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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Nigella always reminds me of Christine in her looks when she was younger.
  2. There is something about an Advent Calendar that brings out the kid in all of us.
  3. Shorts!!!! Blimey you will have icicles on your bicycles.
  4. A Seagull please. Then I can fly above everyone and especially on a summers morning about 3.30 , squark for all of my worth. Can I be based in Lowestoft because I am sure that is where the flock come from noisy little devils.
  5. Sounds like a Good Friday to me.
  6. Well, I have to say that the patronising behaviour in the chandlers reminded me of the snooty dress shop owners in 'Pretty Woman'; they came unstuck too. I agree with the above.
  7. It is funny how once that is over with you are accepted, for not only are you a owner of a large boat, it is considered to be a ‘proper boat’ for proper cruising types. We talked a lot and I got two catalogues and a free bag and the door held open for me “see you soon I hope” he said cheerily as I left.(It makes you wonder what he might of said under his breath!) I am sure that the Management of Force 4 would be extremely interested to read your experience of these ignorant nobodies that are working in one of their stores. I dont suppose any of them own a boat be it a small boat or the QE2. Makles my blood boil.
  8. Having spent about half an hour in the shop, you can imagine their initial surprise when I arrive at the counter with a bucket, Teak cleaner, Boat Wash & Wax and a cleaning brush with extending handle. “Oh” says the chap, and then proceeds to tell me that I will no doubt be cleaning my boat this weekend and asks “so you have..what..a small runabout?” Ruddy Cheek for two pins I would have left my purchases and gone elsewhere. Who the hell do they think they are, hardly been on any customer service training course. How rude.
  9. What you suggest for someone who wears Old Spice. I am being quite serious here. Hubby definitely needs updating as far as fragrance for men is concerned. Yes please can you give us some links.
  10. You do realise Geoffrey that that is going to be your special phrase from now on - "oh bugger I'll put the lot in". it makes me chuckle everytime you say that. Thank you for this vlog. It has given me some ideas. I will make mine and freeze it. The non stick foil is great for this.
  11. We claimed to our bank 20 years later and got paid out, I gad kept paperwork which helped.
  12. Another specialty, thank you. I make a stew at home in the slow cooker and freeze it , also I make the dumplings at the same time and freeze them uncooked ready to go in the stew. They come out fine. A lovely warming meal on a cold evening on a boat.
  13. Will you have a launching ceremony (as new to yourself) with a bottle of Champers for the boat and a crate of Champers for the visitors? The Bishop of Norwich blessed our boat for us in that he sent a rather nice card with a blessing attached. I did ask him if he would. What a fantastic boat. Well done , life is for living and no regrets about anything please.
  14. Got to ask Peter did it get rid of the Mole problem after such drastic action. Hilarious. Thank you for sharing.
  15. Plus they absolutely stink once they have been in the river water. All we take is a landing net.
  16. Sounds really tasty - I will try this one. I will print it out. Thank you.
  17. True - and that is my story Judge. (sorry my sense of humour) If I recall Princess Margaret who loved her Gin, as I gather most Royals do, used to blame the carpet had moved every time she came a cropper after a few. I should imagine you nowadays have to be wary of Leccy cables. That is probably why the Leccy points have lights on them.
  18. And the moral of the story is..... take a torch with you.
  19. I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion. What a dull old world it would be if we all agreed with each other. What a dull old forum this would be if nobody is able to post what they feel , within reason. All I can say is Clive and Co have very broad shoulders and if you see, as we witness earlier in the year , some of the carrying ons by the hirers they have very forgiving and understanding natures. I agree with the award. Well done Richardsons staff.
  20. I happen to agree with you Grendel , how was any of it racial for goodness sakes. I personally am a Christian but I know Muslims Hindus to name a couple of other religions and we and they all embrace all of our various festivals of which Christmas is one of them. However, the fact that some chocolate bar has removed the word Christmas might seem to some a jab in the ribs against Christianity, I would think this was the furthest thing on the mind of the Company that carried out the change. If I spoke to my friends and suggested that they were offended by the word Christmas they were be in stitches with laughter quite frankly.
  21. What a lovely hearty meal. Thank you. My corned beef has I always made with mash potatoes on top but I do like your version.
  22. Well here near to Beccles no one takes any notice of them anyway especially the busses. You try catching up with a bus.
  23. Agree and not only the above but loo rolls, there are only two of us and we get through loo rolls like they were going out of fashion at home and yet on the boat we use 1 a week. I think this is because of the fear of blocking the loo. When we get water I always fill the kettle and couple of saucepans for the evening meal. We too dont shower every day but have a jolly good strip wash each morning and evening. Anyone passing our boat the other day would have also had the pleasure of seeing me with a bowl of water washing my feet. Just tell me is there anyone who can wash their tootsies in a sink on a boat. I for one am not a contortionist.
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