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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I posted recently to enquire as to your whereabouts as you have been extremely quite just lately. Missed the holiday posts. Switzerland, yes, not quite as easy as coming over from Belgium.
  2. We will be there in June, looking forward to meeting you.
  3. We love to moor there as nice and quiet and good fishing. Most days when we have moored it has been like sardines in a tin, rammed in with a fag paper width between us , mind you I am talking June. I read this morning that you can still moor but on payment of a £5 or £4 to someone who collects. I cannot verify this. I hope this is so as we would pay to moor for the night.
  4. If it brings in the money and keeps the place 'alive' all well and good. They are hardly going to have a 'rave' on a regular basis. It will wake up the area that is for sure. And before you think she must like rave music, I hate any loud music with a vengeance. Folks have to earn money and the fact that the Berney Arms Cafe is there will be a plus for us boaters and somewhere to moor that the BA hasn'tnt disowned will be a big plus. I read yesterday that Aldeby moorings have been lost now.
  5. I have just watched with interest 'Box Park', all well and good but I would feel for the poor chap or chapess that is stuck in an airless box all day with no facilities, would not be my choice. True the open air bar sounds wonderful in Palm Beach or similar but the Broads when there is a lovely Easterly blowing in from Siberia up your jacksie , hot days are not that plentiful and when it rains it blooming well rains or just plain drizzles that seems to make you wetter still. I personally think the Broads is just right. We need more waste bins and moorings which can be achieved with pontoons. You can still wild moor thank goodness and sorry folks (the takeaway and ready meal brigade) but you will have to just learn how to cook and feed yourselves like more and more us do nowadays.
  6. Oi! we cant all be twiggy you know. I am a very active person , play tennis and bowls and always on the go and yet I am not a size 10. You dont have to be lazy to be a tad larger than everyone else , well especially those in the media.
  7. What gets me is there is really no concern for the population , the concern is for the NHS. Well stop piling billions into stupid things and give it to the NHS to waste on Management like other organisations. The National Lottery should have been for the NHS. The last time I saw a nurse she was 3 times larger than me and was giving me a lecture. A joke.
  8. "I've been sweeping my emotions to one side and yet calming my Mum down who has found out the man she had a child with and lived with for the best part of 40 years had lived a double life, had a flat that was kept secret from both her, me and the lady he was having the long affair with - his secretary who is now a beneficiary of his Will and has learnt of my Mum's existence recently too along with a host of other professional and non-professional friends who had no idea I even existed! You see I've been a little 'stressed' recently but have been putting a brave face on things." Well Robin you have my utmost sympathy, having just been dealing with Mums estate (through a solicitor) I realise that all our hiccups pale into insignificance when I read you paragraph regarding your father. All our bickering beneficiaries are non starters when I realise what you have had to face. I dont know your Mum but no one but no one could have anything but utmost respect for her, so chin up Robin. You are a credit to this forum. And (I know you should not start a sentence with And) before Griff starts no I am not after anything.
  9. Ever the Optimist that is what I like.
  10. Hylander


    Have you a link to the site please.
  11. Thank you , thank you, I cannot believe after all of this time the garage has been blurred now and no b..ger can see what is in there anymore. I had no idea you could do this and I really cannot get over how quickly they did it for me.
  12. Just complete the form etc , will let you know how I get on. I could have done this years ago. I could kick myself.
  13. I have found the link and tomorrow I will go and try and sort it out. Thank you.
  14. Really , well I will make enquiries because it has always been a bug up my ...... since I first saw the photos.
  15. That a joke about shutting the garage door, Unbeknown to us Google Maps came passed the house and took photos and both ours and the neighbours garage door whilst it was open as we were both having building work done, so the whole world can see what is in our garage at the time about 7 years ago. It has always infuriated me. They blur out numbers of houses and car number plates surely they should blur our garages as well if open.
  16. Good grief. I recall once whilst sweeping the yard leaving the broom to go indoors to answer the phone and when I came out the broom had gone. It does make you wonder it really does.
  17. From someone who usually can find bugger all I can find my way around I wouldn't say easily but I get there in the end. I know Cooking on a boat can be found elsewhere on another forum so how about Nautical Nosh or Boating Bistro or Broads Kitchen, Forum Food.
  18. Dilligaf , are you sure you have not missed taking your happy pill this morning. Talk about pedantic. I like the fact that the vlogs are posted for us all to enjoy , dont let us moan about where they are posted.
  19. Hardley Cross Hardley Mill Langley Dyke Polkies Mill.
  20. Update on Hardley Mill Just to let you know that BA have confirmed that they will be making the changes to our hook up pillars sometime this month. This will mean that we will take the same cards as the rest of the charging point network on the Broads. Unfortunately it means that your old cards probably won't work.
  21. Thinking of you Robin at this sad time. Your blogs which include some on holiday with your Dad are wonderful memories.
  22. Just in front of where Mum and Dad are buried in Sittingbourne in Kent there is a large grave for a family that perished in this disaster. It was so sad. My boss' wife now sadly also deceased was one of the main stays in Zeebrugge helping families.
  23. With regard to Hardley Mill I have received a reply from Richard at the Mill. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We are looking into this with the Broads Authority to see what we need to do to upgrade our card readers. We hope to be able to remain part of the same network. Best regards Richard
  24. Earth Cam is also a good watch , it always appears to be raining in Bali. http://www.earthcam.com/world/indonesia/bali/?cam=bali1 http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newhampshire/hamptonbeach/?cam=hamptonbeach
  25. Well this doesn't bode well, the email I sent has been return as a failed email , now I have been using that email for years.
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