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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I dont think there is an emoji playing a violin while standing next to a box of Kleenex is there?
  2. If you cannot beat them join them - be like Stracey Arms shop and charge for the moorings and that would create an income.
  3. May be an ex getting revenge whilst whoever is down the pub with whoever. Just my mind working overtime.
  4. Having been caught out when hiring a holiday cottage in Horning last year where 100% were 5 stars , I think one expression was 'I thought I had died and gone to heaven' it gave you the impression that this was paradise personified, it was anything but and that is all I will say but you can read into it what you will. It made you wonder if the reviews were all from relatives. We have booked this year from Silverline and yes I have looked at their reviews and was comforted in seeing that it was a mixed bunch and that is good because that is how it really is in life.
  5. Hope you will sell fresh eggs as well. All the best , lots of elbow grease for a while I would think as it was left in a bit of a state. The old Marigolds will get a bashing.
  6. Charming, I feel sorry for people who use the ferry each day to get to work. Long way to go on your way to work to find that it is closed. Saw this elsewhere. No I still do not do Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/reedhamferryinn/posts/10154878794372836
  7. Looking at the Wroxham web cam this evening , I noticed , well I have noticed on several evenings actually, the very nice large boat opposite in the photo appears to have a secuirty light on his starboard side. Is that a light or am I seeing things.
  8. We are a strange lot - Read Silverline - content - discussion on maggots. Well to carry on the trend, I will tell a sad but true tale which happened recently. In November we buried our Mum, at the little service prior to the interment we were asked prior to the day to give the Vicar any thoughts we would like to add. To my surprise my eldest son (50) had asked the Vicar to read out some thoughts and at the end came one big confession. It read that I have to confess now Nan , do you remember the time when you had all of those blue bottles in your home ,well it was my fault as I had accidentally let some of my maggots escape and I could not get them all back in the bait box. We all laughed , it lightened a sad time. It happened when he was about 15.
  9. Looks so toasty, got any chestnuts to roast? We had quite a bit of snow yesterday, due some more today, hopefully it won't settle.
  10. Looking at Wroxham Bridge just now , bit of a squeeze today, the water is really high.
  11. In defence of everyone and all of their opinions etc , can I just say that we all feel miffed at times that our particular point of view is not somehow the majorities but please don't let us start saying to members , well if your not happy leave, that is not the answer. Everyone thank goodness is entitled to their 2 penuth as Charlie put it and long may it remain so. Just in case you are wondering I am speaking from experience as once or twice I have thought sod it I am off but that would be cutting my nose off to spite my face as Mum used to put it. Be thankful that we live in a country where you can say your piece and not be shot for doing so.
  12. could you have flooded the bilge with the shower overtopping, just a thought.
  13. Seamast tut tut , no you would not have done anything of the sort. Now I am going to sound like your mother, grow up.
  14. Dont know about the lippy Grace , however he is very good with the old techno stuff and I am rubbish at it all. There again you never know do you, people shock the hell out of me every day.
  15. Robin - I have finally decided upon a set of earphones. Not the pair you gave me a link for but these are really good and I am very pleased with them. Thank you for your help.
  16. Having just looked at the weather for Beccles Thurs / Fri/ Sat the lowest temperature is about -2 for a while on Friday at the moment , of course that can change, and the weather warnings are just ' be aware' that there could be snow. It is generally warmer 'up north' so may be you will be lucky. Mind you it does look a tad windy around the nether regions on Friday. Also very high water expected on Friday 13th (?).
  17. Very much a plus in my opinion. I hope the new yard is up and running soon as it will be another place to moor in Wroxham along with services hopefully. Change happens, and at least this is not a yard that has been purchased and will be no longer a yard but just a pile of bricks called apartments.
  18. I tried in vane to post this yesterday prior to everything going t.ts up so gave up, it is a bit late as I was responding to the first post. Flaming cheek, what a nerve . and to quote " “The Broads frankly is a very boring area. What anyone sees in those river holidays is completely beyond me. The camp site was cute but cramped, and as I said Lowestoft is a complete hole.” I wonder what 'hole' he or she crawled out of to make that comment. I am sure this post is going to come out three times. I keep pressing submit reply and nowt happens.
  19. Can I just add that having looked at various sites about the new boat Encore, in one the bed is plumb against the bulkhead and in another it is on a slant to enable you to get out of the bed independently without having to scramble over each other, which when you are getting on is a big plus. Barnes (Phil) can you confirm one way or tuther please? This is a good look boat.
  20. Due to potential high water on Friday 13 January, new temporary flood barriers will be deployed in Lowestoft for the first time. Current Environment Agency predictions show high water levels are possible on Friday and could reach the lowest quay height, triggering the deployment of the temporary barriers. With construction works to prepare for storage of the barriers on site currently underway, additional time is required to deploy the temporary barriers to ensure they are in place ahead of Friday. A flood warning has not been issued and the situation may change as Friday approaches. However – given that this is also the first time the barriers have been used – the Council has chosen to take action now as a precaution. Therefore, erection of the barriers will begin on Tuesday 10th January. Barriers will be placed on the south side of Lake Lothing in the areas of Kirkley Ham and Belvedere Road. It may also become necessary to erect barriers in the Waveney Road area. All barriers will be situated on private land and therefore traffic disruption is not expected. Meanwhile, residents are advised to check their risk of flooding (www.gov.uk/check-flood-risk) and to register for flood alerts if they have not already done so. This can be done via www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings or by calling 0345 988 1188. While the barriers can provide some relief, they cannot entirely prevent all properties and locations from flooding and normal precautions should be taken. Further information will be available as the week progresses. A
  21. The 'lounging sofa' on the port side is just, to me, pointless. because there is more than enough seating for four or more with the 'L' shape seating on the starboard side. Notice the fixed table too but the TV is still in the same place as Benmore. Where this lounging sofa is where a decent sized sideboard stood with plenty of cupboard space for your food etc. Not everyone lives and eat in pubs. There are lot of us who would rather cook our own food and thus need plenty of cupboard space. Agree about the helm seat, at least on 'Diamond' you could both be seated together to have a look where you were going to, even though clambering up there was a joke. The loo next to the main bedroom on 'Diamond' was small enough to cater for a small child of 5 or 6 , is this the same.
  22. Robin just out of interest what make are the earphones that Sheila uses please. I would like to purchase a pair.
  23. Thoroughly enjoyed the video blogs Robin. Can we expect any more of your trip this time.
  24. Robin I have just been watching your blogs too. You say that you run your heating all night long, I thought that was a no no for safety reasons.
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