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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Postcards - I got mine in the Mill Shop at The Stracey Arms. I like to send all of our olduns a postcard. Most of them are in their 90s and in their day it was the thing you did when you went on your holiday.
  2. We have been very unlucky this year or rather poor Mum and Dad Blackbird have. First nest that blasted Sparrow Hawk raided it. Second one it returned, this time we were in the garden and gave it the bums rush but when we were not looking later the ruddy thing had all of the babies once more. Dont tell me it is nature. To balance things out what is raiding the Sparrow Hawks babies and killing them. All a bit unfair in my mind.
  3. That is good , thank you for the dates.
  4. What is the dates for the event please? We can walk down and see you all.
  5. Right will do then (hopefully never have the opportunity) but just in case, what number do you ring please?
  6. Oh so SOB is just for Breydon and down South then. The BA chaps may not be an emergency service but I have always felt they were our first port of call if in a pickle. Is that who is at the end of Broads control?
  7. Well done. Where is the BA boat with all its bells and whistles? You seem to draw the short straw every time now , what are they doing on SOB , sipping cocktails?
  8. likewise in Worlingham bad storm at the moment.
  9. Doesn't it gladden the heart to see the Broads on a hot sunny day. Tour boats buzzing here and there, day boats doing the same and hirers chilling out. We are so lucky in this country to have all this.
  10. Well you live and learn. Thank you. They say you learn something new everyday.
  11. I will try in the morning, at a family event at mo. thank you.
  12. I just put in any old address to get the maps up and this is what I get.
  13. Grendel please how do you turn the traffic layer on. I cannot see the option at the moment.
  14. We were on Diamond last two weeks of June and everywhere we went we seemed to cross paths with Dungrafting. He gets about
  15. Thank you MM I have been doing it all wrong. Now that has save me a lot of fannying around going through pages and pages. Your help is appreciated.
  16. Is it only me (probably is) but when I log in and look at posts on the forum and go into the post , it never takes me to the latest post but always starts at the very beginning. Some of the posts are pages and pages long. Not so bad on the laptop but when I am looking through my phone at the posts it takes me ages to get to the last post made. Does that make sense?
  17. Sneak over to the bins after hours if not. Only joking. I am sure that the larger yards would not even give it a thought. They have a lot of folks and a privateer does not have a huge arrow following around him/her to point them out. Not so sure who has Elsan facilities though.
  18. Well to quote Dot Cotton, we all have our "Crorss to Bear. " Whatever floats your boat.
  19. Gosh not only have had that awful job of sorting it out but now a huge bill at the end of the day. Are people that stupid that they don't realise you do not put anything down a macerator loo except what has been eaten or loo paper. It ain't rocket science is it. I think the culprit should get the job of cleaning it next time.
  20. It depends how you moor, we managed 8 huge cruisers at South Walsham, not a fag packet lid between us, and part of the mooring under repair. We all just shifted up.
  21. No doubt he did this to other people thinking it was funny and most probably being egged on by others on board. To this day I can still see the incident , I think that is because I was so shocked. I have two sons myself both in the late 40s one has little girls, can you imagine if that had happened to them as a family. I am pleased to see these matters are logged. I could only report it to Brinks at the time. Monica
  22. Just to clarify. We immediately rang Brinks to report the incident. Unfortunately we did not get the number or the name of the boat as it all happened so quickly and on a part of the river system where you do not turn around as the tide was running too fast. Naturally we were not expecting this to happen so no camera to hand either. I dont mean to use this as a pun but in a flash it was over. I have to say the lady at Brinks was horrified when I told her on the phone. It is hardly the fault of Brinks at the end of the day, they cannot control what some moron with the mental age of 12 is going to do. I repeat stupid ****. I would have said he was in his late 20s may have even been older.
  23. We had an experience when coming down from Stracey to Gt Yarmouth, a Brinks boat passed us and one of the male crew decided to expose himself as they went past. What if my grandchildren have been on board. Stupid ****.
  24. I will say from a different stand point, we are ex privateers and when we got into a bit of a chip eight at one spot , the only boat moored was a hire boat and did they come out and help two oldies , did they heck. I tell you we really were struggling and if the boot had been on the other foot we would have been helping where we could. So it is swings and rounderbouts .
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