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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. And I dont expect a dry eye in the house. For you Iain. http://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=0&fldCard=3274603&path=83554&pmode=init
  2. So very sad. We lost Mum in October aged 96. Try to remember the good times. God bless you and your family. Look up to the sky and see there are several more stars up there looking down on us.
  3. Hogmanay will not be the same.
  4. Such a shock, lovely Iain, so sad, such a fantastic chap, did us proud on here as a mod. Friendly approachable, fun. Our thoughts are with Iain's family at this sad time.
  5. Apparently they are celebrating the Winter Solstice at The Locks Pub Geldeston this morning at 10.44. Why 10.44 I dont know.
  6. I am just sitting here thinking, when it comes to Boxing Day I will imagine the whole of the UK sitting down to a curry or a fry up with mushy peas. After the Christmas Day blow out I never feel like eating for a month, let alone have tea in the evening. The curry sauce looks good. Is it only sold in Roys.?
  7. I trust you know exactly where your running shoes are, otherwise I hope you like hospital food.
  8. Fantastic read, a big big thank you for that Peter. I am hoping that others will have other tales to tell from Christmas past. Christmas was a magical time. Very poignant regarding your Uncle Peggy's husband. I have memories of an Uncle who also was on the Burma railway , he like your Uncle came home like skin and bones along with a bad injury to his head from a rifle butt being used on him. Unfortunately like many others he never recovered properly. We have a lot to thank these men for that we today are able to enjoy our Christmas'. Did you really drink all of that ginger pop? Bet you couldn't do that now. Not the consumption side of things , it is the side effects. One of joys of getting older.
  9. Good to see a decent fridge with a large freezer compartment. Fridges on boats are one of my bugbears. Well done what an ingenious use of the space.
  11. Grace I have only just read your previous post and of course I realise you were jesting. As far as Vaughan is concerned I think he was just carrying on his upping the anti on this post as before. What the hell the Humber Life Boat people have got to do with this beats me. So Vaughan worked in the boating business, so what I worked in a solicitors , but I dont go around defending solicitors. Crumbs thinking about that last statement the law is an **** at the best of times and me defending that useless lot will never happen. If you look at the photo, not only has one of the life belts not been put back but one of the other life belts has been slung over the top of the boat. It is called standards. Putting it all back as it should be (may be my family's military background coming out) is just something that I would expect. Do people really choose to drink Sangria, I thought that is what 18 - 30s drank on holiday to get plastered. Dont worry Vaughan I am well acquainted with the Herby Woods staff , I have known many of them for many years. Monica
  12. This reply is no more than I would have expected from you. What happened to the season of goodwill. I will say no more.
  13. Well it was posted by Herby Woods themselves. Would it have been staff. Just asking the question.
  14. Surely this is not the pilot taking this boat through at Potter. https://video-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-2/11834601_908031072566073_1928156720_n.mp4?efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InNkIn0%3D&oh=b04806b61bedcf2f49b802b61d8f74c0&oe=584BE268
  15. It definitely is on hire as it was moored outside the pub for ages and I watched them leave and then proceed down the river.
  16. Saw this boat in Wroxham a moment ago. is this Faircraft Loynes?
  17. It appears that this is just the way things are left. Does not give a very good impression. 19 days have past and nowt has altered.
  18. There is nothing good about it at all. The poor chap was nearly having a seizure at the time. The fact that the deer race towards a main road, another minus, but in the end it is amusing as it is not happening to us. It just shows you how a situation can get out of hand. Fenton may have never chased anything in his life before but that particular day he was hell bent on chasing the deer. I am sure the chap himself laughed about it once he knew that everyone , including deer, dog, motorists and anyone else were deemed to be ok. Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone.
  19. This always makes me chuckle. What I would have felt like if I was the owner of the dog is another matter.
  20. Peter - have you ever thought of writing a book or even just jotting down on paper your experiences of life. Would make a fascinating read. Mum has recently passed away at 96 and I found a whole lot of scribbles in her paperwork, I have sat and typed them all up for the next generation to read. She started her tale as a child when they had no electric light , just oil lamps and precious little else from what I have read and yet they all (7 of them) except one survived.
  21. Looks all the better for it too. Well done. Love the towel rail. Hot towels - deep joy.
  22. Oh of course, I was forgetting about those moorings out the back. I bet Richardsons wish they had a few more moorings with all of their boats they have to house in the winter.
  23. So I gather that it is no longer a shower just a (as Robin would put it ) a contemplation room.
  24. You have obviously replaced the flooring in the head , the shower tray is still below that flooring I assume. Does that lift up and out. I just love the radiator and the new wash bowl and mirror. Nice choice and looks extremely smart.
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