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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I think the idea of putting a pumpkin out front of your house to indicate that you dont mind folks calling is a good one. The thought of our elderly being terrorised and threatened by some half brain out for money is extremely worrying. Of course dont forget we have effectively got no police anymore so its every man for himself. When I get doddery I will sit with my lights out all evening.
  2. That is the reason we do not go to the Cinema. People imagine they are in their own front rooms and they are certainly not. The thought of some div sitting behind or in front of you munching and chewing all through a film and food odours makes smoke we had to put up with in the 50s and 60s seem quite innocent. Lets face it most of us except for the back row actually went to see the film.
  3. Well it is better than no camera which is what we have at The Wherry. I wish like others that would be restored.
  4. I noticed this afternoon it is starting to get that blurry look again , and no I dont think it is my eyes.
  5. I think the reason the rivers have been busier is because for once we had a lovely hot and sunny summer. Not peeing with rain , easterly cold wind blowing and no sign of the sun. Everyone made the most of it.
  6. I have just read your link to the scary headline about the weather. If you read the whole script, they hedge their bets all the way through by saying, This does not dispel some very mild weather at times during the end of October and throughout the upcoming winter as the negative NAO may not be consistently negative throughout the remainder of autumn and the upcoming winter period."Despite this there will be phases of strongly negative plunges particularly from December to January."This will result in some very potent or potentially memorable periods of cold and snow within this period for many parts of the country, and despite some swings to milder weather at times, the colder periods of weather should be taken seriously and prepared for sooner rather than later, so that people aren't taken by surprise when these wintry blasts do occur." Well surprise surprise - it is called Winter.
  7. The problem is this we don't all do Face Time, Face book or Face Ache or Twitter etc. Sorry but I am one of the boring old fashioned olduns who likes these web cams.
  8. I am sure I am not alone when I look at the BBC's Blakeney Web cam. The other day every time I looked at it the tide seemed to be out , then when the old brain cells kicked in I realised it had frozen in time, so I initially emailed the email address given. Every email came back, so in the end I complained to the BBC. This was the reply. "Thank you for getting in touch about the Blakeney webcam on our site. We don't operate this particular webcam so have no control over it but are sorry if its erratic behaviour is causing you problems.We have a number of pages hosting webcams like this one and are currently reviewing which are still functioning and which should be mothballed.As for the email address, it is no longer one that we use, and we'll ask our technical team to remove it from the page.Thank you again for raising this issue.Best wishes,BBC News websitehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/handle-complaint/" So it looks as if this web site may be going as well as many others. Talk about progress!! Do you think the BBC knows the meaning of the word. I did reply to this email and told them the email address was still showing, to which they replied, they had only asked the technical team to remove it and if they dont well there was nothing they could do about it. An uptodate email address should be shown. I can see Norfolk being mothballed. Have you ever had than sinking feeling.
  9. Now this is awful to ask, but does the whole world change their clocks or is just us lot. If Scotland went independent it could have its own time zone.
  10. Hylander


    Has anyone ever told you no one likes a know all
  11. Hylander


    Well can you just imagine it if they are, I think the owners of those houses would have something to say. "Get orff of my Land". be quite amusing to watch, not so for the poor house owner. My first thoughts were , they have friends who have rented and popped in for coffee.
  12. Hylander


    Well perhaps we had better make the BA Ranger an appointment for Specsavers.
  13. Hylander


    Do you think they have rented that house they are double moored at, or may be broken down?
  14. I have managed to download it from Catch Up but cannot see when the next episode is , can you help?
  15. Will have to look at catch up and see if it is there. Blast I do enjoy their shenanigans, well especially Tims.
  16. Looks like the holiday is getting into full swing. Isnt it so much better that those darn clocks have not altered for the half term so extra day light. Perhaps we should have a referendum and ask normal folk if they think the clocks should be altered. After all it was done because of WW2. Crumbs that is 70 years ago.
  17. Shall we get a big banner BRING BACK OUR WEB CAMS!!!!
  18. Not only of interest to us but surely it must be good publicity for the Hotel itself.
  19. So pleased to have the camera back again.
  20. That is not the first inaccuracy that I have heard spouted from the HM at Beccles. I read the other day someones write up on their holiday and his advice on the tides was completely out.
  21. Oh dear I have just gone over to 3 from EE. We also have 3 mifi. Mind you we all know Horning has yet to arrive into modern times. It languishes in the 70s as far as communication is concerned. We always strip the beds anyway to make sure they are changed but you don't expect to be told to do it. The houseboat looks lovely, was it up one of side waters. Was the bed Kingsize? Another thing that Horning struggles with. Who wants to sleep in a double bed these days. Well not when you are in your 70s. May be adjoining houseboats would be an idea. lol Thank you for the photos.
  22. You say houseboat Lorraine where was this , Wroxham, Horning, Beccles etc. We are interested for some of our family members who like houseboats. Did you find it good. Has anyone hired a houseboat from Hippersons?
  23. Well if Clive doesn't know then if anyone has a gift of knowing the future , could he or she please let us have the winning lottery numbers for Saturday night.
  24. Compared to how some folks tie up , I think you have tied up very well. Love the photo. Where did you go on your trip that day? Not that you would tie up here with a day boat, but Polkeys Mill , it has wooden posts dotted along the front of the mooring, some folk tie up to these and get one awful shock when trying to leave and find the ropes have slipped down the post and not for any love nor money can you shift the bu.gers. It happened in front of us at Polkeys, a Faircraft Loynes moored had tied to the front posts and not the inner mooring posts. When they went to leave , could they get the ropes to release , no. It was a right game to release them. The tide had dropped thus pulling the boat away and the ropes tighter and tighter. In the end thanks for a chap who was obviously a Rugby player and his strength he managed to pull the boat up and with a lot of tugging and swearing the rope freed up momentarily and with luck someone was able to release the rope. It was nearly a case of cut the ropes otherwise there would have been problems. The rope was pulling on the cleats something terrible and they were nearly being pulled out. As the boat was released one end of course it swung around and hit us who were moored behind theirs. That created the next problem, we were now involved as their boat was resting on ours. Our poor boat taking all the stress. You really could not make it up. If it had not have been for this strong chap on a Richardsons Broadsman I think it was all manner of problems would have been encountered. What with the strong tide there and the wind at the time, not a good scenario.
  25. I sent an email and had a very nice reply this morning from Sheila Scott. She is going to have a word with whoever deals with the web cam, so with a bit of luck we will not have our eyes going squiffy for much longer. Strange because when you first go into it it is fine.
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