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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I have tried to pm a couple of people. Why cant I see that the message has been sent please?
  2. I have emailed the chap who runs the camera and asked him. The cameras give so much pleasure it will be a shame to lose them.
  3. Just looked at the web cam at horning and got this.
  4. http://blog.greenflag.com/2017/speeding-drivers/?uid=2161662
  5. I will add that the phone rang last night and yes I do have a ring tone that I have not had to download. So all in all it is working well.
  6. I am pleased to say perseverance wins the day. The Ford Emergency Assist worked perfectly. Having now opened the Microsoft account email, it has now downloaded all my existing names and telephone numbers so apart from the fact I realise that the list needs updating I am back to square one. Thank you for your input.
  7. I have not got another phone. This is it folks and I was quite happy with it until it lost my contacts. If I go into outlook there is a long list of contacts with phone numbers but it is not the one I put on yesterday. If i get to the bottom of it I will let you know. To set quiet hours I discovered this morning that you have to go to Cortana and her notebook and quite hours setting is in there. All very simple when you know how. Just about to get into the car and see if my ford Roadside Emergency assist is still chatting to my blue tooth.
  8. I decided yesterday to update my phone to windows 10. Most things are ok but and a big but all of my contacts except a few odd balls have disappeared. The ones that remain look very much like the Skype contacts. I sat there all afternoon religiously putting on all of my contacts from a list I keep together with all of their phone numbers and notes etc that i like to keep. Yep they stayed there for about three hours and then the darn thing went back to the original odd balls. What am I doing wrong please? I also had a background picture behind my tiles which I can see in the settings area but I dont know how to get it back to the tile area. Anyone got any clues please? This morning I am typing all of this blind on the lap top as I type and there is a long delay before it appears on t he screen. How weird.
  9. This is the error page I get when I click into Robins link.
  10. High Tide this morning at Blakeney.
  11. The only problem with this is and we found out to our cost the doctor calling us had a withheld number. We do not block them anymore. It is worrying though that people like my late Mum who had Alzheimer's dementia would answer the phone quite genuinely and be conned. I do remember once when I was there at her house I heard her chatting away to someone on the phone , mainly about the price of tea in Tescos and it turned out to be one of 'those calls' This was about 5 years ago though.
  12. Once 'decent folk' bearing the brunt of it , while certain people have palaces with acres and acres of grounds and not just one or two and the Tax payer pays for it.
  13. Crumbs Grendel not sleepy Canterbury. JM I agree with you about London. We have a LED light that comes on at dusk and goes off in the morning in the back garden since the street lights have been turned off.
  14. Crumbs I have just read this back and realised what I should have said was:- There is only two of us and so the two remaining sausages and the batter I have put into the freezer. My first sentence just didn't make any sense, I know so whats new.
  15. Here is the photo. By all accounts it landed on a mooring post. This has been the worst winds we have had here in Worlingham. Fence posts and panels just gone. Small photo as I had to reduce and reduce it. I have copied from tuther side. I am sure he wont mind.
  16. From a cooks point of view, would the batteries stand up to all meals being cooked on the boat. We do not do pubs.
  17. There is only two of us so we had two sausages and their remaining batter., I have put the left overs in the freezer for another day, being an old scrooge. I must say this, that despite it looking very heavy we both commented how light it was and not as filling as you would imagine. It was just right. I used 4 large farm eggs. Speaking of which if anyone lives in the Beccles area you cannot beat the fresh eggs from Clinks Care Farm at Toftmonks. I get two dozen every month. The yolks are the colour they should be and not insipid looking. They dont only sell fresh farm eggs but their own grass fed lamb and pork and lots of fresh veg.
  18. I tried googling it but got nowhere. I will try again . I always thought that he was saying, its for you, its land charges. (I used to work in domestic conveyancing)
  19. thank you, it has been driving me mad trying to work it out.
  20. I cannot play back slowly unfortunately.
  21. Does anyone know what they are saying in this advert when he hands over the phone. It is driving me mad
  22. I will look forward to seeing your vlog on Pakora. No need to do a special one. I just need to watch how you make them. I am sure they are cheaper and far more flavoursome than the shop bought variety. Thank you.
  23. I have been having an experiment with cooking Onion Bhajis. I am going to have a go at making them like this chap. I am not that keen on hot oil at the best of times but if careful I suppose doable , I have even tried making them in the oven which wasn't much of a success. Have you ever tried to make them.
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