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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. At the end of the day what we all think our boats are worth and what someone is prepared to pay for them on the market is another thing. We had to drop from £29,500 to £20,000 in the end and she even wanted us to drop to £18,000. This of course was being encouraged by the Brokers. Now you all know where we used to moor so you can guess who. Despite purchasing at £24,000 and spending over £15,000 on her , so at the end of the day if the chap or chapess with the wallet and the readies is not prepared to pay what you think it is worth then what can you do. £200,000 surely must be a typo.
  2. Is there something special on at Horning this weekend. I am going by the web cam photos.
  3. I have relatives who live in Bishops Stortford so that is the reason it rang a bell, well I was hoping. Relatives that are in their late 80s. So unlike Tim and Pru they wont be on the river, far too doddery I am afraid.
  4. Is the River Stort near Bishops Stortford? Dont shout at me because I have no idea where the River Stort is.
  5. England did fantastic in their innings. Well done lads.
  6. Oh yes the walk to the phone box. Assuming it was in working order when you got to it. How spoilt we are now and how we create (the royal we) when we cannot get a signal easily. How times change.
  7. I did chuckle at your comment.
  8. Talking of day boats. A few years back step daughter brought home her latest and they hired a day boat and asked us along. I wasnt that keen but we went. Prince Charming takes over the helm and it was full throttle immediately. I can assure you that he was told immediately that you do not navigate at full speed and to calm down. I am sure he just thought we were party poopers.
  9. I have finally found a photo of my son and daughter in laws boat in France recently. Shortly after they got back I saw reports on the news of really bad fires raging in that area which was not good.
  10. Are you talking about Nick Conrad. I enjoy his morning programme and listen as often as I can. Why is he useless. We had the pleasure of meeting Wally and his wife once when moored at North Cove. What a nice couple.
  11. My mother always taught me to be gracious and accept a compliment when deserved. I cannot wait for the retort.
  12. I have just watched your video where you met up with Griff and Co. Why is it when Griff's name is mentioned I can immediately hear the track 'In the Navy'. I mean that light heartedly. When you look at BA and the way she goes down the river, fenders all neatly stowed ropes just so , she does look good.
  13. As my hubby has now joined the crew of The Waveney Stardust, I thought I would just mention it on the Forum. It is not a business but a Charity. All crews are voluntary. If you have someone in your party that is disabled or elderly please do have a look at their website. A jolly good day out can be had as you can see. All facilities are on board. From what I can gather if you just bring your packed lunch with you, if a day on the boat or arrange lunch at a hotel. A cup of tea is provided. You can have just a morning or an afternoon if that suits better. Please do give them a try , they are a very worthwhile Charity. The morning and afternoon or daily rates are very very reasonable. http://www.waveneystardust.co.uk/
  14. I have just thawed out from last winter and now its back to bunging on a load of clothes again. Shorts were well named weren't they, blo.dy short time you have to wear them.
  15. Mojo your post is a joy to read. All this stuff and nonsense, if we all took notice of it all we would never eat or drink anything. As Broad Scot says everything in moderation. What gets me is that when I go for a checkup 9 times our of 10 the person giving me a lecture is twice my size. Chuck all of these tick box forms out of the window and dish up a dose of common sense.
  16. You have reminded me of holidays I spent with my Aunt who lived at Fakenham on a farm (probably now an Asda store) we used to go to Wells (remember the shifting sands signs) and go out miles , it seemed to me, to get these blasted cockles. We used to look for pinpricks in the sand that was the clue. Then you dig and dig. We used to bring them home and my Aunt used to boil them up in a huge copper. Ugg!! never have liked them or eaten.
  17. Jonzo did you mean this holiday or the one before? I cannot recall where they went from last year but it was Nicholls and they obviously operate the same policy for all of the yards/marinas.
  18. I agree Gracie and we always leave our boat as we would expect to find it. I just cannot understand a boatyard expecting kids (I know they are late 40s) to get into a little boat and start cleaning the sides of the boat and cleaning fenders etc. Then to threaten them with a 150 euros fine. It didnt help that at the time there were tremendous thunderstorms taking place. They were soaked to the skin by the time they had finished and it ruined the holiday. If they had not had let it slip that they had had to pay extra I would have been none the wiser and just thought , thank goodness they have to gone to a better Company that cares a bit more. I rather gather that this package included two bikes but as they had their cousin with them (three little girls from 8 to 14) and they are 8 to 14 and the oldest one is not going on 40 like some. They had a bike each which was a plus. All in all this has been a better holiday by far.
  19. Jonzo sorry for the delay in answering as I had to look it up on Google Maps. It was from Nicholls at Aigues Mortes. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/30220+Aigues-Mortes,+France/@43.5778559,4.1561733,13z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x12b690b7992e6105:0x4078821166b4870!8m2!3d43.567172!4d4.1925869?hl=en
  20. Last year when Son and Daughter in law hired a boat in France I posted that they had to clean the boat inside and out when returning to the yard/marina. This year they told they did not have to and I found out why. They had to pay extra to have the boat cleaned outside this time. So be warned. The only reason it came to light was they were telling me about these poor people in front of them also moored at Nicholls were cleaning all of yesterday afternoon the outside of the boat as fenders , windows , structure the works had to be spotless and ready for the next people. So be warned, if you dont pay extra you will spend the last day cleaning the boat. If the companies on the Broads did this they would be out of business in six months. I nearly forgot to add , if the boat does not pass muster you have to pay 150 euros.
  21. I just had to share this. A couple of snaps of the Fridge Freezer on board and the shower room. It is more like a holiday home than a boat.
  22. Vaughan you must be at the same place as my son and daughter in law and three little girls. I have just received this photo of them crossing what my daughter in law describes as 'like being at sea'. They are heading for Port de Marseilan. I am surprised you havent bumped (not literally) into each other. Yesterday they were all swimming in the sea at Palavas-les-Flots, France. That is what cost them £23 to moor at for 24 hrs. They are on a boat from Nicholls at Aigue mortes.
  23. Could it be that they are foreigners. It looks as if they were together. Bit of a coincidence that two Brooms end up in the same predicament. I think at times we can be a bit harsh and judgemental when we do not know the full story. We can all be wise after the event.
  24. my son ,his wife two little girls and a cousin are at this moment in canal du Rhone et sete right on the Med, the mooring to moor overnight £23. They are on a hire boat . Has taken them 2 days to get there each a 12 hr trip. But they are there at last.
  25. On this occasion I feel that the postage is worth it ten times over. To give our old folk in the family a bit of pleasure with failing eyes they can look at the picture over and over again in their own time. Trying to find something of interest to say in the space of not more than a postage stamp comes as a little bit more of a challenge.
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