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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. When a post is headed SPEED TRIPLE or GRACIE (just examples) you dont somehow go into the post but appear in that persons profile area. Why is that. Should we never use a members name in the header of a post. I have just looked at the post . Liberty etc..... that goes to the persons profile. Hope that all makes sense. Does that person think they are sending a pm?
  2. My other half hails from Upper Halling and we know Birling well and we often went for walks along Birling Gap. Very memorable after the Great Storm when a lot of the trees were uprooted. Small world.
  3. no negative views of us Kentish folk Oh I am sure we can think of a few , having lived in Kent for over 40 years prior to moving up to sanity in Suffolk I will try and think of a few. Now to make matters worse , I forgot to throw into the mix that I am also of Irish decent. Really I stand no chance. M
  4. Hey Ho and all that - I suppose someone has to stick their head above the parapet and say - oi you lot I am an Essex girl, born in Theydon Bois Essex. I can be at times as thick or as bright as the next person but take offence - no. Really gave me a good laugh. Life is too short to be miserable.
  5. That is good. I do like to have a good look at all of the web cams on the Broads. I just wish that the Broads Tours boat had the camera still, now that was lovely, a proper trip and and down the river.
  6. We have snow but not enough for a snow ball fight here near Beccles. .
  7. Just to update you. This morning on looking through the Apps menu under 'L' there is a Link to Nikon. Tapped into that and up came a selection, the first one being camera control pro download which has 30 day free trial on it. After tapping into that my photos downloaded as before Windows 10 and are now where they should be using the cable. Now if it says 30 day free trial does that mean that every Nikon camera owner will now have to pay to download their photos to Windows 10?
  8. I decided to get my camera out this afternoon and see if all of this so called 'updating' has improved the downloading from the camera to the laptop of my photos. Took some odd ones just around the house and then tried to download. Everything is just the same , no its not it is worse, now I cannot even download popping the memory card from the camera into the laptop. So I am bu..ered to put it mildy. Thanks Windows 10.
  9. We had one of these on our boat, excellent product. A very good freezer compartment as well which is unknown on some boat fridges. It is like a standard fridge at home and takes 1 litre bottles in the door and still room for wine milk etc. Worth every halfpenny.
  10. I have just done all of the updates , took a couple of hours, like you I am wondering if all will be ok.
  11. What has happened to the second web cam at Herbert Woods. That seems to have gone walkabout now.
  12. OS came in a box not installed, Come to think of it , what is MS Dos? What the dickens is OS, please? ,
  13. Well it is supposed to have completed this update at 3.30 this morning. I fail to see how it can do it when the laptop is switched off or is that what happens. Everything seems as normal this morning and I will have a look see to see if the update has been done. I could do with the One Drive being able to be used with the cable from my camera rather than having to keep taking out the memory disc each time. It worked to start with and then nowt. I will have a look see. No it did not do it as saying the same thing. So when I go out and it can get on with it for 3 hrs (that is how long it took hubby to do his) I will have a go. It definitely says Windows 10 Version 1511 10586.
  14. I see they are updating Windows 10 at the moment,
  15. Hylander


    Thankfully as said all sorted, well done to the forums.
  16. Hylander


    Thanks for that Imtamping2 I had only got my iphone and could not post a photo. I am hoping that a gang of chaps can get down there and give it a good shove. I wonder who lovely boat she is?
  17. Hylander


    Just read that COOTS moored at Langley has beached on the tide. Just in case the owner is on here I thought I would mention. They posted a photo but not sure if I can.
  18. I see Barns camera is permanently stuck now and one of the Horning cameras, together with the Potter Heigham web cams, that is showing one of those. We are doing well.
  19. No it is the spot at Kylerhea. I just love the wildness of it all and that track you go along with your heart in your mouth all of the time looking down at the drop on one side. Each day we would see the big ships passing and once or twice the sub would be about. We often used to see small yachts being pulled along with the tide. Ok if you are going that way but a real struggle the other. We think that Gt Yarmouth has a pull tide but there is it scary. We did walk to see the Otters which was not far from our holiday home. Did not see any Otters there but one morning in front of us one was eating a shellfish on the rocks. We managed to see plenty of deer and several red squirrels. I can recall thinking we were on our own but our neighbours (residents) used to walk their dog passed our place and as it was our wedding anniversary while there and I had bought a bottle of Talisker , it was lovely to be able to say would you like a dram of two with us to celebrate. The wife of the chap next door (about 4 hundred yards away) was from New York. At low tide we could gather hundreds of mussels which Brian put in a bucket and brought back to the house, we cleaned them and with plenty of wine , fresh bread and garlic to flavour they were consumed. Never had them so fresh. http://www.houseonthepoint.co.uk/
  20. One year we had a cottage on the Point at Khylerea (sorry for the spelling). on Skye , it was fantastic, the wind blew non stop for a fortnight. Would go back tomorrow. The Skye bridge was closed on and off. ww
  21. A Big Gale. - just passed nr to Beccles, a bit of nothing really, think we have been lucky Let us hope Kate is the same.
  22. I looked on Craig's site but still cannot find her. What is her correct name. Plenty of Goose names but not a Bounty.
  23. A warm welcome from myself as well.
  24. Well TheQ we all know where to come for our pickles onions then. I am assuming you pickled the lot. Did you have a good cry. They will certainly clear the sinuses if you have had them for that long. My Nan used to bottle huge jars (like a demi john type ) and they stood very proudly in the scullery as she used to call it, until Christmas each year. Lovely with some good Cheddar. Edited to say - you are a card MM
  25. The only trouble with buying a bottle here and there - for Christmas - somehow they seem to get drunk well before Christmas. I now buy the week before. No good hiding either because there isnt a lot of hiding spots in a bungalow.
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