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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. On a more serious note, if anyone has a moment and can explain to me how I get , music , films etc onto a memory stick that I could then take it onto our hire boat in June (gives me plenty of time to organise it) this old lady would be very grateful. I don't wish to be a dinosaur and not learn new things but at the moment I would not even have a clue as to where to start. I do not possess a Mp3 player.
  2. "Throwing a curveball, rather than mucking about with discs, it might be worth just ripping your films to MP4 and bringing them to the boat on a USB stick and then finding a head unit that will play videos off USB (the model I linked to doesn't do that). You could just connect a Raspberry Pi to the TV for that, though. " Having just read the above I suddenly have realised that I need to go back to school again. At 71 I did not understand one word of it. Ripping films (I thought you meant destroying them) and as for a Raspberry Pi , well we are having one of those as a dessert tonight. Can anyone explain please?
  3. That is quite worrying. Obviously another nut on the loose.
  4. It is a shame you are not on commision for these sharpeners, I have just ordered one as well and will be ordering a couple as Christmas presents when I receive mine and give it a try. Thinking about it I will also pop it in the holiday bits to take on the hire boat because their knives usually are as blunt as can be.
  5. Looking at the internal photos of the first boat Arabella, thank the Lord that at last they are putting in windows that open. We were all for hiring Captain or its other similar boats to find that there were no windows that opened in the entire boat except the hatch at the front and the roof. Well we are talking Norfolk here and not Marbella for the weather and a hatch and roof will be closed 9/10ths of the time.
  6. Iain would have loved the 20/20 game today. I have been thinking of him I cannot find the Iain smiley.
  7. Morrisons do a mini roast dinner which is two chicken breasts in bacon , sausage and stuffing and gravy , just add spuds . i would give them 4.5 stars.
  8. Yes you are right the Rangers are about all of the time , 17th - 24th Jan we saw him every day at Wroxham.
  9. Hylander


    Sorry I posted the same link twice above. This is this week http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2637110
  10. Hylander


    With overnight temperatures of no less than 4 for the next 10 nights I cannot see there being any ice about, surely it would all be gone. Some of the daytime temperatures are going to be up to 10. Pretty sure you will be ok by then. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2637110/extended http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2637110/extended
  11. Hylander


    This photo was taken from the house we rented for our holiday a few days back. This was the day the river froze over. I feel cold just looking at it. Had right fun and games posting this photo.
  12. Well done the lady in the chemist, pity more people don't do the same. They have no manners and obviously don't realise how rude they are being to the person behind the counter. Whatever did these brain dead people do before mobile phones, Did they stay at home at speak on the telephone all day, no of course they didn't, most of us were out working to pay the bills.
  13. Happy , what is to be worried about for goodness sake. Anyone who is carrying out their job correctly have nothing to be worried about. The. Human Rights law is being abused daily by people who are trying to make a buck out of the system. God help us, in my 50 years of work if every something didn't go my way I would never have been out of. Court, we just got on with it. Grow up.
  14. Thank you I have forwarded the link on to him.
  15. Thank you, I have given him Jon's web page and contact number.
  16. Decent day boat required by a friend. Needs to be quite a good one with a loo etc , any links would be appreciated.
  17. Hylander


    From what I can see the weather will be fine when you are due here.
  18. Hylander


    I never thought I would see the river freeze at Wroxham this side of the bridge but yesterday morning it certainly did. Mind you it certainly doesn't phase some of these fishermen when they whizz past in their boats cutting through the ice like a knife through butter. The swans were not amused with it all. The good thing is it soon goes with the sun which has been like Spring when it has shone. Quite a few.privateers and hirers about today. Hubby has caught some good sized Pike. Such a pretty fish when you look at the colours. I wish people would treat them with more respect.
  19. Much nearer and the song 'the train came through the middle of the house ' springs to mind. On the web cam it looks like a Sheerings coach going over. Mind you I am due to see the optician.
  20. We went up to Wroxham in the boat provided with our holiday cottage and noticed all of the work going on, looks a right mess at the moment. On going through the bridge we noticed (well you couldnt help but notice) the huge building alongside the bridge. Is this going to holiday apartments. How on earth did they get planning consent for that it is so close to the bridge. Looks like an eyesore.
  21. Hylander


    I thought it was Lodden as well.
  22. Hylander


    There is more ice around than you think. A fisherman on his boat this morning told us beyond Wroxham bridge the river is frozen. Near us is a dyke and when it defrosted this morning great shards of ice flowed into the river. Going to be a cold one tonight
  23. Blimey what is wrong with him. I was out of there asap and I was only in for a week and begged to go home. The food is terrible so why would anyone want to stay there. Whilst I say the food was terrible which it was, it is not a 5 star hotel it is a place for treatment and to get up and well again. I was in an A & E ward , a room on my own the whole time I was in, the staff in that department were fantastic, especially the Ward Sister who was an absolute treasure. I could not believe the hours she worked. Came in before 7 in the morning and left when and if everything was ok well after 7.30 at night. The only person I had any bother with had the most odd attitude and after I mentioned it , I never saw her again on the ward. I say odd as I had occasion one night to call the staff because the drip that was in my hand was not going into my hand but dripping into the bed , my pillow and upper sheet were soaked (I sleep with my arms up) , the way I was dressed down you would have thought I had wet the bed because she had to change the sheets. There again in life you meet all types. Just wish all these druggies and drunks that take up their time, could do just one day's work as they do , tell you what they wouldnt last 5 minutes.
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