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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Blooming taters as they say at the moment. Everything is white with a hard frost. As you say very dicey when getting on and off of the boat.
  2. I spotted this lovely boat in Wroxham.
  3. Well that answers that one then. I wonder where they are? Usually this time of year it is 'Sardine' time.
  4. Looking at Herby Woods just now (sorry the sun is rather bright and low in the sky today), there appears to be and has been for the past few days a gap where boats should be. I am assuming they are all out on hire!!!
  5. Enjoyed your epistle on Facebook Robin but sorry Hell will freeze over before I go anywhere near it. Twitter anything any of them. I trust this Forum and the NBF and that is it.
  6. so you wouldn't recommend for a few days hire for a couple in their 70s. what are the cooking facilities like?
  7. I see today everything is exactly as it was when I posted the first photo. Thank you for the comments about 'empty lives'. I did not expect that kind of reply. I did qualify my statement about sloppy by saying I expected the boats had been left in order and that someone else had removed the life belt. What has happened to this friendly forum?
  8. What makes it a joke , please do tell?
  9. That life belt was there first thing this morning, long before Herby Woods staff get in. So if that is staff leaving on the quay heading then it is very sloppy of them. What was wrong with them leaving the boats tidy, which I probably think they did and Billy go lightly and his mates have been about.
  10. now I wonder how that life belt ended up there?
  11. it looks like a residential care home. Lovely views from the top floor.
  12. I have just been watching one of Robin's blogs, Dream Time Day 1 and he was at The Berney Arms when it was up and running as a business concern. It got me thinking and wondering whether or not this ever did get sold. Does anyone know. It is such a shame as it really was a good little watering hole.
  13. This is Cromer at the moment. http://magicseaweed.com/Live-Cromer-Webcam/20/
  14. Give you a taster of the sea state at the moment. http://visitsheringham.co.uk/webcam/
  15. Anyway Women don't nag they just point things out.
  16. Mine is number 3 - every scale ever made is faulty.
  17. I think most folk are like us when we had our own boat. When we were at Broadsedge an hour away , we always emptied boats that had filled with water, saw to canopies that had come adrift and generally kept an eye for any problems. We would have appreciated anyone doing the same for us. As you say when you move nearer which we did 10 mins away it was easier to just pop down to the boat and check. It must be a concern at times when your boat is such a long way from home, but I am sure that most people are good people and will always help.
  18. If this is in the wrong section please move. It is not exactly a joke but comical. I couldn't post it in the Jokes section for some reason. 7. The need for the same style of shoe in different colours. 6. Your wardrobe can be overflowing but you still have nothing to wear. 5. A salad , diet cola, and a big slab of chocolate cake make a balanced lunch. 4. Wine contains grapes so counts as one of five a day. 3. Every bathroom scale ever made is faulty. 2. Why we need to go to the loo in pairs. 1. And the number 1 this only women understand - Other women!!!!
  19. I have seen people use a tree and a mud weight to moor up North on the River Ant.
  20. Cheshire Cat - welcome to our club, someone else who actually cooks from scratch and on the boat. Not many of us about.
  21. Go on then I give up - what is a CQR.
  22. Fruit Pastilles for me please? No wonder our teeth fell out.
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