run Horning Marina and the old NBYCo yard next to the New Inn - no shortage of money as they are part of the Cator family who own almost the whole of the "south" side of the Bure from Wroxham Broad down to Fleet Dyke - in fact probably one of the largest landowners in the area!!!! They clearly take the view that a boat not out on the water can earn nothing - why does anyone expect the boat hire business to be any different? It was once said that no two people on a plane actually paid the same price so why should the boat hire business be any different to say, the holiday cottage industry, where discounting is rife?
  17. Not necessarily!! Its quite noticeable that it is the "older" boats at Ferry that seem to be in the yard more - despite the price it is quite noticeable that the newer boats let best, despite some people's view on the design. This, I suspect, is the view of most yards.
  18. Correct - well said that man!! But this is Norfolk!!
  19. You mean people driving slower and sensibly and more appropriately for the road? Come on folks, they are only roundabouts on a dual carriageway - ok thats pretty unusual for Norfolk but you only have to use your eyes and that stuff between your ears - its not very hard!! Or perhaps everyone who has an accident should be forced to take their test again????
  20. A TV on a boat? What will they think of next?
  21. They do come up with plenty of mud on them - just tie it off a little below the water and move off slowly and the forward motion will clean it. However, don't leave it dangling very long as everyone will shout at you - as if you didnt know!! There has been some chat about mudweighting fore and aft but in reality its only the fishermen who want to do this so they stay in the same spot - I would never moor fore and aft on mudweights overnight as a change in wind direction might put you broadside on, giving more wind resistance and a greater chance of dragging. If you dont care which way you are pointing, use only the one from the bow and the boat will sit head to wind however much it shifts. I rarely if ever moor to a bank and will always mudweight as a preference, especially if it is hot, as you will generally be in a breeze moored off in a Broad.
  22. Do real wherries have varnished cabins then????
  23. Sadly tides cannot read predicted tidal heights and the predicted rise and falls and as everyone says, there are just too many variables! The best, and only way, is to approach with caution, read the gauge and make a decision on the spot!
  24. Yes - thats right. It is going to be dualled but more importantly, they are going to redo the Cantley junction with a flyover and cloverleaf if I remember correctly, to avoid the contract sugar beet lorries pulling across 4 lanes in front of you!!!!! That will be a big bonus! Its been through all the consultations so I guess its out to tender and due to start sometime next year hopefully
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