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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. The person at the BA did say that the list can vary and often does, however it is a guide and made me feel a lot better. As for WRC , when we owned our own boat we used to take a small carrier bag of rubbish up to the bins when getting water.
  2. Waste Bin Sites. Acle Bridgecraft Hire Boats Only-General waste /Recycling bins Acle Bridge, NR13 3AS Horizon Craft Hire Boats Only- Waste/Recycling bins- Acle Bridge, NR13 3AS Bottle bank at Pub Beccles Waveney D C Yach Stn, The Quay, NR34 9BH General Waste bins Brundall Alpha Craft Hire Boats Only - General waste skip Riverside Rd, NR13 5PS Broom Boots General waste and recycling Riverside Rd, NR13 5PX Silverline Marine Hire Boats Only-Waste, Recycling, Glass/Bottle Riverside Rd, NR13 5PL Burgh St Peter Waveney River Centre Hire Boats Only- General waste and recycling Burgh St Peter, NR34 OBT Coltishall Broadland DC General Boat Waste bins Kings Head PH car park,NR12 7EA Geldeston South Norfolk DC General waste bins Top of Locks Lane, nr34 OHS Great Yarmouth Broads Authority General Boat Waste Yacht Stn, Tar Works Rd, NR30 1RD Horning Ferry Marina Hire Boats Only -General waste/ recycling Ferry Rd, NR12 8PS Irstead North Norfolk DC General Boat waste bins/Bottle bank Irstead Staithe, NR12 8XT Langley South Norfolk DC General Boat Waste Langley Dyke, NR14 Loddon South Norfolk DC General waste bins Pyes Mill, NR14 6DS South Norfolk DC General waste bins Loddon Staithe Car Park, NR14 6NA Maffett Cruisers Hire Boats Only- Pits Lane, NR14 6NQ facilties at road frontage Pacific Cruisers Hire Boats Only -Waste, Recycling, Pits Lane, NR14 6NQ Glass/Bottle facilities Neatishead North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste The Staithe, Grays Landing Norwich Broads Authority General Boat Waste Yacht Stn, Riverside Rd, NR1 1SR Oulton Broad Waveney DC General Waste bins Yacht Station,Bridge Rd, NR33 9JS Potter Heigham Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin The Staithe, NR29 5JE Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin Repps Staithe, Bridge Rd, NR29 5JQ Herbert Woods Hire Boat Only - Waste, Recycling Bin, Broads Haven, NR29 5JF Glass/Bottle Bin Ranworth Broads Authority General Boat waste Bins The Staithe, NR13 6HY Reedham Sanderson Marine Hire Boat Only-General waste bins Riverside, NR13 3TE North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste The Quay (Nelson PH), NR13 3TE Rockland South Norfolk DC General Boat Waste New Inn Hill, NR14 7HP Salhouse Other providor General waste/recycling/bottle bank Salhouse Broad Car Park Stalham Richardson's Hire Boat Only -Waste, mixed recycling, The Staithe, NR12 9BX paper/card and glass/bottle bank Thurne Great Yarmouth BC General waste /Litter Bin Thurne Dyke, NR29 3 AP Upton Eastwood Whelpton Hire Boat Only -General Waste Skip Upton Yacht Stn, Boat Dyke Rd, NR13 6BL Wroxham/Hoveton Norfolk Broads Direct Hire Boat Only-Waste, Recycling, The Bridge, NR12 8RX Barnes Brinkcraft Hire Boat Only-Waste, Recycling, Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD Glass/Bottle Bank Royalls Hire Boat Only -General Waste Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD Summercraft Hire Boat Only - Waste, Recycling, Brimblerow Rd,NR12 8UJ Glass/Bottle Bank North Norfolk DC General Boat Waste bins Riverside Rd, NR12 8UD
  3. Be warned I have just received a text message purporting to be from Barclays Bank telling me that 900 GBP has been taken out of my account and sent to British Telecom. I did not phone any of the so called Barclays Fraud numbers but phoned Barclays through my old phone banking system. Barclays Fraud Office confirmed that none of the numbers had anything whatsoever to do with Barclays. She took down all of the message and the details therein to pass to their security. Now if an elderly person were to receive such a text they would immediately (well my old Mum would have) rung the numbers given. These are crooks. They are so real you would think it was genuine.
  4. If anyone can open my links you are a better than me etc etc etc Monica
  5. As I dont wish to quote what Freedom boating has said can you ignore it please. I just cannot seem to get rid of it. I am wondering if Norfolk Nog and myself have the same lists. Mine came from the BA today. They are subject to change. boatyard waste and recycling 26 sep 2014.xls Appendix 1 waste provision map (1).pdf
  6. Thank you John. I chuckled when I read your post, not only have I got to rinse out old dirty cans but now I have to stick my head down the flaming loo to do it.
  7. What I had meant to add to my previous post is. Here you are expected to rinse out all tins etc and clean items before they go in the refuse. With water at a premium on board a boat, do they honestly think we are going to rinse out tins before binning them. Dream on.
  8. I feel for those who are not hirers but even hirers will struggle as well. Sorry but I do not come on holiday to flaming well recycle rubbish. It is bad enough the rest of the year at home. We have 5 bins and it drives me crazy doing someone else's job. I am not a green or a liberal , if they wish to live on lentils and have no packaging then that is up to them, this is 2016 for goodness sakes, we are going backwards not forwards. The suggestion I read about eating out, well ok if you wish to be cheek by jowl with hundreds of others at a pub , that if if you can get a mooring, but also eating out wacks up the cost of anyone's holiday. I cook from scratch , anything like peelings go over the side as they will rot down. Tins , jars etc have to go in a waste bin. As has been said folk who have babies on board or dogs will be stuck with a load of smelly rubbish. I can imagine Indian Takeaway containers four days afterwards. Not nice. Norfolks and Suffolks black bin rubbish goes to incineration anyway.
  9. As we will be hirers this year I was reassured by someone saying that we will be able to drop into various yards around the system to get rid of the rubbish. If we had still had our own boat then we would have had to take it back to the Marina for disposal. What is needed is for one of the big nebbies to own a boat and of course this would be sorted out immediately. A bit like problems at work, if it affected the bosses then by gum something was done about it.
  10. Edited - having a senior moment. The bridge is St Olaves.
  11. How about this then. I have just received the email back that I sent to Brandon Lewis as a Demon Failure I think they call it. I took the email address from the Conservative web site. Fear not, I will write a letter to the Houses of Parliament with his name at the top. We will see if that comes back.
  12. http://www.broadland.gov.uk/environment/4729.asp A couple of other places.
  13. Yes I am sorry to have to agree with you John and Mary-Jane. I should imagine the Yards will be getting nervous of this publicity as it certainly will stop people from booking a boat. Our June holiday we will be lucky enough to have a second cabin at the front of the boat which we had earmarked for storage of coats ,odds and sods like you do , but it looks as if it will the Refuse Department. As I say I will buy tough garden sacks and place the black sack inside and tie up tight. It will be June and I should imagine we will smell like the bin men's truck does. Mind you we wont be alone. Of course like yourselves we would never fly tip but there will be those after a few bevvies that will do just that. I just hope the Yards are prepared on turnover day to receive all this mountain of rubbish. I will also take plenty of Air Freshener. So pleased we will be up one end and the Refuse Department down the other. As has been said before , what happens to folk who come by train. Whoever is to blame for all of this nonsense needs horse whipping quite frankly. Where there are bins I can envisage queues of boats waiting to dump their rubbish. Rubbish then will be piled high, I hope the local council realise that it will be a daily task to get rid of it all.
  14. This is a report from 2014 but shows exactly what is happening. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/426984/Waste_Disposal_Policy_nc270214.pdf
  15. I agree about the final straw, depending on how we fare in June for our fortnight will determine whether or not we ever rebook a Broads hire boat. I can honestly say that there will be a lot of people with the same thoughts. However, all is not lost and it is up to us the boating and holidaying public to complain. Complain to the top wherever possible. Just out of curiosity , does anyone have a list of the disposal sites that do exist?
  16. My email to Brandon Lewis.. Good afternoon It has been brought to my attention that there are no facilities for the boating fraternity in Gt Yarmouth. This is also reflected across the Broads as a whole and it an utter disgrace. If you wish to attract visitors whether they be from the hire craft section or the privateer section you have to provide facilities for people to dispose of their rubbish. To say that a hirer has to 'take his rubbish home with him/her' is ludicrous. I can picture the glossy magazines promoting holidays on the broads with boats showing mountains of black sacks on the back of them due to the lack of facilities. This is 2016 not the 17th Century, do we really want people to dump their rubbish (which they will) in the rivers and banks and attract rats and plague. I do think the Councils in this region have been very short sighted in all of this. Dont say to me you have not got the money, you have when it is suits. The Broads is a thriving holiday destination, let us keep it so.
  17. It used to be that the folk mooring spoilt these informal moorings but now we can fairly and squarely blame the local authority.
  18. I can just see the brochures now with holiday boats cruising along with the back of the boat littered with black sacks full of domestic waste. I am sure one of you can doctor a photo to show this. You are far more clever than I am. I might email this Brandon Lewis who apparently is supposed to be the MP for Gt Yarmouth. We will see if he is just a career politician or a real man of his word. I know what will be on the top of my list for things for the boat in June and that is a roll of heavy duty garden sacks together with a roll of black sacks. Two tied up together you may have a chance of not smelling the contents.
  19. At Potter heigham they have a huge barge that goes up and down the river several times a week collecting bags of rubbish and emptying toilet tanks. The Boat is called Louise (loo ease). I can see our boats all looking similar to Louise with mountains of rubbish sacks on the back of each hire , and private boat. I cannot see that publicity of this kind is going to attract many holiday makers. I would like to hear on here from the likes of Clive at Richardsons. I am sure they provide facilities for the disposal of boat rubbish and Herbert Woods for example, however, who is going to be next to a large organisation every day and rubbish needs to be disposed of every day , especially in hot weather. We have gone completely backwards this is 2016 not 1816. When our population starts to get diseases that were common in the 17 hundreds then may be the people in charge will realise what a nonsense all this cutting back of bins is. Rats and the plague come to mind.
  20. May be I should have asked when was the photo taken. Sorry.
  21. Snow - oh no not snow. Hmm there were murmurings this morning on the weather that we could have some white stuff next week, It is really blowy down here but I bet nothing like Scotland is getting at the moment.
  22. This is Oulton Broad this afternoon (web cam has woken up). Also a shot of the beach at sleepy Southwold.
  23. Well I was going to send you another photo today showing today's grotty weather but the web cam seems to be down at the moment - probably blow away and is sitting in Lowestoft. So instead :-
  24. The Broads at its best in the Wintertime.
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