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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I must say that we were on the Broads for the last two weeks of June and it was notable that an awful lot of people do speed passed boats and if there was a head count I would have said it was roughly 50/50. Lots of hirers slowed down and we acknowledged this with a thank you. One or two went past like there was no tomorrow. Mainly huge ones from Richardsons , generally the really posh ones. Unlike with the privateers, the bigger boats slowed down while the little ones seemed to be in some kind of race. When I say little I mean from small fishing boats to small boats with outboards. We were well rocked about at times. At no time did anyone swear at us, that is not good. We stay mainly down South and if up North stay away from pub moorings. The Rangers were out on all days. May be we were lucky to see them so often. When we moored at the Tea Gardens one moored and came along for a chat. We were able to ask him about the boat that was breached in the reeds , he said just in case he would double back and have a look for himself. Has anyone else heard anymore about what happened. We wondered if the chaps steering had failed. One plus OUR OLD LECCY CARDS WORKED. Despite the weather we had a really good time and are as brown as berries.
  2. Just watched it. What lovely ladies. I do hope they are successful and at last our precious Stracey Arms may have a future. I was pleased to hear them confirm the matter of a fee to stay overnight which is collected by the shop and shared out. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07k5ddq/homes-under-the-hammer-series-20-episode-21
  3. Darn Darn, I nearly watched that this morning. For some reason I thought the cricket was on and went around the channels. I will I had seen it. May be on Iplayer or similar. Would be good if they could run a Indian Restaurant or similar from there.
  4. MM never mind , I am sure the OP will survive and get over this along with all of the sailies and stinkies who will be out and about on the day of the race. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and had you imagined the reaction and at times over embellishment by people (human nature) you would not have suggested the post in the first place. Best to keep under the parapet at all times me thinks.
  5. Sorry not down in the basin but the long nice moorings. Not the 24 hr mooring further along the Chet. Strikes me that if they are Parish owned, then the Parish cannot have much pride to allow such tatty old heaps to moor there. It does nothing for Lodden which is a pretty place.
  6. Are these 24 hr moorings. If so how come there are some tatty old wrecks moored there. They were there when we left on holiday on the 17th of June and they were still in exactly the same state and place when we returned on the 30th June. If it is a 24 hr BA mooring why have these boats not been moved on. They are an eyesore.
  7. Looks like treble mooring in Horning.
  8. We took these photos this morning at Langley Dyke. What an idyllic spot. c spot.
  9. We took some photos of the rubbish this morning at Langley Dyke. Good job it was windy yesterday , imagine this lot festering on a hot still day in the summer with all its flies etc. Not nice and such a beautiful spot on the Broads.
  10. No I did not mean Lodden , we never stopped there as it was like the seventh circle of hell at the time. I meant good moorings and rubbish point at Langley Dyke. I will add that at the moment the bins are full to overflowing , not very pleasant, but rather than just moaning about it I have been on to the Norfolk Council and told them to get their gear in action and clear it, it does nothing for tourism.
  11. Over 14 days no problems at all. These have water points and in most cases rubbish disposal as well. Herbert Woods and Hippersons excellent pump outs 5*. . Richardsons, Barton Turf, Acle, Stracey arms. Salhouse, Reedham , Langley Dyke. Waveney Centre , Norwich YS.
  12. Did you have to attend the Richos boat we passed on the River Waveney this morning. It had breach itself in the reeds. No sign of life. I hope they are all ok.
  13. I dont think this can come under the heading of bad manners , more gross indecency. We were coming down from Stracey to Gt Yarmouth and two Brinks boats were coming up on the other side of the river, just as they got to the side of us one of the crew decided it was the right thing to expose himself. Had I had my granddaughters with me I would have been horrified as it was hubby and I were absolutely shocked to see such behaviour, Yes I did ring the Brinks Yard and told them who it was.
  14. You and your family will be in my prayers tonight. Gosh it takes a lot to make me cry, but I am here sobbing for you. God bless.
  15. Is this the same boat that is mentioned on the NBF , that in its haste and lack of consideration for others has not only caused damage but an elderly gentleman was hurled out of his bed and they think we'll need hospitalization. The boats name is similar to Free time or Freetime. The trouble is when something like this does happen you are too busy rescuing everything around you and making sure that family and friends are ok , the last thing you think of is a camera or taking a number of the boat. Whoever it is that is doing this being a small or a large boat they need to get a conscience. I am sure in the circumstances no one will mind if I copy the post over. I would love to have a chat with the driver of this blue & white sports cruiser who came past Reedham Ferry heading upstream at 16:10 June 11. Doing about 8 MPH, with a good multiple 12" wash. You only spilt my tea and knocked everything off shelves onto the floor, no big deal. The boat next to was rocked so badly that an elderly gentleman was thrown out of his bunk, and might need a hospital visit. This same boat suffered some major damage, inside and out. Please get in touch, and yes River Control have been informed.
  16. On the BBC web site is the photo below, alongside the words - some of the amazing things you can get at the Chip Shop - you can imagine what I was thinking.
  17. Oh my god that is dreadful. The only good thing is , it cannot get any worse it can only improve. Surely to heavens the local Environmental Officer would close them down if they were that bad.
  18. It is no good I am going to have to ask - Robin where did you find the rating for the Chippy at Potter Heigham please?
  19. Put it down to too much sun () or just plain old age. I was thinking The Wherry at Oulton Broad, so where is the Waveney Hotel other than the one in Beccles.
  20. I know it is a bit late in the day on this topic but this is the link to the result I found. http://ratings.food.gov.uk/authority-search/en-GB/The Wherry Hotel/^/Relevance/0/303/^/1/1/10
  21. I duly went to Morrisons on Monday and had a word with the Butcher there. When I asked do you have fresh rabbit at any time he looked at me as if I had landed from Mars. No I dont he replied, I have been here for 4 years and I have never sold any rabbit. Well that was me told. So off to Seppings the Butchers it will be next time I am in town.
  22. Just had a look on the Waveney site and it is showing 4 for The Waveney Hotel. I have tried to edit but to no avail. I just cannot make the screenshot any larger.
  23. Its the old case of one mans meat is another man's poison. Locally here to Beccles we have something called Streetlife. If you read through all of the posts regarding the Waveney Hotel at Oulton Broad, it started off with a post saying how downhill it had gone and throughout there was a mixture of folk thinking it was wonderful and some thinking quite the opposite. You cant please everybody all of the time. I do believe at some time a few years back the Waveney had a rating of 1 but now I believe it is 5. It is a bit like the Broads no day is ever the same. Some days service is top notch and another day for no reason at all it fails to please?
  24. Well I never, and I always buy my meat from the Butcher in Morrisons. Will have a word on Monday when I go in.
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