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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Ruddy coke bottles the 2 ltr type. They don't stand up in the trolley or your bag for life. Whoever designed them wants shooting. Check outs at the tills. Do tell me what man can at the same time not only be putting the shopping on the conveyor belt, but also pick it up and put in bags. I would like to shake his hand.
  2. Life is too short for low fat rubbish, if you are going to have a roast spud have a decent roast spud, it is not as if you eat them every day. Everything , yes everything in moderation.
  3. Have you tried Stempsters? They are a local potato and I try to get a couple of sacks Nov/Dec time. I roast mine in Trex.
  4. They seem to be dredging now.
  5. Cat amongst pigeons time. I think bon fires in the 21st century are anti social and unnecessary. Nothing worse on a good day, Windows open some Hiawatha decides to light up making all your bedding stink and your washing. I have been known to take my washing round and ask for them to rewash it all. The local council can prosecute people who cause a nuisance with bonfires. Carol you have my sympathy.
  6. I always use Andrex the original, 2 ply , no cushions or any other quilts either on the boat or at home. Got to be white Andrex.
  7. We have just book Bolero for October 2018. I think it will be just right for us. The only detrimental review I saw was , the toilet is easily blocked with too much toilet paper, put it in a side bin , well you can imagine my face on reading that, how gross. I trust usage of the toilet and not putting too much paper down it will mean this will not happen.
  8. Hylander

    Dog Poo Bags

    Well wardens lie in wait to pounce on the public throwing cigarette butt ends on the pavement and fine them £80 a time so why not also where an area is well known for this behaviour just lurk about and do the same. A few fines of £80 and they will think twice about it. Wardens all wear body cams so any nonsense it will be recorded.
  9. I think it was a Richardson boat and it left pdq this morning but good luck to them at least they got a mooring.
  10. I notice today someone has moored on the green near to the works being done by Brinks. You cannot blame people as mooring in Wroxham is horrendous this side of the bridge.
  11. To my surprise the other day , walking calmly across my kitchen sink (obviously walked in through the window) came this thing like a Tarantula , I nearly died, it then kept walking towards the hob of the cooker. I screamed and hubby came to the rescue, saying what on earth would you do if I was not here. Well I haven't got a clue about that one. Ruddy thing was enormous and hairy.
  12. The old Tour Busses are doing a roaring trade today....
  13. It looks as if he is squirting a bottle of Fairy liquid in it. We will all be singing "I'm forever blowing bubbles" before long......
  14. For someone who knows zip about these boats , why are they called Trader Yachts please when they are not yachts. Well the ones I have seen under the name of Trader Yachts have no sails.
  15. Edited to add: I have just had a call from Broker. He says he has shown some clients' around today. Initially I think to myself 'oh no' could this suddenly mean the boat is pulled from under me, but then...Really? All this time on the market, reduced in price back in June, and now just a day after I get all the details from the Broker he is showing new people round. Hmm maybe but I am feeling this could be a tactic to make me jump. That is a ploy a bit like items you look at on the net where they state, last one in stock, you buy it and then next day the last one is still there. As has been said hold your horses although if you are anything like me you will find it hard to do that. The one thing you have is time. Enjoy the moment of being able to fulfil your dreams.
  16. From the BA today The new mooring at Berney mill has tape over the sign to indicate that it is not yet completed and is not in use. The existing Berney Arms mooring is open as usual. Hope that explains things. Many thanks . Kind regards Angie Leeper Asset Officer
  17. Tell that to us cooks. What will people do in the future , take a pill every morning rather than eat. Half the pleasure of going on a boat is eating on board.
  18. I spotted this crew braving the rain a moment ago. I like the brolly that has seen better days.
  19. One of the best moorings. Nothing jinxed about it at all. Just one of those things this time but prior old heaps seem to be set fire to or just plain got rid of.
  20. So its all round to yours at Norwich for a cuppa then.
  21. There is a yacht in Oulton Broad near to The Wherry his/her sails are really getting into a tangle.
  22. Terrible , I am all for the elderly and what harm would it have done to play what the old lady wanted. What is so comforting to know is all these people as above will be old one day and I hope they get treated the same.
  23. I am only quoting Broadsword as an example. When us unexperienced (of that particular hire boat) hire a boat , we dont know how the batteries will stand up to being used. We are not aware if it has 2 or 22 batteries on board. We can only go by what we are told. Most of us are only on the boat for a week and it takes a few days to get the feel of a boat and to know what she will do or not as the case may be. So may be a little understanding on all sides.
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