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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. i know this will cause a ruckus but I think nowadays that bikes being used by anyone over the age of 16 should also be taxed. That will bring in a few bob.
  2. Yes I know but this is no ordinary update and is a pain in the preferable.
  3. I know there is a petition in Roys, the Library and I do believe there is one on facebook, however I do not do Facebook or twitter. If you look on Street life for the Beccles area, there is a post on there with links to these. Thank you Keith the more the merrier as they say. I will go on Monday to Roys to sign. Monica
  4. This is for anyone local who uses from time to time the Phlebotomy Department at Beccles Hospital. Apparently in April 2017 this is being closed and we will all have to travel to James Paget Hospital. There are many petitions one of which has been started by the Mayor. So the more people who can sign this to try and stop this happening the better. What our elderly are supposed to do I really do not know. Monica
  5. We do live in Norfolk and the speed is terrible. Other half's took 2 and 1/2 hrs as well as mine. What I object to is the fact that there was not an option as to when to do it, it just did it. Then spouts 'dont turn this laptop off' well that is all very fine but what if you were nearly out of battery or could not leave it on for any reason. Do tell me how it could be done overnight with the laptop switched off.
  6. I have just sat and waited for 2 1/2 hrs while Microsoft Windows 10 updated. Hubby's laptop did it last week. So be prepared to lose use of your laptop for a long time while it is doing it. Sorry if this has been covered before.
  7. I personally do not see anything wrong with us discussing this matter. This is not China where you are not allowed to discuss matters and long may it stay so. These moorings are an important part of the Broads system. I am sure with the Freedom of Information Act now at everyone's behest we could easily find out who owned these moorings. Clive would know what is going on and he is on here as a member and is usually more than happy to put minds at rest when matters come to a head. His silence is deafening. With moorings at a premium surely just for someone to just say one way or the other, moorings will remain as is , or mooring are going to be let to private moorers as a business concern. Whatever the outcome none of us can do anything about it other than put up and shut up. Such is life.
  8. Lovely all of those calories. Do we just help ourselves?
  9. Everyone admires a tryer Gracie...... Where did you say they had hung our coats.?
  10. I dont know Robin if it is was you I expect we would all recognise you. Any deterrent is better than nothing at all. We all know of quieter moorings where boats regularly get broken into because there are times when no one is around and these ne'er do wells know it. They are in it for easy pickings.
  11. Where do they think this marina is based Monte Carlo? We are talking the Norfolk Broads. I dont know about anyone else but people with that kind of money to waste are few and far between and anyone with any real cash behind them would spend their money more wisely. Hence reason they have money, they look after it.
  12. Perhaps the web cam at Hickling could be swung around to look at the moored boats. http://3rrcams.horningsc.co.uk/webcam.php?camera=hickling
  13. This was Blakeney this morning. Water right across the car park. High tides all round.
  14. May be someone pushed the 'repeat button' instead of the 'delete button'. A bit like Chinese whispers , repeat and delete can sound the same at a distance.
  15. I know what you mean, a bit like these people who rock up to A & E with a cut finger looking for a plaster. When did we become a nation of people who have no common sense or aptitude. Emergency services are there in case of dire emergency not at everyone's beck and call whenever they feel the whim to dial them up.
  16. I do hope on reading this that we are not going to get an element of ne'er do wells who find it funny to make false calls to the emergency services.
  17. Saw this passing by on the web cam at Barns this morning.
  18. If you are referring to James Hoseason , he was just a true gent, sadly missed. If there was a problem he rang you to sort it out, unlike today. We had spent a week on the Caledonian Canal and I wrote to him with regard to the toilet operation on our boat (it was a bit archaic) and he phoned me back, bless him. Next time we went again , to our surprise a box of chocolates was waiting at the yard. Nice touch.
  19. Having looked at the photos I can now see where the description is coming from. I can also see Peter's concern for the crockery if you were on Breydon or similar. I can picture that fine china representing a 'Greek Night' when Breydon was rough.
  20. Have you read the write up. Sounds more like the description of a 3 bed semi. The bit that really creased me up was the piano. This luxury boat has been completely renovated during the last three years. Externally it has been protected by a West System technique applied during the rebuild. While the interior has been redesigned by "francida designs" to give an open light feel throughout the boat. All fixtures have been hand built to maximise the space available. Forward of the wheelhouse is a double bedroom and toilet/utility area. The bedroom has a fitted wardrobe space, underbed storage and fitted full length mirror. The toilet/utility area has a Hotpoint Washer/Dryer, First Aid Cabinet, Spacious Shower Cubicle, Large Sink, Shelving for Clothes and Cosmetics and Sea Toilet with Waste Tank. The wheelhouse is accessed through a full sized door for ease of entry. It contains both Tool and Shoe Cupboards, fully adjustable Swivelling Captain's Chair and has a removable solid roof. To the rear of the Wheelhouse is an open plan kitchen - diner not normally available in boats of this style. To complete the luxury feel the fittings include a Full Size Dish Washer, Under Counter Freezer, 12v Fridge, Microwave, Gas Two Ring Cooker, Gas Instant Hot Water Boiler and Diesel Hot Air Blower with forward and rear outlets. The whole area has storage for all kitchen utensils, Wine Bottles and Glasses. It also has a fitted music centre and a piano which slides out for use and in for storage. The seating area can comfortably seat 6 people around the Dining Table, while both seating areas are convertible into single beds with storage beneath. The Rear Double Doors lead out to a Partially Enclosed Platform. Throughout the boat are 12 and 240v outlets and LED lighting with a bank of batteries and an external 240v connection point. Additionally there is a 6.5Kw Generator which provides 12, 240 and 380v outlets to provide additional power or battery charging without the need to run the BMC 2.5 Commander Engine. The boat has a full safety certificate issued this year.
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