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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I recall Phil and the bill. Perhaps you will need to sit down when it arrives. Glad you are well pleased they do do a great job
  2. I saw this on the You Tube site and was really amazed that this very wide boat went through PH bridge.
  3. Read this and thought of what you had said. An example of what can happen when you pick up your dog. https://www.norfolk.police.uk/news/latest-news/witnesses-sought-following-dog-attack
  4. Good thinking. I will tell you a tale about a lovely lady who lived opposite us well into her 90s , she now resides in a Residential Care Home, one day she decided to use the microwave and popped in a chicken dish in a foil tray, well you can picture the scene when it not only started arcing but blew the entire door off of the microwave.
  5. I have never thought of popping it in the microwave so thank you for the tip. I use those Zip Lock bags so they would be ok.
  6. When there was talk of the moorings closing at Burgh Castle I wrote to the BA. This was their response. Thank you for your email regarding Burgh Castle moorings. The Broads Authority currently holds a five year agreement with the landowner for these moorings, which ends on 1 January 2018. We will be looking to enter into a further agreement with the landowner but obviously we are not able confirm the outcome yet. Thank you for your enquiry.
  7. Speaking of Rice. When I make Spanish Rice I always make too much and I pop the left over rice into a vacuum sealed bag and freeze it. Well we are still here and have been using this method of keeping the rice for years so must be ok. I do reheat in the oven after adding a tablespoon of water and make sure it is really hot right through.
  8. Can you bring some sunshine with you, it is a right gloomy one today.
  9. Absolute classic. Also did you notice every time the old chap was asked a question , do you go to the pub , it was no, do you associate socially with your neighbours - no. Wonderful. Such a shame a time never to be regained.
  10. Oh I see , sorry , it is sitting at the back of the class here, I miss a lot. That is my excuse anyway. Thank you they say you learn something new every day.
  11. Well I be blowed if I could find it. Am I looking in the right place?
  12. Congratulations from me as well Unfortunately no emoticons that wave which is a shame. Dont worry I wave at everyone and think what saddoes when they dont wave back.
  13. Looks fantastic as per usual. You have a lovely home Geoffrey you and Austin. Do hope you get the boat back sooner than later and that you will be out and about again.
  14. Oh that is a shame , she was a one off, didn't matter what you asked she could manage to cope and made a darn good fist of everything.
  15. Judith of Acle did a wonderful job on our back canopy. That was altering an old canopy and making it more useable.
  16. For me a decent cupboard to shove all of your staples you bring with you (food wise) in the galley is most important. I find it doesn't matter if you are catering for a month or a weekend you still need the basics. The cooker looks perfect and normal , not one of these squat versions that have no separate grill. It looks a smart boat but for two the middle cabin would just be a waste of space. I suppose it would be useful to chuck all of your coats etc in. Lights in the cabin would not worry us either as they just zap the battery if you leave them on all evening. I have invested in a couple of these for the front cabin and galley for our October holiday. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01AUIMH9S
  17. This is not a tiff MM so dont worry, more of a misunderstanding. The weather is too good for tiffs but thank you for your help.
  18. M, I was not holding a dog at the time but walking past with my little lad. Something must have spooked the dog but up in the air it went and I was nearest. I was not going to comment further but can we get one thing straight here, I am not paranoid if you do not mind. (nature or some paranoid fearful afraid human ? ) I am 72 and have a fear of dogs who I do not know. I love dogs and my daughter and son in law have two of them. I love them to bits. They are small dogs I hasten to add. This happened many many years ago and it is still with me today.
  19. Unfortunately it wasn't. Its darn teeth came down my arm tore off my gold bracelet and left me in a state I can tell you. I had to go to the doctors ( I am talking 45 years ago when the family doctor knew you, you didn't call an ambulance and go to the hospital like today) and have a tetanus injection which is normal in those circumstances and the teeth marks that bled soon healed up. To this day I dont know what spooked the dog but I was nearest. Yes it was on a lead tied to the front of Tescos. Obviously protecting Tescos. I can still see those teeth.
  20. I did not approach the dog , I was passing at the time when my son was about 5 thank goodness he was on the outside of me. A long time ago now but it never goes away.
  21. Thank you for that comment.
  22. I personally am terrified of any dog not on a lead and even give those on a lead a wide berth. I was mauled by a Labrador outside a shop , for some reason it took a dislike to me. I was just passing. I love dogs but the fear will always be there. .
  23. Goodness me, standing room only
  24. Surely once you have swiped your card across it is yours to use. As for sharing , only with folk who we knew who would not abuse the system, I can see us paying and then they start using all manner of electricals and the ruddy thing runs out. We would replenish it because we would need it for our use. I thought also that using splitters was not encouraged. (if that is what you would use). So no it will not be happening. We hire in June and July and have never had any problems using the electricity points. I hope people are keeping the cards once swiped to be returned to the BA or an outlet that sells them.
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