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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Got to thinking in the night (not a good thing at the best of times) about this business of keeping the grey water on board. Fine for a couple of days but what if you have two weeks on her. I cook from scratch everyday, shower, etc, we top up with water everyday, well it does not take much thought to realise that if you are putting in water every day and it is being stored on board, it must be a huge tank. What happens when it fills up. How do you know. When you sink? What brain box thought of this system. Yes you can have pump outs but you cannot have a pump out for the grey water can you? Wouldnt suit us.
  2. That does not look good. Is it a barn?
  3. Probably my age but I dropped off to sleep watching it , so will be having to watch it again. Any excuse....
  4. Speaking of contact sports , dont forget Tim and Pru at 8 tonight.
  5. Well Barns new arrangement has certainly put paid to these informal moorings, or by chance ones anyway.
  6. I am sure I have seen canal boats on the Broads longer than 46 feet, certainly look longer. One was moored at St Olaves.
  7. Do tell why post something that is four years old. What is the point.
  8. Happy Halloween folks.... https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=1&fldCard=3472391&path=83561&pmode=init
  9. St Olaves Marina always has spaces and you are at the gateway of going three ways there. We moored there for 3 years, 24/7 facilities , coded entrance, very secure, on Pontoons no worry of your ropes.
  10. Jean your video is one of the best I have ever seen of the Broads. Well done.
  11. Not anywhere near where all of the houses are being built. Proposed houses being built at Ellough.
  12. We had some literature through the door yesterday regarding the proposed site for an Lidl in Beccles. Would be very handy for boaters if it goes ahead.
  13. I had a word with Beko and they said the same as yourself I will have a go tomorrow and see.
  14. I can only speak as I find and all my Beko products have done nothing but serve me well for years. It is not the company's fault about the drawers it is the designers. I just was hoping that somebody else had got a technique of putting them back in which didn't involve going five rounds with Mike Tyson.
  15. Here goes another moan... I have just been defrosting my upright freezer. Piece of cake getting the drawers out but you try putting the buggers back in, they are a nightmare, what a struggle. It is a Beko upright. Any tips for putting the drawers back in would be helpful. I am afraid the air turns blue twice a year when i defrost it.
  16. I tried to find an old post about this but could not so here goes with a fresh one. Having just spent a week on Rose Emblem cruising about the Northern Broads I was very pleased to see that 99% of folk do still give you a wave as you pass by.
  17. Whatever you do dont leave it too late to moor. Last week was manic enough and every pile of bricks up the Ant even those we have never thought to moor at were taken. Womack on Tuesday was packed to capacity with people looking to moor at 6 o'clock and past that time and almost pitch dark. A Broadsman nearly took us all out coming down Womack Dyke about 6.10 he was going so fast , in fact our boat lurched forward long before he arrived, there was nowhere for him to moor and he moored on the place for yachts there, he had no choice. They were even moored along the main river. So like others have said try nearer to home. Barton Turf and even there you can moor in the trees if all is taken. Irstead would be taken very early on. Have your Rhond Irons to hand ready. Bring a torch with you to enable you to check your ropes after dark. Have a really good time.
  18. Start charging them road tax for all the cycling paths provided, we have to pay road tax so why not them. You would find they cheered up overnight.
  19. Sorry if posted before but at moment got boat brain. There are grey bins at Womack as you kindly told me. Big sign. .... for boat waste. I took pleasure in informing the BA as they give out duff information. We'll done Womack Parish.
  20. I emailed BA who tell me no facilities for rubbish at Womak. Seen loads of people walking down with bin bags and none coming back with them so there must be bins.
  21. You want to be in Tesco's Grace when they announce " In Isle 3 we are giving away. ......" If you are not careful you will be run down in the stampede. Every other isle is completely empty. Most of this queue is made up of pensioners. Yes and I am very much one at 72. This happened a few years ago and I was astonished.
  22. Nothing to do with letting off steam, can anyone confirm whether or not you can dispose of rubbish at Womack please. Thinking of going there tomorrow. Thank you.
  23. Boat is rocking and creaking. Really bad, checking ropes all the time.wind is roaring. Roll on the morning..
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