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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I was thinking a moment ago (and showing my age once more) the only shot I have heard of apart from a gun is something Dad used to call Red X, he used to put a shot of Red X in the car in the 50s. What is the point of getting hammered in that fashion.
  2. Do tell what is in a 'shot' please. I can never see the attraction myself. A good bottle of wine or champers for me.
  3. As I have asked before on here, I have a tablet and the sound is awful, (so low you cannot hear it) I have tried the settings which made no difference, i dont rate these tablets at all but cannot really say anything as it was a gift from hubby.
  4. According to the guy at Yarmouth YS , the old card was about 10p and the new about 25p to produce. I handed him all of our old cards.
  5. Well I think the TV licence should be stopped immediately and we can all spend that huge amount going out each year on something better. Who in their right mind would miss any of the crap in that list. Talent , talent I have more talent in my little toe. They are all self opinionated ,buffoons most of them. As for news readers etc getting £200,000 a year, tell that to a miner.
  6. and Pray what point ARE you trying to get across here......
  7. God help us Water Rail is a woody. You know how he loves his contact sport.
  8. God almighty whatever next, I can smell it from here.
  9. When I worked in Conveyancing I have seen comments regarding under values. Property being sold to family etc. Don't ask me, because I cannot recall why. Robin still works in the legal world I have been retired for 12 years.
  10. Robin believe me, even when you pay neigh on £3,000 for two weeks on the boat we hired we only had 2 three pin sockets, one in the galley and one tucked under the TV . None in any of the cabins. This boat you have reviewed looks really good value.
  11. Surely purchasing at under value is not legal. I stand to be corrected.
  12. Yes and that is what we were charged but the signs say £4 at the Temple.
  13. So the question I am asking is what sort of fee should be considered for both sides that is fair? Stracey Arms sign says £4 by the Temple but insisted we pay £5 for each night spent there. The first night a young lady arrived to collect the fee and handed over a fiver, then she announces oh sorry I have not got a pen so cannot give you a receipt. Well my other half old Rothschild himself says oh yes that is ok so we had no receipt. The guy on the next boat insisted she went and got a pen. On the bend just before Beccles it is £8 (worth every penny for peace and quiet). I am told that Ranworth Island is now £10 for the night. So you have a wide range of over night mooring costs of which we dont mind paying any of them if it facilitates a good safe mooring.
  14. Just got to put in a good word about NYS. Yesterday and last night it was full of boats. Good to see. The Harbour Master there deserves a pat on the back. He not only was attending to umpteen pumpouts but was always at hand to help people moor safely. He is there until 7. No problems with the natives. A really happy time spent at Norwich. . .
  15. Talking tablets for a mo I have one its ok but the sound is awful you can bearly hear it. Am I doing something wrong, as far as I can tell it is set to maximum volume.
  16. According to someone I got into conversation with today saw the boats and someone nearby them took a video so probably be on you tube before long.
  17. We need more available moorings in Wroxham but saying that you cannot just magic them up.
  18. Seems to be we have another mooring folks....
  19. Whilst sorting out the garage I found a box that had come off of the boat when we sold and found a tin of pledge polish. I could not believe how polish has shrunk over the years.
  20. Every now and then we have the conversation of - shall we get shot of Sky , and the same reply comes back from me, oh I wont be able to watch the cricket , snooker , etc. if anyone has any ideas how I can watch these independently of Sky , I would love to hear.
  21. I agree with you. As you say the constant changing of the channel and for what?
  22. I watched it the first time around many moons ago that was enough, never have looked at any of these remakes. TV gets worse, thank goodness for sport.
  23. I agree Smith and co do rather rate themselves.
  24. Well we did it , the Aussies are history. Well done Stokes. It is no good , where do I find Iain's flag please?
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