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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Fine just as long as you are not downwind of the machine enjoying a pub lunch at the time.
  2. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your holiday tale. My goodness me you are a gem to have on board. If I sent my other half to the town he wouldn't dream of visiting the butchers or the greengrocers. Let alone come back and cook it all. Well done to you. Wonderful holiday snaps , what camera are you using?
  3. I saw this in a magazine.
  4. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10369550 Have you ever met a rich publican?
  5. What happened to the Queen's English. How did that get proof read and allowed to be published. That is terrible.
  6. This was the part that tickle me. I have been hiring boats on the broads with my family since before I was born and loved every minute of it! I dont know about Cumbrian more like Irish to me. Being part Irish I can say that.
  7. Weekend party , we could shift tuther end. Not an impossibility.
  8. Sorry but the pontoons are excellent at The Tea Gardens and make for safe moorings when you dont have to worry about the tide. They are made full use of during the season and are a blessing. Ok the river is less wide but I was always taught that a good helm takes any object as the edge of the waterway and reacts accordingly. If the river's natural course was as wide as it is now it would still be wide compared to The Ant or The Chet and the wind up The Ant can be a nightmare at the spots of open countryside.
  9. For efficiency you cannot beat Beccles Medical Centre at the Hospital. We all are given our days by the first letter of your surname ie A - G 24th September etc with a last session into October for the people who couldn't make their own day. There is never much of a queue, we have queued for no more than 5 minutes any year and this year we just breezed in. We did wonder if people were not bothering anymore. All of their staff, including doctors and nursers are on duty on those mornings so it is run just like clockwork. I cannot praise them enough.
  10. Just watch this. Sorry if you have seen it before.
  11. I also see that the land which has those lovely pink caravan wrecks is 'under offer'. http://www.daltonsbusiness.com/caravan-parks-for-sale/exclusive-holiday-park-development-overl-norfolk-broads-norfolk-uk/339882
  12. Good grief , does it say how much. Who is the Agent who is selling the marina.
  13. Doesn't the Bounty web site have brochures or similar
  14. Now you have let the cat out of the bag. I shall view statements in the future of ' this is going to be a nightmare' in a different light completely.
  15. What came to mind on seeing this was the character who was in The Booze Cruise , he was a rather Jack the Lad who thought he was God's gift ( he should have asked for the receipt and got a refund ) and the long suffering old chap next door ( ex George and Mildred). It was the kind of thing he would have done.
  16. Seeing how everything but everything is changed these days, could we have Christmas every other year please then I might , may be , might be ready for it.
  17. Goodness me. To think that a couple can be so desperate , for whatever reason, is beyond sad. If only someone could have helped them.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-37517099
  19. Sort of out of the ordinary , two bodies, yes the occasional one but not two. Tragic whatever the circumstances.
  20. It happened to us in a Hampton boat many moons ago. Moored down South on the Waveney on an informal mooring, well one with quay heading which looked very healthy when we moored. I woke up in the night and tried to get out of bed as the alarms were ringing. It was a struggle as the bed was at such a degree. I managed to struggle out and hubby struggling behind me too. He went out into the dark and rainy night and realised the tide had gone down and we were firmly stuck on the side. I think he got us off with the boat mop handle. Next thing I remember was a big splash and the alarms stopped. 2 in the morning and I drank the biggest Brandy I have ever drunk, swore blind that was it I was never ever coming back to these darn Broads again. Of course we have never been away since. After that declaration we bought our own boat which as you all know is now sold and we are hiring again. Gosh it does shake you up and why does it always happen in the dead of night. We have moored with our own boat in the same spot and survived. What I do now is look at the way the tide is going and wait up for high tide and then know the fenders are well placed and no problems. You live and learn. Thank goodness the boat was not damaged in anyway. I should imagine it happening in Gt Yarmouth would be double frightening.
  21. About 10 years ago we hired from Herbert Woods Florida Light. We had already spent a week in Watersedge at Potter Heigham but as it was booked for the second week plumped for a boat instead. Off we gaily went down the Ant and then turned right towards Wroxham way. We found a lovely spot on a very wide part of the river and moored up. Hubby got out his fishing bits and bobs and as it was our anniversary I found the champagne and was duly pouring out two glasses for a toast. I happened to glance backwards along the river and could see a Bridgecraft boat approaching at some speed, , I could not see anyone at the helm and shouted to hubby , do you think he is going to hit us. Well you know what you men are like, of course it isnt going to hit us, and with those immortal words it slammed into us full pelt. Me, the now non existence bottle of champers , broken glass and other crockery etc , shot off down the river like a bullet from a gun. With the force it ripped out the Rhond irons and other halfs fishing tackle also went into the river. I managed to start the engine and I can recall my other half yelling at the boat behind "go and rescue my wife". This happened and I was brought back to the side. It turned out this boat had couples on board I would have said in the 50s and no one seemed to take responsibility for what had happened. We called the boat yard and they dispatched an engineer who made his way to St Bennets and he hitched a lift off of another boat to us. By this time the stink of diesel was awful. We were told to make our way back to Herbert Woods where we had to make a statement. They eventually found us another boat (twice the size) and we had that for the rest of the week. However to this day I still have a fear of a boat approaching us and think they will hit us the same. There was rumoured that drugs were involved, but we never were told the outcome.
  22. Hylander

    5 Days Left

    Two Trips !!! crikey dont tell my other half.
  23. On Diamond we were told for our two weeks not to go anywhere near the engine. Strange that because when we had our own boat hubby was in the engine bay every day. The only time we were told the engine might need attention was if it started to overheat and then to check the weed filter. As we are getting a bit doddery now the fact that hubby doesn't have to climb down into an engine bay is a plus.
  24. Hylander

    5 Days Left

    I personally think that the build up to a holiday is as important and exciting as the holiday itself, a bit like Christmas. We have only got to wait until June so after reading about Broads01 holiday next August then ours doesnt seem so far off after all.
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