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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. A bit like the hole in the roof .. Old Japanese saying - cannot fix when it is raining and when not raining it does not need fixing.
  2. Well looking at the weather for Scotland again today it seems you are in for another deluge. Here near to Beccles it is chucking it down , despite the BBC weather site saying it won't rain until 12. Do tell how come with all of this technology and gizmos these days they cannot get it pin point correct? Looking at it at the moment I was thinking about poor Scotland and the North in general who have suffered. I do hope that you and your family are ok Iain.
  3. Ours came down New Year's day , I think once Christmas is over they just don't look right somehow. As said previously a darn sight quicker to put away than to put up that took us about 3 days. To me Christmas is all about the anticipation than anything else.
  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/11457882/Wild-lynx-to-return-to-Britain-after-1300-years.html From what I can see it will be the West Coast but the Telegraph says Aberdeenshire.which is East coast. They also mention Thetford Forest, but the darn things wont just stay where they put them.
  5. Did anyone see on the News the other morning that they are planning to release wild Lynx in the woods of Norfolk and several other places including Scotland Iain. What with Lynx and Wolves , it gives a new slant on "if you go down to the woods today " etc.
  6. Believe me Grace I am not that hot either, in fact I have a good system, when I make anything if it doesn't turn out as it should its next destination is the bin and I don't tell anyone in the house. What the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't grieve over is my motto.
  7. Honest verdict. If anyone is remotely interested - I personally would not use ground almonds in the cake mix , it makes it very dry. I would use a third of the chocolate, but I went with Mis Berry's recipe, far too much and makes it far too expensive as well. We have had some slices of the cake with tea and coffee but I suddenly had a brain wave the other night and thought Rum Baba , do you recall those, I soaked a couple of slices in Rum, double cream (well if you are going to have a heart attack you may as make it worthwhile) (said with tongue in cheek). and we had it as a dessert. Would I make again - honestly no.
  8. Look after yourselves out there. Stay safe and you too have a really good New year.
  9. Iain a Happy Hogmanay to you and yours. May 2016 be the best year ever for everyone. Thank you for the correct wording I am going to save that and print out for midnight.
  10. My thoughts exactly Speed Triple about the bridge, do us all a favour.
  11. I was thinking may be the celebrations had started already. I cannot personally wait for midnight to get shot of this awful year. Fireworks, Champagne, balloons, all ready. Happy New Year to you all.
  12. http://www.jacquielawson.com/preview.asp?cont=1&hdn=0&pv=3274603&path=83554
  13. There were no buses, so we had to walk the 2 miles to school. Can you imagine asking the little darlings to do that now.
  14. All sounds very tasty. I think the leftovers are far more interesting than the main event.
  15. I can recall going down the garden in the early hours to find my cat. Next door had one of the wind cycles peddling away on the shed roof. That went whizzing past my head just before I found Whisky my cat. my boss lost the gable end of his house Thank goodness my dear old dad never saw the destruction of several greenhouses and all of his trees, he died on the 31st October that year. .
  16. I see someone is lucky enough to be on a boat at Christmas time.
  17. I have just poured myself a large Gin and Tonic, funnily enough I only drink G & T at Christmas. You have been busy with your baking. I like the idea of crispy buns with Cointreau, can I have the recipe please?
  18. Well I think I went a bit overboard with the chocolate but this is my first effort. Stirring and stirring the chocolate and cream took me ages. Will let you know what it tastes like.
  19. I have been having a quick look and it is so interesting. Now that has given us all something to talk about and reflect on.
  20. You drove a car all the way to Beccles on the ice on the river? Have you been on the Amber Nectar already? Can this be so. Did anyone take any snaps, they would be most interesting. I cannot wait to hear more.
  21. I cannot even begin to know how they feel or are coping.. When I look at our lounge all decked and dry and warm it makes you thankful.
  22. From today the days are getting longer. Not long and we will all be out and about again.
  23. Thank you and you too and yours also have a happy Christmas. http://www.jacquielawson.com/preview.asp?cont=1&hdn=0&pv=3426946&path=105741
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